
Sunday, November 20, 2016

"I The Magus" and the Time to Act is Now

Yesterday was a quiet day at home until we headed out at 5:30pm to meet my partner's co-workers for dinner (at the Cactus Club on Kingsway) and then take in a show, "Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" put on by Align Entertainment at the Michael J. Fox Theatre in Burnaby.  It was the performance and they brought the house down, knocked it out of the park, and really wowed the audience.  What a great performance!

If I feel in the mood I'll continue working on my model railroad as I did yesterday where I permanently affixed some track and finalized most of the carving for the mountain.  I personally think the mountain is looking quite spectacular and it's still a piece of pink foam insulation.  Gluing the track down under one section of the mountain opened a gap in the track so now I need to create another custom sized piece of track to fill this gap, easily done as I have many extra pieces of track to work with.

Spirit is and today's Tarot Energy from Crowley's Thoth is "I The Magus: "If not you, then who--and if not now, then when?" is your motto for today.  Don't hesitate to take the initiative.  You have a healthy self-confidence, know what you want, and can skillfully reach your goals with the necessary concentration.  You master your tasks easily.  Whenever a rock has to be set in motion, wherever you want to prove your abilities, today is the right day to do it.  Demonstrate what you can do, stay nimble and coolly independent in discussions and negotiations.  Then you will also easily win others for yourself and your cause."
I'm drawn to theses phrases this morning: "You have a healthy self-confidence, know what you want, and can skillfully reach your goals with the necessary concentration."  Which then leads me to "If not you, then who--and if not now, then when?"  And one thing that stuck in my mind as "Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" was coming to an end was one word that stood out from the song they were singing  and that was "hesitate" and then I knew that I hesitate too much when it comes to acting on my dreams and I'm reminded of it again here this morning with this phrase: "Don't hesitate to take the initiative."

So the message and motto of today in different words is that for today of all days we should realize that we have all of the skills and talents we need to make our most cherished dreams and goals a reality.

Thank You Spirit.

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