
Monday, September 19, 2016

The 'Youth of Cups' and Hanging On to What Keeps Us Connected to the World Beyond

Monday, September 19, 2016.  Slept quite well and was at a point feeling like I was sleeping for too long.  And had a recurring dream or maybe I just thought I waking up and falling back to sleep again.  One or two people in the dream could be co-workers but at the same time it didn't feel as this were the case.  I was dreaming about equipment of some sort but nothing like I work with, more like computers and related technology.  And this dreams was the last dream I had before awaking around 5:40am.

Oh, we went out for a hike yesterday, made our way over to Rolley Lake Provincial Park and hiked around the lake and then some as we hike down to Rolley Falls and continued down to a road before finding the other part of the trail on the other side of the creek.  It was so nice to be so deeply immersed and in touch with nature.  Breathing in the aroma of such a natural setting sent my emotions high. So enriching, invigorating, and life giving.  For the first time ever I felt the life force of the many trees I was welcomed to share a bond with, to become one...their bark so warm and soothing filling me with love, peace, contentment, stillness and simply being.  I didn't want to leave for I felt like I just arrived home.

One word that kept popping into my mind as city gave way to nature and as I blended into our natural surroundings was "exposure".  If I want to really be a Spiritual Guidance Counsellor or a What's Your Tarot Guru, I need to expose myself to the world.  Reveal all that I am and make no apologies for it and let the words of those who may be critical of me roll of me like droplets of rain.  This is who I am and who I have to be, not for their sakes but for mine.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “Youth of Cups: Youthful emotions.  Daydreaming.  Shyness.”

The “Youth of Cups" brings to mind the period between childhood and adulthood, a time where the magic and open-mindedness of childhood are still within our minds, hearts and spirits but where also the misdirected ideas of adulthood are being thrust upon us by parents and society.  Where we are told that we have to grow up and start acting like adults.  What a mistake!

We need to let our children grow up and continue to have those open minds where all things are possible, where magic and fantasy mix with real life.  Let them see those imaginary friends, because they may not be so imaginary after all.  Let them see the house and forest faeries for these wonderful creatures make life a fun adventure.  Let our youth continue to be carefree and fun loving.  Let them dance with Spirit and see the world as it real is...full of awe and wonder!

Relish your youthful emotions and never stop daydreaming nor let anyone tell you to stop daydreaming for this is a way to tap into the world not seen by eyes but rather by emotions, spirit, and a willingness to let life live you as much as you live life.

Thank You Spirit.

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