
Saturday, September 24, 2016

'XX The Aeon' and Blending In with the Universal Consciousness

Saturday, September 24, 2016.  Was trying to do everything at once last night so all I did a whole lot of nothing...didn't accomplish much or so I thought...but things were happening however all under the surface and very spiritual and transformative.  The Citrine, Quartz Point and Selenite emanate a lot of energy and every time I hold any or all these in my hand or have them in my pocket as I do now I feel a lot vibration, energy, and power especially in the spiritual and subconscious realms.  And surprisingly, I finished reconstructing my Chakra Gemstone Chip Bracelet last night and am wearing it now.  Feels good to have it back on.

When I decided to make a visit to Reflections Books I was not expecting to purchase anything let alone the items I walked out of the store with.  But upon entering the store I was immediately stopped at the Tarot display along the wall and my eyes were drawn to one single deck, the Shaman Tarot.  However, I decided to scan the other decks on display as well but the Shaman Deck kept drawing my attention.  I took a look at it and was taken in by what I read however I returned the deck to the shelf and browsed the store.  I decided to grab a few things and finalize my purchase but the Shaman Deck kept calling out to me and the store clerk had finished ringing up my purchases then I saw Llewellyn's 2017 Magical Almanac so I grabbed it and ignored the Shaman Deck but it was not giving up on me.  So after a minute or two or maybe three I grabbed the deck and added it my purchases.   I'm glad I did.  I know without even removing the plastic wrapping and opening the box that the Shaman Deck and I have a much needed journey to take with one another.
As I crawled into and settled in bed, closing my eyes and relaxing my way to sleep, Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot came into my mind to pay a visit.  Throughout the night between dreams of my spiritual life and work as well as a few snippets of images from the job, the Thoth Deck spoke to me so I decided to work with it this morning.
Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is "XX The Aeon.  You are being challenged to drop your >>worm's eye view,<< to see things from a higher plane.  When you have recognized greater timespans (aeons) and other contexts (which you are increasingly ready to do), you will then tend more and more to observe things in their being-ness: to see free from evaluations:  Meditate on the following statement: One sign of ignorance is indicated by some belief in injustice and unhappiness.  Which methods will you use to gain deeper insight and greater wisdom?  God is the Unknown, the mysterious.  The more I know that I don't know, the closer I am to the Divine.  It is life itself, and no longer the limited individual consciousness, which becomes the source of all judgment."

I have nothing to add to this.  I simply look into the card and get lost in its symbolism and imagery and become one with it.  The message is clear if we lose ourselves in this card and more specifically the energy it brings to this day, let life live you and lose your individuality into life itself and become a part of the universal consciousness and that it is!

Thank You Spirit.

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