
Saturday, July 27, 2013

XVI Revelation and Change No Matter What-Accept It!

I had a job interview yesterday at a winery located in Richmond.  The winery is large and beautiful and very well organized.  They cater to tours that can be quite small of fairly large and it is mostly to an Asian consumer.  I believe that the interview went well but will have to wait and see if I get a call or an email from them.

In having mentioned the job interview, I must admit that my biggest desire and career goal is be a modern day nomad-Spiritualist, Ventriloquist, and Rver, all rolled into one “me”.

After the job interview I decided to spend an hour two at the RV trying to get more of the trim put on but the remaining battery for my drill quickly lost its charge and I barely got the first and only piece of trim up that I was working on.  This was likely a good thing as I could have spent up until 9pm working on the RV as the lot is open late three days a week with Friday being one of those days.  I also think Sunday and Monday also have the 9pm closing time.  I quickly lose track of time a the RV as I’m so comfortable being with my RV that it suddenly becomes the only home I think about or seemingly have.  Thank You Spirit.

The day was a quiet one after I got back home and I quickly found myself struggling to stay awake.  Sleep was really wanting to overpower me and this was at three in the afternoon.  It was not until about 8pm where I found myself more awake than tired.  Even an afternoon coffee drink did not provide enough of a jolt to make me feel awake.  I slept well though and should have stayed in bed longer but I opened my eyes to a bright welcoming morning and got up.  Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XVI Revelation: While it is usually best to tell the truth about yourself to those who are close to you, it can be a painful experience.  A necessary destruction of the status quo.  Having to tell someone an unwelcome truth.  A new idea which upsets others.”

This card along with yesterday’s as well as the previous two days strongly indicates that change is afoot in my life and that I must try to see the positives in/with this change and do my best to welcome it and embrace it even though it could initially prove to be a painful experience.  I believe this is coming about because I’ve failed to act, to make a decision and set it in motion and I’m still sitting on the fence when I should be well underway in experiencing what making such a decision would have entailed.

I’m working hard on in getting ready to make a decision and feel that I’m leaning more one way than the other but I still feel I need to prepare a little more before jumping off the fence so-to-speak.  But I will be open and receptive to the change that is coming and maybe it’s something that’s not even on my radar.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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