
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

III The Protector and Nurturing My Own Life and Ideas

Another slow yet productive day was had by me yesterday.  I accomplished a little bit, came home to clean house and get ready to host a friend only to have those plans fall through.  But other friends invited us out for a walk along the quay so we had an enjoyable evening with different friends’ none-the-less.  Thank You Spirit.

I also read a very fitting and timely quote from Buddha last night as I was flipping through twitter and came upon a tweet from “@ShareAwakening:

“You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself – Buddha”

I love this quote and feel that I was meant to read it and adopt such a philosophy into my life so I can become all that I wish to become.  I’ve become the path I wish to travel.  I am the path I wish to travel.  Yes, indeed.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s Tarot is “III The Protector: Nurturing others is good practice for nurturing oneself.  Parental instincts.  Maintaining a home or a positive environment.  Bringing a project to fruition.”

“III The Protector” is a very appropriate card to see today and attunes nicely to Buddha’s quote.  I need to nurture and celebrate my life and my ideas by becoming the life I wish to live and lead and the ideas I wish to bring to life.  I honour and attune to my life and I honour and attune to my ideas.  I also honour and attune to the path I wish to travel.  I bring life and love with me everywhere I go.  I am life and love.  We all are life and love if we simply allow ourselves to be.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The 8 of Cups and Moving On

Yesterday, I allowed myself to get a bit flustered and had a difficult time getting calm and back into a right frame of mind.  I was trying to do some precision work in cutting and fitting trim for my RV properly but was having a hard time doing it.  I eventually had to call it a day and come back home.  I was in no mood to do any kind of detailed work yesterday.  But thankfully, what I did do looks pretty darned good, likely even better when I paint it and it better matches the colour of the RV.

I learned from the experience though.  I need to remind myself that I’m not in a rush and need to slow down, take a break, calm my nerves, attune with Spirit and then proceed with what I have to do.  Attuning with Spirit always works and sometimes yields creative insight and ideas.

Thank You Spirit.

Today is a new day, the Sun is shining and the air is warm and inviting.  Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Cups: Farewell.  Moving on.  Leaving behind a person, situation, or a part of yourself.”

Change, another card indicating change—am I being too stubborn and ignoring the signs to change, move on, or even change direction?  Perhaps!  But at the same time I’m trying to accomplish something but then again maybe I’m trying too hard.  I like what I doing and learning from remodeling and repairing my RV.  I feel like I’m growing up both as a person and in Spirit.  I’m maturing and gaining a better understanding of who I am, what my purpose is and what my presence in life means not to just me but to all those I interact with whether it is a brief encounter or a lifelong friendship.  This can also be what the 8 of Cups represents for me today, awaking from living a dream for too long, finding deeper truth and meaning to life, to my life…

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Youth of Cups and an Emotionally Driven Opportunity

Another fairly quiet day for us yesterday as we did a quick grocery run, a short meander along the river before a quick haircut for me and a jaunt to the airport to pick up a friend so he didn’t have to taxi or transit his way home.  Before taking him home we had an early dinner at All India Sweets, one our once or twice visits to this restaurant.  After dropping our friend off we came home and lazed the remainder of our evening away until it was time to crawl into bed.

Another great morning greets me as I awake from my slumber, another fine day here in New Westminster and another day of getting one step closer to living life on the road.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Cups: Youthful emotions.  Daydreaming.  Shyness.”
Love is in the air.  Or maybe an emotional tug on my heartstrings creates an opening for a great chance that I can take advantage of.  I hate to use that word “advantage” as I’d rather use a different word or phrase such as “be a part of” or “allow into my life”.  Anyway I will be open to an emotional tug at my heartstrings that may provide me with an opportunity to spread my wings.  Haha…that’s better; spread my wings through a new opportunity brought on by an emotional encounter.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The 7 of Wands, Courage, Convictions and Facing Challenges

We decided to head into downtown Vancouver for a quick urban outing and wondered around not quite aimlessly but without any agenda in mind.  We window shopped, people watched, had lunch , and walked along the water as we made our way to a transit stop for our trip back home.  On our walk we stopped for an afternoon jolt of coffee-two iced lattes and simply enjoyed.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A Quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”

The struggle I see myself is with me as I’m allowing myself to be pulled in two different directions with the desires and obligations that I have or simply feel that I have.  I am convinced that living a nomadic life is the right choice for however I am also attached to the life I’m living now.  At the same time though I do not like to be tied down and stationary as I like to be on the move and have different view out my window as often as I can.  This is why I plunged into buying an RV without knowing when, how of if I’d ever use it.  An RV offers mobility and as well as permanent home in which to live where I can be as mobile or as stationary as I like.

I already know the choice I should be making and that I do in fact need to make a choice but am kind of stuck in limbo as to whether or not it is the right decision to be making and whether or know it is the right time to making it.  Having said this I also know that the right time will never arrive and that the right time is the time I make the decision.-all too confusing but also makes a lot of sense.

I must hesitate nor give up...

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

XVI Revelation and Change No Matter What-Accept It!

