Good Morning. What a pleasant day that has welcomed me out of bed. The sun is shining and nature is in all her glory. Thank You Spirit.
Yesterday was a home chore and beach day. I painted another small section of the white baseboard trim so it again looks white and I have just a couple of more small sections to go and I’ll be done with this chore and ready to move onto the next. Around 3 o’clock we headed off to the beach about an hour’s drive away from home but oh, so much worth the effort. We spent a couple of hours at the beach before heading home albeit not before a pit stop to grab a bite for dinner-Taco Del Mar was our choice in beautiful Uptown New Westminster as it s warmly known as.
Then we had a quiet evening at home-reading and catching up with ourselves and what we each like to do before heading off to bed and a peaceful night of deep sleep and pleasant dreams.
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Coins: he Lighting Director. A position of power. Wanting to control how others perceive things.”
This card is about possessiveness and control and not only of other people but ourselves. Am I being stubborn and resistant to needed change in my life? Is my ego trying to keep my tied to the status quo? Well, if it is I’m going to resist his attempts to keep me at odds with the currents of change and instead allow myself to ride those currents and go with the flow of change my life is seeking. I need to really know and understand who I am and take my life in the direction that best suits my true identity.
Yes, today is about meditation and self-discovery.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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