
Monday, November 21, 2016

The "3 of Swords", Real Feelings But Putting a Limit to Them

The Eastside Culture Crawl took up a few hours of our day yesterday.  It was fun to walk through the dozens of studios that filled the 4 floors of 1000 Parker Street.  Then we had some street food for lunch, a bowl of hot chilli from the Chilli Tank, $15.00 for two decent sized bowls and a slice of bread each.

Still piddling around with my model railroad, trying to do something with it each day...sleep was okay last night but not great, the new norm it seems for when I have the job to wake up for.  But then my dreams were not related to the job at all but rather possibilities--spirit guide, tarot intuitive, driving around a city looking for a parking spot and eventually finding one and when I did I seemed to be in an Asian country or an Asian community of sorts.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “3 of Swords: The Wreckage.  Feeling heavy-hearted after an emotional storm.  Feeling hurt or betrayed.”
For all of you out there that might be feeling lonely or completely alone, I feel your pain, anxiety and even to a degree your sense of loss.  Your feelings are real so feel them but please do not let them overwhelm you.  Find a way, find something that you can cast your eyes and attention on that will lift you up and help you see and feel the loving presence and warmth of Spirit in your life.  No, this is not to dismiss how you feel but rather help guide you beyond this temporary situation , to help you transcend it so that you can see that goes on beyond this and you have much to look forward to and be more joyful about.

Accept your feelings and the way you are feeling now but also recognize that you cannot dwell forever in this state of melancholy and emotional distress for life, your life is important and it's important that you find a way to snap out of it so-to-speak so you can move on to become whole and complete again where you wear this emotional wreck as a badge that symbolizes that you survived, challenged but becoming a better person for it.

Thank You Spirit.

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