
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Guide of Cups and Being Led By the Love of Spirit

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014.  A decent night’s sleep with a couple of wake-ups through the night and awaking 10 or 15 minutes before the alarm.  I think I even had warm-hearted and touching dreams as I awoke feeling like I was a very helpful person through the night and wanted to continue with my helping attitude and ways throughout the day.  This thought crossed my mind several times as I went about my work day.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart.  Altruism.”

I long to be a helper and as I move toward my goal of setting my own business I shall do my best by the divine touch of grace to help as many people as I can without burning myself out in the process.  This has all been taking root, sprout, growing and blossoming in my life over the past month or so.  Last night as I sat here writing I remembered how I was approached by so many people throughout my early years as they longed to heard and I lent them my ear as they all deserved to have someone listen.  Many times this is all that is required—a willing ear.

As far back as I can remember I’ve longed to help people and now after all these years I am left wondering why I did not get into a helping profession.  But no regrets, blame, or worry as I’m doing it now, thanks to the divine touch of grace and the strong everlasting presence of Spirit in my life.

Offer an open heart, an open mind and two ears willing to listen and let someone tell you their story.  Simply listen, don’t pass judgment and let them speak until they are left without words to carry on.  You don’t have to believe everything they are telling you but be kind and keep your emotions and attitude in check.  Let your heart, let Spirit guide you and you will do all right.

I’ve found my purpose…

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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