
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The 8 of Cups and Moving On

Yesterday, I allowed myself to get a bit flustered and had a difficult time getting calm and back into a right frame of mind.  I was trying to do some precision work in cutting and fitting trim for my RV properly but was having a hard time doing it.  I eventually had to call it a day and come back home.  I was in no mood to do any kind of detailed work yesterday.  But thankfully, what I did do looks pretty darned good, likely even better when I paint it and it better matches the colour of the RV.

I learned from the experience though.  I need to remind myself that I’m not in a rush and need to slow down, take a break, calm my nerves, attune with Spirit and then proceed with what I have to do.  Attuning with Spirit always works and sometimes yields creative insight and ideas.

Thank You Spirit.

Today is a new day, the Sun is shining and the air is warm and inviting.  Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Cups: Farewell.  Moving on.  Leaving behind a person, situation, or a part of yourself.”

Change, another card indicating change—am I being too stubborn and ignoring the signs to change, move on, or even change direction?  Perhaps!  But at the same time I’m trying to accomplish something but then again maybe I’m trying too hard.  I like what I doing and learning from remodeling and repairing my RV.  I feel like I’m growing up both as a person and in Spirit.  I’m maturing and gaining a better understanding of who I am, what my purpose is and what my presence in life means not to just me but to all those I interact with whether it is a brief encounter or a lifelong friendship.  This can also be what the 8 of Cups represents for me today, awaking from living a dream for too long, finding deeper truth and meaning to life, to my life…

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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