
Saturday, June 7, 2014

The King of Wands, 0 The Fool, and XIX The Sun - What a Day!

Saturday, June 7th, 2014.  I slept very well last night.  My whole mind, body, and spirit were quite relaxed and rested very well even if I opened my eyes to a clock face showing that it was only 6:00am.  Since the morning was bright and beckoning me to hop on out of bed I quietly slipped out of the bedroom and here I am.

It’s 7:37am and I’ve already lit a candle, some incense and worked with Tarot and Spirit as well as get some scones made.  Well, the dough is actually chilling in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes.  In another five minutes I turn on the oven and get those scones baked for breakfast.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “King of Wands”.  I’ve learned from my mistakes and using the insight gained from learning from those mistakes combined with my charisma and natural talents I’m moving forward with and to my goals and dreams.  This card is about going out and doing your own thing.  As long as you change course so you do not make the same mistakes twice and view yourself from a larger maybe slightly tainted perspective the path should be clear and fairly straight forward to follow.

And “0 The Fool” is asking us to take a leap of faith and get over the fear of making a choice.  The key message here is to at least try.  If we fail, then at least we can be happy that we tried and we may even further insight on how better to move forward with our plans.

The overall energy around today is very good as “XIX The Sun”  is here to signify success and happiness as it turns the light on so to speak so our thoughts are positive and light the way to how we can achieve our dreams and goals.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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