
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The "Seven of Wands" and Surprising Yourself with the Skills and Abilities You Have

Another relaxing evening last night especially since I finally got my model railroad working.  I figured out the wiring problem by disconnecting the wiring on the section of track that was causing issues and then running a locomotive on the track and it ran the complete oval without a hitch.  Then I was able to really relax and get into reading an article from Issue 29 of Witches and Pagans magazine, a 2014 issue at that!

Then off to bed I went around 10:30pm.  The only dream I remember having is one where there was some leaky plumbing in a building we were in, we being my Dad and myself, the other people were around but not visible.  To deal with the leaky plumbing we had to go out into an alley about a block away.  Surprisingly, we were in a city and may of the buildings we passed by were run down and unoccupied with most having no windows left and no contents inside.  We had to enter an alley but had to quietly walk past some guards presumably patrolling the city.  They had an alien feel to them as they were wearing uniforms and helmets with blacked out visors.  A surreal dream!

Then the alarm serenade us from our slumber...

...Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Seven of Wands: Our Witch is dressed in her white robe and is sitting on the sunny deck of her house at the patio table, with her young man standing behind her.  He leans over her shoulder, pointing at something she is working on.  She is figuring her budget and writing out checks to pay all the bills.  A calculator is sitting next to her and she waves a magic wand over the budget she is writing.  Six more wands are threatening, but she seems to have a handle on things.  And having someone to help her isn't bad either.  You may be facing a challenging situation.  Don't worry - you have the skills, knowledge, and resources to make the right choices to resolve this.  Be steadfast in your decisions and resist waffling or changing your mind.  Don't try to handle it alone; there is someone you can turn to for guidance or even just reassurance."
Trust yourself and your abilities.  As much you might think you do not have the wherewithal to handle your current circumstances you stop denying the truth because you do.  Take a moment, take a deep breath and think back to other tough situations you've handled, perhaps even the praise you received, then give yourself a pat on the back and get on with dealing what is front of you.  

You can and you will handle it!

Thank You Spirit.

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