
Sunday, November 6, 2016

VI The Lovers, Balance, Compromise, Spirit, and Love

Yesterday morning I met my brother for breakfast as he was in the "neighbourhood", a few kilometres away having the oil changed in his car and winter tires put on.  My partner was taking care of the morning after pile of dishes that still had to go into the dishwasher that was put to use overnight cleaning the first massive load.

After meeting my brother I returned home so we could do a quick clean up and get organized for yet another dinner we are hosting tonight.  We had to do up a shopping list and head out for that in the dark rainy day...the day looked like night where we should be getting ready for bed and not a day of shopping.  But then the rain lightened up a bit and the day got just a little brighter.  With our afternoon coffee out of the way, our grocery run for tonight's dinner and week ahead complete we came home.  By the time we got the groceries put away and relaxed a spell, it was well after 7pm.  Where was dinner.  Thank goodness for leftovers...quick and easy.

...sleep was a bit jumbled as I have a bit of a cold and had a hard time sleeping for the first half of the night...then I was out like that an awoke around 5:30...feeling a little nudge from Spirit that it was time for me to hop out of bed...

...Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility.”
When I first looked at "VI The Lovers" I thought of my partner and myself and then “XIV Temperance" came to mind as it describes at least to me how a good ad well-balanced relationship works--"Mix things up a little.  Combining separate elements to create something new.  Moderation (not too much of each flavour).  Flexibility.”

Each person is a separate ingredient that mixes with others to create a dish with unique flavours yet at the same time their own individuality and uniqueness offer up their own underlying flavours that can still be tasted or as we're talking about seen in the seek balance through compromise and understanding to build and strengthen your relationship bringing it to new heights and ever closer to the Divine.

Thank You Spirit.

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