
Thursday, September 1, 2016

The '8 of Coins' and Utilising Learning As One of Your Greatest Skills

Thursday, September 1, 2016.  I have to give credit to Albert Thor and The Wizard Within for an eye-opening, spirit penetrating book that shook me to my very core.  I cannot describe what this book has done for me...a work of fiction, a spiritual really does not matter as the effects are the gift of love, and love is life, life is the human spirit!

However, since I still have much to learn anxiety and fear still get a grip on me once in awhile.  I still have layers of falsehoods to peel away and a whole lot of human spirit to grow into and fill.  I gave into my anxiety and fear last night and had a very disruptive worrisome sleep.  But then for some reason thoughts of my model railroad filled my mind and I drifted ever so briefly to sleep and then the alarm worries though as messages sent and received so all is good.  

I need to work through and face my anxieties and fears head on and these I can readily say are  "money", being a good "Spiritual Guidance Counsellor" and being a worthy Tarot Reader.  Now that I got these out in the open I'm starting to feel better...another good step in the right direction.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy slipped away from the deck and is the “8 of Coins: The Factory.  Skill and mastery.  Tedious, repetitive labour.  Slow and methodical progress."

The greatest skill we can and should have is the desire and willingness to learn.  This then gives us the ability to had "tedious, repetitive labour" as well as "slow and methodical progress".  We learn and train ourselves how to handle what is for many us boring mundane work yet is where some find ourselves, sometimes permanently while for others is a simple temporary stepping stone.  and this temporary stepping stone is hopefully where I'm at and getting ready to step off of so I can get on with being a great Spiritual Guidance Counsellor, a more than worthy Tarot Reader and being financially comfortable and more than capable and able of paying my way around this beautiful continent we get to call home.

Thank You Spirit.


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