
Saturday, June 28, 2014

The 3 of Swords Tempered by the 7 of Cups

Saturday, June 28th, 2014.  A decent night’s sleep and it is all related to it being the weekend.  This is the first job I’ve had that I lose sleep over on a nightly basis.  I’ve never felt so wound over a job as I do with this one.  My work days are quite intense really and I do feel a lot of pressure about doing it right.  I’m never relaxed during the week although as Wednesday roles around I feel a little more at realizing that the weekend is near and I have a couple of days to relax and recover before the next intense work week starts.

However, as I mentioned I had a decent night’s sleep even though I awoke for a spell around 3:00am.  I slept in until after 7:00am so I’m quite happy with myself and after getting the coffee going this morning I sat on the sofa and relaxed and somewhat meditated while holding an Amethyst Crystal Ball.  I had to force myself to relax though as I put self-imposed pressure on myself that I needed to feel something.  Once I got over that I did indeed feel the pulsating energy of the amethyst in the palm of each hand and more clear  and relaxed thoughts filled my mind.

Thank you Spirit.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot Card, from my “Whimsical” deck is the “3 of Swords: You misinterpret another's intentions.  This could be a time of regret or separation, so keep your chin up and look for the light at the end of the tunnel.  Don’t let nervousness or worry cloud clear thinking and action.  When reversed: Progress is sluggish; delays are inevitable.  Are you looking at things honestly?  Find ways to take control of the situation.”

This morning I feel that the “3 of Swords” is being tempered by the “7 of Cups: Truth is soon revealed.  Act kindly and calmly.  This is no time to lose your cool.  Re-evaluate matters and set some long-laid plans in motion.  Call an old lover just to say you’re a better person for having known him or her.  When reversed: Make sure you’re speaking clearly; high-strung emotions could cloud your message.  You have very little patience just now.  Try to relax.  Let go of all your worries.”
The messaging is clear—do not make assumptions or too quickly jump to conclusions; keep emotions in check and rely more on logic and reason to sort the through the muddle of emotions that may be occupying our minds today.  Our minds and thoughts are powerful and powerful enough to weave stories together out of nothing making them sound unbelievably true when however, they are not.  Patience is all the more important when we awake to such a day and we must act coolly and responsibly and keep our focus on things that matter most—our loved ones, family, and friends as well as our long-term goals.

We must collect our thoughts and find ways to take a few baby steps today and see a little progress in the projects that we are working on that may have been delayed by work or other matters that also demand our attention.

For instance, I’m patiently waiting to see the results of my submissions for a website and how I want it to look in relation to how the website put my ideas together in design and layout.  I’ also want to see progress on my model railroad.  However, I must make progress happen by finding projects that I can work on in order to move both of the projects forward.  In addition, I must also make a few phone calls and invite people to a 50th birthday party for my brother next month.

Much to do and only so many hours in a day.  However, if we take each of these competing needs and break them down into step-by-step projects we can make progress on each and feel a sense of accomplishment in what we desire and need to do this day and each day moving forward.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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