I had a job interview yesterday at a winery located in Richmond.  The winery is large and beautiful and very well organized.  They cater to tours that can be quite small of fairly large and it is mostly to an Asian consumer.  I believe that the interview went well but will have to wait and see if I get a call or an email from them.

In having mentioned the job interview, I must admit that my biggest desire and career goal is be a modern day nomad-Spiritualist, Ventriloquist, and Rver, all rolled into one “me”.

After the job interview I decided to spend an hour two at the RV trying to get more of the trim put on but the remaining battery for my drill quickly lost its charge and I barely got the first and only piece of trim up that I was working on.  This was likely a good thing as I could have spent up until 9pm working on the RV as the lot is open late three days a week with Friday being one of those days.  I also think Sunday and Monday also have the 9pm closing time.  I quickly lose track of time a the RV as I’m so comfortable being with my RV that it suddenly becomes the only home I think about or seemingly have.  Thank You Spirit.

The day was a quiet one after I got back home and I quickly found myself struggling to stay awake.  Sleep was really wanting to overpower me and this was at three in the afternoon.  It was not until about 8pm where I found myself more awake than tired.  Even an afternoon coffee drink did not provide enough of a jolt to make me feel awake.  I slept well though and should have stayed in bed longer but I opened my eyes to a bright welcoming morning and got up.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XVI Revelation: While it is usually best to tell the truth about yourself to those who are close to you, it can be a painful experience.  A necessary destruction of the status quo.  Having to tell someone an unwelcome truth.  A new idea which upsets others.”

This card along with yesterday’s as well as the previous two days strongly indicates that change is afoot in my life and that I must try to see the positives in/with this change and do my best to welcome it and embrace it even though it could initially prove to be a painful experience.  I believe this is coming about because I’ve failed to act, to make a decision and set it in motion and I’m still sitting on the fence when I should be well underway in experiencing what making such a decision would have entailed.

I’m working hard on in getting ready to make a decision and feel that I’m leaning more one way than the other but I still feel I need to prepare a little more before jumping off the fence so-to-speak.  But I will be open and receptive to the change that is coming and maybe it’s something that’s not even on my radar.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, July 26, 2013

XIII Death-Doors Closing and Opening

Another ball of fire in the sky day today.  I think we are on day 29 or 30 of dry weather and mostly sunny skies.  The record dry spy is somewhere of fifty days, I think.  It is quite hot and working out in the sun is a challenge.  I spent the good part yesterday out under the Sun and it wears me down quite quickly but I’m getting smart ad taking plenty of re-hydration breaks and taking cover from the blazing heat of the sun.  My RV is coming along quite nicely and yesterday I successfully applied a new sealant and got started on the trim.  Although, I may need to remove a piece of trim and re-apply it so it follows the existing lines of the RV.  The only problem being that I was overly ambitious and filled in the over the screws with a spackling compound-OOPS!  But I’ll leave that for now I think and get the rest of the trim in place so the RV looks more finished.

Thank You Spirit.

Working on the RV has taught me how to be patient and thoughtful in the sense of giving lots of thought to the process of fixing up the RV and what it means to me.  With the RV pretty much cleaned out and in a more liveable condition I’m taking more pride in my ownership of her and wanting to do what I can to give her a new and extended life on the road.  The energy of my RV has also changed and has become more comfortable and inviting, I would say that being inside my RV is like finding my own little oasis ,a comfortable and serene environment that brings me a sense of peace and fills my heart and soul with a calming spirit of love and happiness.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XIII Death: Endings are beginnings.  A phase of life is over.  Allowing time to mourn.  A part of yourself has outlived its usefulness.”

Change is afoot and do I allow and welcome this change or do I resist it?  A period of transition is upon me.  The suggestion is to accept change and ride my fate to see where it takes me so this is exactly what I plan to do-one door closes so another can open.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

XV Self-Hatred and Being and Staying True to Yuorself

A cool morning bathed in brilliant sunshine, the day will be another hot one.  I awoke in a weird sort of way as someone else in the household needed to awake early as well for an early commitment to their day.  However, my morning is coming along quite nicely.

Yesterday started with a slight sense of dread and an almost unwillingness to want to let the day even start but that was soon replaced by not a sigh of relief but rather a sense of knowing that I should know better and keep the faith.  I started, drove, washed, and re-parked my RV without a problem.  In fact, I was almost tempted to drive her out of the lot but having her without her make-up on I thought the better of it and got her parked and ready for a new coat of make-up.  I adding new sealant and trim to the RV and should provide a picture of my cute, little RV when I get her back together again.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XV Self-Hatred: The trap to avoid for all minorities.  Unconsciously accepting societal norms.  Low self-esteem".

I did a bit of research with other Tarot books but feel that they were off the mark in the feeling s this card brought to the surface with his appearance.  Last night I was reading a blog, one of my favourites and the author was writing some very insightful things that struck to my very core, my Spirit, my heart and soul.  And today’s card has simply re-affirmed what I read about last night, what transpired in my dreams last night and the feelings and thoughts I awoke to this morning.  Thank You Spirit.

