
Monday, July 22, 2013

XVIII The Moon, the Unknown and the Unusual

Enjoy the Full Moon tonight, may she guide us into the unknown so we can allow the unusual into our lives.

Yesterday we delivered a friend to the airport so he can fly out of country for a family gathering.  On our way we stopped for breakfast as well as a visit to a Buddhist temple so we could catch up and allow him to pay his respects.  The temple was full of great energy and a great vibe-very peaceful, calm, and serene.  After the drop-off at the airport we found ourselves at the beach where we spent a few hours enjoying the surf and sun but not the oh, ouch, much too hot sand.

I studied Tarot which a beach neighbour noticed and struck up conversation with me for a few minutes and with me being the shy one I was a bit embarrassed but he had great energy so it was all well and good.  On our way home from the beach we stopped for pizza and groceries before relaxing at home the rest of the afternoon and evening.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XVIII The Moon: Sexuality pulls us into a different, non-rational world which is sometimes frightening, always creative.  A sense of mystery.  Creative ideas which gestate in the subconscious.  Sexuality or sex".

I do not fear the Moon and do not feel like I’m lost or chasing an illusion.  I instead feel like I’m finding my way and my clarity of purpose in pursuing a lifestyle choice that grabbed my attention more than twenty years ago.  This time of part-time work and employment insurance benefits is a great learning experience for me and has allowed me to finally grab hold of and take responsibility for my own life.  I feel much stronger and more independent than I have ever before and this with little income coming in and a very competitive job market-time for me to really strike out on my own and stand and support myself with my own two feet.

It's time time we let our creative ideas surface into reality and influence the world.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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