
Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Novice of Pentacles and Learning to Work Smarter Instead of Always Working Harder

We hosted a dinner party last night where the conversation was lively, fun, and entertaining.  The appetizers and desserts were great however the main course, a chicken meatball stew, if you will was a bit lacking in overall flavour.  It did not have the body and taste that we remember from the last time we made it.  We have leftovers so we're going to experiment a bit with the recipe with an addition of salt and chicken stalk.  We used turkey necks to create the soup base and I think this is where the recipe failed on us.

Got to bed later than usual and awoke much earlier than usual but I'm going with the flow today.  I've been up for a couple of hours now and the sun has not risen although the morning warmly welcomed me as I arose from my slumber.  It's just past 7:00am and the day looks like it's still the dark of night and there are many more hours left to sleep, well maybe for some there is but I'm always up by this time.

Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is the "Novice of Pentacles: The suit of Pentacles and its corresponding element, Earth, is feminine and is the mother of comfort, security and a solid foundation of grounding, so a young female with long, curly dark hair represents this Novice.  She wears a long brown robe and a pentacle around her neck.  She intently examines an altar pentacle.  Nearby is a basket of fruit.  This Novice can be someone who has worked particularly hard for someone in her situation.  A rest may be needed.  This person should be wary, though, of resting on her laurels and stagnating."
Have a good rest however, allow this rest to fill you with fresh and new ideas where you find better ways to work smarter instead of harder.  This is best achieved when we rest just long enough to rejuvenate ourselves but not to the point of becoming lethargic and lazy.  Too much isn't a good thing either.

Thank You Spirit.

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