I need to really and truly believe in myself and keep the faith that I am on the right track and have what it takes to successfully live a life on the road…to pursue and live the life of my dreams.  I need to break free of the chains that tie me to a life that is not my truth, not of my making but rather one that serves to keep me from fulfilling my deepest aspirations and dreams.  I matter and my life matters and I have a place and purpose in life…I make a difference and my presence is felt by those around me.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

VII The Chariot and a Healthy Ego

Another wonderful day welcomes me out of my slumber-the Sun is shining brightly and nature is in all her glory.  Thank You Spirit.

I had a good day yesterday even though I had to create a bit of a mess in order to fix and make something look better than it was.  I’m speaking of my RV of course, such a great learning experience in the sense of gaining knowledge and talents I didn’t have before as well as Spiritually where I’m becoming a much stronger Spiritual person and more focused on Spirit as a whole rather than just myself.  But it was much too hot to work too far into the afternoon so I quit working on the RV around 2pm and came home.

With the air conditioner turned on I enjoyed a late afternoon of relaxation and Spiritual connectedness.  This became a quiet evening that included a walk along the river again-a beautiful evening for it.  Again, Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VII The Chariot: Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one’s. Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely).”

I also read that this card also represents a healthy ego-where strength and self-assuredness make for a winning effort when tied to concentration and faith in your abilities.  So with this in mind I will release my healthy ego and let it rule the day.  I see my goal is at hand and very much within my grasp, a little bit more time and effort and I shall no I am in fact already living some of my dream to a degree so just plod along I will to continue living my dream life.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

5 of Wands and Possibly Minor Inconveniences Require the Most Patience

After acknowledging yesterday morning that it was a Full Moon I missed it.  I had such a good day and a relaxing evening that when tiredness crept over me I simply crawled into bed, then crawled back out of bed to grab my bowl of assorted crystals and placed them on the bedside table.  I sleep better with the crystals.  However I think through my faint recollection of my dreams I did honour the Full Moon in a subconscious and very spiritual way as I slept.  Thank You Spirit.

I’m working toward a goal of living life on the road and yesterday was the day I had booked for junk removal so I could discard all of the “debris” I’ve collected over the last few years I’ve been remodeling my RV.  I was kind of dreading the whole affair but it was a great experience.  I called two outfits, the first guy pretty much laughed in my face however Joey took me seriously and came on time, was very friendly, polite, and courteous.  If you need junk removed I’d recommend Joey from Joey’s Junk.

The RV looks fantastic now and this is even with the few remaining pieces of lumber I still have kicking around to use in a few more areas of my remodel work, none of which should produce a large amount of debris.  Thank goodness!

I’m getting close and can see the light at the end of the tunnel so-to-speak.  My dream of living life on the road is close at hand, might not be easy but it’s the life I feel I need to finally live at this moment in time.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle.  Competition in the marketplace.”

Today could be one of those days where nothing seems to go right so I’ll need to check myself and make sure I remember to be calm, patient and relaxed.  Relax, keep calm and do not let minor inconveniences blow out of proportion.  Go with the flow.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, July 22, 2013

XVIII The Moon, the Unknown and the Unusual

Enjoy the Full Moon tonight, may she guide us into the unknown so we can allow the unusual into our lives.

Yesterday we delivered a friend to the airport so he can fly out of country for a family gathering.  On our way we stopped for breakfast as well as a visit to a Buddhist temple so we could catch up and allow him to pay his respects.  The temple was full of great energy and a great vibe-very peaceful, calm, and serene.  After the drop-off at the airport we found ourselves at the beach where we spent a few hours enjoying the surf and sun but not the oh, ouch, much too hot sand.

I studied Tarot which a beach neighbour noticed and struck up conversation with me for a few minutes and with me being the shy one I was a bit embarrassed but he had great energy so it was all well and good.  On our way home from the beach we stopped for pizza and groceries before relaxing at home the rest of the afternoon and evening.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XVIII The Moon: Sexuality pulls us into a different, non-rational world which is sometimes frightening, always creative.  A sense of mystery.  Creative ideas which gestate in the subconscious.  Sexuality or sex".

I do not fear the Moon and do not feel like I’m lost or chasing an illusion.  I instead feel like I’m finding my way and my clarity of purpose in pursuing a lifestyle choice that grabbed my attention more than twenty years ago.  This time of part-time work and employment insurance benefits is a great learning experience for me and has allowed me to finally grab hold of and take responsibility for my own life.  I feel much stronger and more independent than I have ever before and this with little income coming in and a very competitive job market-time for me to really strike out on my own and stand and support myself with my own two feet.

It's time time we let our creative ideas surface into reality and influence the world.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Man of Cups and Taking Off My Mask

Another beautiful day welcomes me from my slumber.  The day is bright and full of life as Spirit intended it to be.  Thank You Spirit.

We had a lazy day yesterday and I spent most of my time on the sofa, daydreaming perhaps yet trying to plan or maybe even divine or perhaps even create my future.  We made it out for a nice afternoon walk and iced mocha as we strolled along the quay, a great lazy walk along the river as ventured to and from home.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Man of Cups: An emotional adventurer.  Tendency to want to emotionally rescue others.  Drawn to emotional crises.”

