
Saturday, November 12, 2016

20 The Great Bear, Being Honest, Loving, and Forgiving

Since yesterday, was Remembrance Day, we had a quiet homey day.  I piddled around with my model railroad where I carved a bit more shape into the mountain as well as painted the concrete foundation of Di's Diner.  We spent a short while enjoying an afternoon coffee at Old Crow Coffee where we both read and relaxed a bit.  And on our way to grabbing our coffee, a pigeon came swooping down and landed almost between us.  (Pigeon (Return Home) Seek security around and in the home.  If storms arise, huddle with your family -- biological or otherwise)  After coffee we took a short walk along the riverfront before heading over to Safeway to grab a baguette to go with our dinner.  Before dinner I watched the Robocop remake to relax even more on this statutory holiday.

My dreams last night were mixed as I went to bed with the thought of why I want to be a Spiritual Guidance Counsellor and how I can best help people or bring about positive change to this world.  So my dreams reflected that but then images of what changes will come to our American neighbours once Donald Trump takes office filled my mind-the bleaching of America, changes to the constitution to erode voter's rights and to control the media, and allow Donald Trump to remain in power more the one term.  I also kept seeing the words "Donald Trump" and "False Prophet" flashing through my mind as the night wore on...enough of that!  I live in Canada for crying out loud!

Before awaking though, I was working with many others in an effort to fill the world with more light, love, peace, compassion, and empathy and the energy we were raising was amazing to see and feel, it was like a refreshing, invigorating sunrise after days of living through dark and stormy weather.

I'm not sure if I was dreaming or that the image of today's Tarot Card came to mind upon awaking however I saw this card sometime between the time I went to bed and awoke this morning...Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "20 The Great Bear: The only thing in life that is assured is that, if you wait long enough, it will change.  How you survive that change and who you are after it is up to you.  The major element in this process is judgment of yourself and others.  This may relate to an assessment regarding a personal matter or situation, and could be linked to the process of forgiving.  It may also relate to a group or social decision.  In the process of judgment, both as an individual and on the universal level, honesty is the key.  Be honest, be forgiving, be patient, but most of all, be assured change is at hand.  Remember, the universe has a long memory.  Nothing is ever forgotten."
"20 The Great Bear" is telling us that "In the process of judgment", "honesty is the key" where we must be both patient and forgiving in all of our relationships.  If I'm honest about my personal relationship, I'm in a loving, honest and communicative relationship where we both want to build a stronger home and life together.  In regards to the job, I know that I can no longer allow myself to be used as a pawn as the company continues to disrespect and disparage the employees that work there, me included.  The best decision and course of action I can take is to quit the job and move into a position where I bring more light, love, peace, compassion and empathy into this world starting with myself for I must be the change I wish to see in this world and in my life.  And the best way to do this is to give back all the light, love, peace, compassion, and empathy I've received and experienced in my life.

Thank You Spirit.

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