
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The 4 of Swords, the 4 of Coins and Catching a Movie--the Arrival

We certainly enjoyed our night out at the movies.  The "Arrival" is our type of movie.  We thought it was a great nerdy, intellectual, science fiction, alien type of movie.  Using science, language and symbolism to solve a crisis rather than resorting to weapons, violence and war.

I slept through the entire night and the alien ships played a role in one of my dreams, at least the shape of that I think of it...I do believe the elongated oval shape with one flat side of these alien ships became cookies in my dream.  Then having a fresh start and starting out reading cards and guiding people spiritually filled other parts of my sleep.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “4 of Swords: Napping Between Rehearsals.  Resting and gathering strength for the next phase.  A vacation or “time out”."

Give yourself permission to be lazy for a moment or two.  Sit down, put your feet up, take a deep breath, exhale and let yourself really sink into that chair.  Feel free to do absolutely nothing.  It's not good to always be busy and going to sleep every night is not quite the same as having a lazy day and simply relaxing.  Contemplate if you will but first let your mind slow down and unwind for a moment or two, let your mind wander, then focus your thoughts.  But remember today is about resting and this is even hard for me to do.

Thank You Spirit.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016.  A disturbed night of sleep.  Awoke a couple of times and had a hard time getting back to sleep.  Felt good upon awaking though so not such a bad sleep overall and maybe falling asleep quickly wasn't such a good thing.  Was reading Sage Woman magazine in bed and started feeling quite sleepy so by 10:30 I was pretty much half asleep.  Love the articles in that magazine and they always make me feel good...always a good read from cover to cover for me.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director.  A position of power.  Wanting to control how others perceive things.”

As we go out and interact with others we must always guard against trying to influence how they should think about things in life.  In my quest to be a spiritual guidance counsellor and tarot intuitive I must be careful that I'm not trying to control the thoughts of others while facilitating their interaction with Spirit.  It all has to be about them, not me and I must strictly remain as a guide, a human roadmap as they go about their journey in re-establishing their connection with Spirit and themselves.

Oh...time to go, catching a movie tonight..."Arrival"...'s now November 23rd...time to write the next entry...

...Thank You Spirit.

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