I need to be more romantic, imaginative, sensitive, refined, and introspective.  I need to allow the world of romance and beauty to blossom in my heart and soul and become a real and true part of who I am.  I need to tap into and revel in the poetry of life.  I need to change and end my deception, take off my mask and uncover my misleading appearance so that all the world can finally see the face behind the mask—me!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The 4 of Coins and Accepting Needed Change

Good Morning.  What a pleasant day that has welcomed me out of bed.  The sun is shining and nature is in all her glory.  Thank You Spirit.

Yesterday was a home chore and beach day.  I painted another small section of the white baseboard trim so it again looks white and I have just a couple of more small sections to go and I’ll be done with this chore and ready to move onto the next.  Around 3 o’clock we headed off to the beach about an hour’s drive away from home but oh, so much worth the effort.  We spent a couple of hours at the beach before heading home albeit not before a pit stop to grab a bite for dinner-Taco Del Mar was our choice in beautiful Uptown New Westminster as it s warmly known as.

Then we had a quiet evening at home-reading and catching up with ourselves and what we each like to do before heading off to bed and a peaceful night of deep sleep and pleasant dreams.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Coins: he Lighting Director.  A position of power.  Wanting to control how others perceive things.”

This card is about possessiveness and control and not only of other people but ourselves.  Am I being stubborn and resistant to needed change in my life?  Is my ego trying to keep my tied to the status quo?  Well, if it is I’m going to resist his attempts to keep me at odds with the currents of change and instead allow myself to ride those currents and go with the flow of change my life is seeking.  I need to really know and understand who I am and take my life in the direction that best suits my true identity.

Yes, today is about meditation and self-discovery.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, July 19, 2013

VI The Lovers and Contrary Paths

Fretting and worrying over things kept me awake for a few hours last night.  Fretting and worry that have long since vanished instead being replaced by living and standing by and behind my “right” decisions, that is decisions that are right for me.  I think this new frame of mind has a lot to do with today’s visiting Tarot Card along with the fact that I’m comfortable with my ideas and in wanting to live a nomadic lifestyle.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility"

I always view this card as dealing with people however this may not always be the case as this card can and most likely does in my case represent either ideas, events, movements, or groups, or for that matter of these as well as a person or two.  My ideas do not jive well with what is expected of people and what is deemed to be the right and proper way to live one’s life and his or her contribution to society.  I want to follow a different path, a path filled with risk and not much else if you perceive it that way.  I like to see all of the possibilities, good and bad and focus on the good knowing all too well that I’ll have many bumps along the way.

A new approach I will be taking is to focus on developing my existing website, so that it is operational enough to provide me with the opportunity to do business with people interested in my handcrafted greeting cards.  I’ll study how to get it up and running and get it up as soon as I can.  At the same time I will add another website or even possibly pin it to this one.  I need to get moving on this along with the work I’m doing on my RV.  At night I usually sit and do a whole lot of nothing or simply engage in wishful thinking instead of doing something to change my circumstance(s).

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

"0 The Fool" and Being a Non-Conformist

Another great to awake to although I seemed to up and out of bed my eyes did not want to open and take in the view out the window; they were still in sleep mode I guess.

Yesterday was another good day with lots of learning and activity where the plans I thought I had about what I was going to do turn into doing the work but not in the way I imagined.  I heeded the thought of going to my RV before the store to confirm measurements and get a better idea of my overall plan but when I got to the RV and cleaned out the area I chose to work on my plans changed.  Paying attention to and respecting my intuition paid off in a better idea and a better result.

Then it was off to celebrate my brother’s birthday last night, we moseyed on over to North Vancouver to pick up a friend and the go out for sushi and ice cream before returning home.  It was great way to spend the evening.
Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “0 The Fool: Accepting and exploring one's sexual identity is a journey of self-discovery.  Beginning a new and exciting venture.  Going beyond the limits of social convention.  A nonconformist."

This card is about keeping life always fresh so it is filled with a sense of adventure, wonder, and personal growth.  A reminder to be faithful to myself, trust my natural responses, believe in myself and follow my heart no matter how crazy or foolish my impulses may be.  I need to for it and see it all the way through.  I need to complete my foolish journey no matter what people may think of me as it is my adventure and my life to live.  Besides, I’m being careful, not risking my life and taking what I see as a calculated risk.  The odds may lean against me but I’ve to go for it none-the-less.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sage of Wands and Being Bold and Daring

Happy Birthday Brother.

I continue to learn and grow and trust in Spirit and the influence of intuition and the energy that flows in and around and through each and every one of us.  I am see, feel and sense the Divine Presence all around me and in my houseplants, books, crafts and all of nature that graces our city including the spiders that have taken residence on our deck.  Thank You Spirit.

Although, my activity at my RV yesterday may have seemed to have not been much of an accomplishment I accomplished plenty in terms of learning and Spiritual growth as I allowed myself to simply be and absorb and interact with the energy flowing around and through me.  For the first time in a long time I simply sat and sat comfortably in a chair and enjoyed being home.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Wands: Wanting to change the world.  Changing your environment by winning others over to your viewpoint.  Critical acclaim.  Politics.”

As I was awaking from my slumber I was contemplating and almost resigning myself to the idea of finally applying for jobs and in a sense giving up on my dreams of life in an RV.  I’m trying my best fix up the RV so I can take up residence in a home where my heart and soul wish to be but at the same time I’m taking time away from developing a website that will connect me with the rest of the world and provide the world with a glimpse of what I have to offer—handcrafted greeting cards and bracelets, knitted items, ventriloquism, a mystery hobby, Tarot, Mystical Research, and Metaphysical Science and whatever other talents may come of use while on the road.

In having given serious thought to working for someone else the Sage of Wands pays me a visit.  He is reminding to be bold and daring, to believe in and have the courage of my convictions as well as to believe in myself.  I need to harness the energy I once had that gave me the assurance to take risks and win.  I need to understand and appreciate and know with unflinching courage and conviction that I’m already on the path I wish to lead and I must not allow doubt(s) to creep in and take hold as I am forging my own path and doing so with much power and energy with me every step of the way.

I Believe.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

XXI The World and Working Toward my Goals

Thank You Spirit for another lovely morning that greets me as I awake from my slumber.  A fine day it looks to be indeed!

I had another successful day however it seemed surreal in a way, not sure how to explain it but I did some work at my RV but it seemed a bit unreal in a sense.  Just one of those days.  However, I liked the results that I achieved albeit I should not have rushed the job so much.  I’ll take another look at it today to see what it looks like the day after.  I can always redo what is seen on the surface as this is the trim piece and I do want it to look good after all.

Oh, I rebuilt a portion of the skirting on the RV around the back tire and then put it all back together.  This experience with my RV has been a real learning experience for me and spiritually enriching as well.  I’m becoming a better person as a result.  Growth in my knowledge of my RV and how to take care of and maintain it and growing and learning my place in the world.  I’m learning patience and hard work.  I’m learning how to work on my own, how to trust myself and in my abilities, I’m learning to look beyond the immediate and grasp the whole picture, I’m learning how to think outside the box.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XXI The World: Life can be a heavy burden or a joyful one, it is mostly up to you.  Transcending your circumstances by changing them, or accepting what can’t be changed.”

I have goals and I’m successfully working toward them, I’m moving in the right direction to realize my heart’s desire.  I’m doing my best to be a part of this world and to hold the world in my hands through active contribution and service.  I’m overcoming negative thoughts and patterns and promoting love, compassion, caring, and kindness with my thoughts and actions.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, July 15, 2013

6 of Swords Change

Another weekend of activity is behind us and a new week unfolds before us.  The sun is shining and summer is indeed in full swing.

Yesterday afternoon we enjoyed the company of friends at a friend’s birthday party.  A small simple gathering of people who made the afternoon a pleasurable one.  Good conversation was intermingled with good food and drink as the hours ticked by, a sense of timelessness enveloped the day.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery.  Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds.  Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution to emerge.”
I think this card for me has more to do with travel and a change of location and scenery but likely first and foremost a change from one frame of mind to another.  I feel that I’m undergoing a serious change/transformation of Spirit, Mind, and Identity.  Not the midlife crisis sort of event but rather a change garnered through enlightenment.  I’ve finely opened myself up, allowed myself to be receptive to, a receptacle for Spiritual Knowledge, Renewal, and Transformation.  I’m not so much as thinking as simply knowing or intuiting the thoughts and ideas that flow through and in and around my mind.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Man of Swords and Being Thorough

The Sun is out again providing us with great incentive to awaken from our slumber.  Not many birds are singing or conversing this morning other than the cawing of the crows but that’s not so bad either—Nature in all her glory!

Yesterday we made it out for a bike ride.  We drove to Tynehead Regional Park and rode a fairly easy 5 kilometre (about 3 miles) paved trail, our route took us uphill for a portion of it so we did get some good exercise in.  The bike ride was enjoyable and took us through forest and meadow before returning us back to our starting point.

Getting the bikes back onto the bike rack had one of my fingers and one of our bikes meet in the most inappropriate of ways.  I simply shook off or tried to shake off the sting of this painful meeting but my finger continued to hurt.  Just as I was about to get back into securing the bikes on the rack I decided to take a look at my finger.  Remember this happened in seconds, very quickly and we trying to get and secure our bikes onto the bike rack.  So when I looked at my finger I was shocked to find part of fingernail torn away, not fully off and blood seeping from the wound—OUCH!  I shouldn’t have looked…but we simply wrapped my finger is some tissues and we set out for home.  A rinse of water and antiseptic, a bandage and I was good to go.

Thank You Spirit.

We had lunch at Re-up BBQ at the River Market then took a stroll along the quay before returning to the market and having gelato at Tre Galli and then heading home.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Man of Swords: A rational, scientific approach.  A thorough investigation.”

Or as I put it, being perceptive, looking beyond the obvious, taking a look behind the scenes, being thorough and leaving nothing to chance.  Peeling the layers off to get at the core or root of the problem, situation or circumstance, getting to the heart of the matter is most beneficial to overcoming, solving, healing or transcending the matter at hand.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The 3 0f Cups and High Spirits

Another great morning greets me as I awake from my slumber and start my day.  It’s a bit later than I usually get up however the odd bird is still serenading this wonderful morning.

Yesterday was a quiet day at home with nothing on the agenda.  We both went out to our respective gyms before returning home for lunch and then later we went out for an afternoon coffee before returning back home and lazing the remainder of the day away.  I actually read the Science of Mind magazine I picked up as well as one of my favourite blogs-very educational and in fact reading the magazine was like getting together and conversing with friends.  Thank You Spirit.

Before I get to today’s Tarot Card I must state here the fact is not lost on me that it is the polar opposite of yesterday’s card so with this statement out of the way, today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Cups: A Good Time.  Happy, comfortable times together.  Quiet enjoyment. Celebration.”

Also joy and high spirits; conclusion and healing; a happy ending to problems; great fulfillment and joy but guard against selfishness and superficiality.  This card represents a the turning over to a new page in my life, of having learned hard lessons, and undergoing real change that must be deep and sincere and for all the right reasons.  Reading the magazine and blog that I did yesterday provided me with great insights and ideas in and on how to move forward in life and with my life.  Guidelines and maps for the way forward have been laid out before me, trails to follow with enough flexibility built in to allow for detours along the way.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, July 12, 2013

3 of Swords, A Curve-Ball, and Being Aware

Another beautiful greets me as I awake from my slumber.  Birds are singing as the Sun brightens and warms this new day.  Other than the constant barrage of construction noise this morning is perfect.

Yesterday started off with nervous tension as I was reluctant to bring a dead starting battery in to get tested and for the 45 minutes or so that I waited I was in a state of dread.  Why?  I have no idea as the experience was a good one and I walked out of Wal-mart with a brand new battery free of charge as the old one had a dead cell and I was covered by a replacement warranty.  Then I headed to the RV and piddled around for awhile and then a project I was also dreading just had to get worked on as I’ve been bothered by the loose and dangling screws for the past month or more so with a deep breath I plunged into the project expecting the worst and it’s not as bad as I expected.  The old rotten wood is removed; a new replacement piece is built with a first coat of paint and ready for installation as soon as it is finished.  In addition to this I will likely add a thin piece of plywood and/or foam insulation.  The only bad thing about this is that I rushed little early on in the process and I cracked the fibreglass panel.  But overall, I’m happy as I’m learning and perfecting my knowledge and repair of my RV.  Heck I’m even looking at a engine maintenance manual that covers the overhaul of the RV’s engine and related components.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Swords: The Wreckage.  Feeling heavy-hearted after an emotional storm.  Feeling hurt or betrayed.”

Okay, so another curve ball may be coming my way.  I’m don’t think I’m sensing anything or at least I’m not consciously aware of or acknowledging it at this time.  Hhhmmm. when I looked at a certain email a knot formed in my gut and the same thing just happened when I thought of this, could be related.  I trust in Spirit and will go with the flow as best I can.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The 10 of Swords and Change

I had an enjoyable day yesterday cleaning and organizing my RV as best I can considering the amount of stuff I have inside her.  A couple of more projects have been added to my list of things to do however I am not dissuaded by them.  The other day I called a junk removal company to inquire about getting them to come and haul away the debris I’ve created since remodeling the RV and they were too busy to talk then but kind of chuckled and never called me back within the ten minutes he claimed he would—very poor customer service.  I’ll call another outfit today and see if I have better luck with them.  I guess mentioning an RV and junk is kind of funny in a way…Thank You Spirit.

We went to a friend’s for dinner last night and had a thoroughly good time.  The conversations were uplifting and funny, the food fantastic, and the company the best ever.  We left with our tummies aching and ready to burst from so much laughing and too much food as well joyful hearts from being part of a great evening and a great group of friends.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Swords: You Choose the Script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Hysterical overreaction."

I need to go through a real process of change instead of a simple surface change where I think of changing but don’t push or process change deep within the core of my being.  When I’m here at the condo just relaxing or going about the day or when I’m lying in bed I start to fret about the RV and all that stuff that still needs to be fixed.  However, when I’m at the RV, it just feels right to be piddling along and tackling one project at a time.  In the RV I know without a doubt she is my home away from home, my home sweet home and fixing her is the right thing to do.

Spiritually speaking I need to undergo a deeper change within myself so that I can be a fully Spiritual person capable of handling or dealing with everything that comes into my life.  In fact I need to create and develop a Spiritual enterprise that I can take on the road with me so I can put to use the education I acquired through two years of long distance learning through a university located in Sedona, Arizona.  This is what I think is driving me to get my RV out on the road.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

IV The Emperor, Organization, and Change

Change is slow and I’m slow at changing but I’m learning the lessons Spirit has for me and this is a good thing.

Thank You Spirit.

Yesterday was another casual day where I did a bit of this and a bit of that.  I cut out a new window panel for our air conditioners intake and exhaust pipes as the acrylic one cracked thanks to me.  I need to do a little bit more with it so it is more securely fastened to the window frame without to adding any holes to the existing window and framing structure.  I’ll likely also add some bracing so the panel does not bow out like it does from the weight of the two pipes.

I piddled around the RV doing a whole lot of nothing but I was simply glad to be there.  I have many projects to do but I’m happy to have the opportunity to do them even if they are a bit of a headache to have to deal with—lessons that need to be learned…

Thank You Spirit.

Last night I dreamed about Good Housekeeping magazine and several days ago I dreamed about another magazine, the title of which I cannot remember.  Magazines, songs, snippets of ads have all been in my dreams these past couple of weeks.  Intriguing…

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “IV The Emperor: Sometimes one must be a benevolent despot.  Organization.  Taking charge.  An authority figure.  Utilizing discipline to provide a structure for creativity.”

Discipline and organization are what I need to keep top of mind these days.  I have many things I want to do, choices that I wish to make, changes that I want to undertake however they are fleeting and always one step ahead of me because I lack the discipline and organization needed to get me to where I want to be going.  Oh the big one though is that I, myself need to change…

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Guide of Cups and Seeing the World with More than Just Our Eyes

Another fairly quiet day yesterday.  I made it to the gym and the RV before returning home to take care of some home chores.  We had an after dinner walk and picked up a jug of milk along the way.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Coins: Messages from your heart.  Altruism.”

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my own life however I’m also deeply driven by how I can improve the life of my partner and then what my presence can do to and how my talents can help those around me.  Traveling at least part time in the RV will give my partner space and a time-out from me.  In addition, I can bring an energy of peace, calm, harmony and love to wherever I travel through my talents-cards, beads, ventriloquism, and my yet to be mentioned hobby I hope to bring out on the road with me.

In a sense we must see and feel the world with our hearts and intuition today.

This is my thinking.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, July 8, 2013

XI Strength, The Inner Strength Needed |To Overcome

We spent another day with friends.  We enjoyed brunch, a movie, conversation, and enjoyable afternoon walk before returning home mid-evening for a later dinner and a bit of relaxation for bed.  The movie we checked is by Pedro Almodovar, "Los amantes pasajeros" (I’m So Excited).  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”

This is inner strength represented by perseverance, courage, resolve, composure, and patience, and compassion.  This card is a reminder not to despair or give up.  I have a challenge in front of me and I simply need to be patient in working through it.  I can endure and triumph if I have and give what is takes to see myself through.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Man of Coins, Hard Work and Believing in Myself

Another beautiful day is upon us.  The temperatures are warm enough to get outside and enjoy yet not so hot that is unbearable to be inside.  Yesterday, we attended a luncheon reception with/for some friends who were married back in May as they were married out of town and not everyone could attend so this was their way of including everyone in their nuptials.  It was an enjoyable lunch and afternoon.

Then we quickly shopped for a few last minute dinner items as we were hosting another friend for dinner-another pleasant meal and conversation with a good friend.  Then we had a bit of time to relax before bed.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Man of Coins: Responsible and hard-working.  Dependable.”

Yes, I'm adopting these traits in pursuit of my dreams and goals.  I’m going to work up a sweat and get the job done.  I’m going to be as persistent as I can be and not give in to giving up.  I am determined to see this through and give this dream of mine a real and honest chance by believing not only in the dream but in myself and my pursuit of it.  I’m going to be prudent with my finances as I have only a limited income coming in that barely covers my financial responsibilities.  I am going to give of myself through my talents, dreams, and goals as this life is about more than me, I’m only one small part of it.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

XXI The World

Had another fairly quiet day yesterday other than meeting some friends for dinner and drinks we pretty or I pretty much lazed the day away.  Actually, I did a lot of study and contemplation and learned quite a bit about yesterday’s card, “I The Magician” and myself.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XXI The World: Life can be a heavy burden or a joyful one, it is mostly up to you.  Transcending your circumstances by changing them, or accepting what can’t be changed.”

I must finish what I started and give of myself through contribution and service to the world in order to avoid failure and thereby find success.  It all boils down to being in a position to realize my heart’s desire but in order to do so I need to give of myself, to be in harmony and dynamic balance with the world and I will experience happiness, wholeness and fulfillment, a true state of being.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, July 5, 2013

I The Magician and Creating a Full Life and Living It!

I had a commitment to meet with a former co-worker, the Office Manager during our stint with Elections BC New Westminster so my day was a stay at home day and kind of do a whole lot of nothing.  I did do a bit of shopping as we invited a friend over for dinner and I guess I did throw a dinner together so I did do something-not as lazy as I first thought I was, I simply wanted to working on the RV.

Dinner and dessert were good as was the visit and conversation before, during, and after and then the night was done, the friend went home and we cleaned up, relaxed a bit and hit the bed where I tossed and turned fretting about my finances and worrying about living my life in a more independent way.  I eventually brought the fan in to cool off the room as well as apply some moisturizer to my itchy sunburned back before I could more fully fall asleep.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it.  Creativity.  Ability.  Making something happen.”

Now this a reminder for me to use the Divine powers/forces available to me to overcome or transcend my perceived difficulties, reaching to the Divine for Creative Inspiration and down to the Earth to ground this powerful and primal force.  I need to be aware of why I’m choosing to do what I want and I need to be concentrated on doing it.  I need to act and do so fully understanding what it is I’m after and be committed to getting it.

I need to create and live my life fully instead of reacting to it!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

VI The Lovers and the 10 of Cups

I had another quick yet empowering visit to the RV yesterday.  Spirit was strong as I went about cleaning up and organizing things a little bit.  I felt like I was on my way to getting things set in motion so I can move into my new home.  I felt quite content and happy with myself even though nothing left the interior of the RV, it was simply better organized so that I know what I want to keep and what I’m getting rid of.  It was a great exercise.  Once complete with this I moved onto painting so I can finally wrap up the desk and cupboard combination.

Yes, as I was going about my day during and after my RV visit, Spirit’s presence was and still is strong.  Movement is definitely about me.  In a frenzied state I quickly did a “Know Thyself” reading and had quite the eye opening experience.  I will not go into much detail but I learned a few things about myself as these are the cards that were revealed to me: 9 of Cups, Guide of Swords, and the 2 of Coins.  Thank You Spirit.

Today is a new day and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility".  And today’s Foundation Card for the card of the day is the “10 of Cups: The Ideal.  Your secret dreams.  Attainment.  Unrealistic, wishful thinking.”

I think I’m in a state of great union with Spirit, the World, and my partner.  I’m in a place where my life is content and stable yet I’m ready for and trying to make and take on change in my life as there is something more that I need and/or is needed of me that cannot come to fruition if I stay put.  Change is necessary but not great change, just a little tweak here and there and change is afoot.

Thank you Spirit for this new insight and understanding.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The 4 of Swords and Time to be Quiet and Still

Yesterday was an “off” day for me, had a bit of a weird feel to me.  I did some laundry, made a quick trip to the RV because of my other house chores.  Then it was rest and relax for a bit, as much as I can rest relax that is, not very much at all, always needing to be doing something.  We had a quiet evening in although we did get out for a quick walk along the quay after dinner before settling in for the evening.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Swords: Napping Between Rehearsals.  Resting and gathering strength for the next phase.  A vacation or “time out”.”

The challenge I am faced with: being quiet and still, taking a “time out”, stepping back and taking a good hard look at my situation from a wider and more objective position.  This crossed my mind yesterday afternoon, a different way of looking at things but a look none-the-less.

Guess it is time for me to go and do just that, take “time out” and look at myself, my life from an outsider’s perspective, to see myself in a different light.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Man of Coins and the 7 of Cups

Yesterday was beach day, Wreck Beach at that!  We arrived around 10:30 and left around 3:30.  We got a bit too much Sun though.  I did apply sunscreen but not enough and I apparently missed a spot, my back, oh and my ankles.  We made it home and had a quick visit from a friend; dinner was interrupted so we ended up eating out again minus the friend who had plans to be downtown for the Canada Day Fireworks.  We caught a glimpse of some fireworks here in New Westminster.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the Man of Coins: Responsible and hardworking.  Reliable.  Dependable.”  And today’s Foundation Card for the card of the day is the 7 of Cups: The Bookstore.  Choosing between different approaches.  Contemplating choices when you should be acting.”

Dreams can be realized however some hard work is most times required to see our dreams become reality.  I need to be responsible and hardworking and making real and serious choices about my future.  I need to have some better plans in place so that I can seriously contemplate and take advantage of any opportunities that come my way.

Yes, I dream of a life in an RV so this has got to be on my agenda.  I’ve been dreaming about this for over two decades so I need to make it a reality somehow and some way.  I need a good plan, a fairly solid foundation to work with.  I’ve got to organize myself on paper to see where I’m at and where I want to be going, as well as at least an inkling of an idea of how to get there.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The 10 of Swords and the Youth of Swords

Happy Canada Day!  Canada celebrates 146 years as a country.  Today being Canada Day as well as the hottest day of the week is also beach day.

Yesterday was a day spent with family.  We met up with family for the afternoon first in a mall and then the great outdoors; well sort of it was the Lonsdale Quay, a ride on the Seabus then the great outdoors as in Whytecliff Park in West Vancouver.  We made it home around 8pm and quickly made up our minds for dinner and ended up at Ki Sushi.

Thank You Spirit.

Today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Swords: You Choose the Script.  You can choose to plug yourself into a negative viewpoint, or to unplug yourself from one.  The end of a bad situation.  Hysterical overreaction."  And today’s Foundation Card for the card of the day is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity.  Research.  Computers, e-mail.  Immature communication.  Spying (or "hacking")."

y situation is not so bad, not as bad as I make it out to be.  Yes, I’m currently in-between jobs and I have some personal debt to deal with but in the grand scheme of things I’m sitting in a pretty rosy situation.  I’m doing okay and look forward to continuing to be responsible for my debt and other personal finances.  My future at times appears to unfold before my eyes in the form of little mental pictures that suddenly appear on my mental movie screen.  Yesterday and again this morning aspects of my life in the RV played out before me.  Driving down the highway, using my tankless hot water heater for the first time, and looking at my two rooftop flexible solar panels.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.