
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

XII The Hanged Man and Making the Necessary Repairs

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014.  I slept better last night but still awoke about an hour before the alarm.  Luckily though I slept enough so as not be half asleep today unlike yesterday.  Thank goodness!

My work day morning’s are still rushed however I do not have the inclination to awake any earlier.  I have no impulse to jump out of bed when I awake and see that the time is such that I could easily get out of bed and allow myself more time to work with Tarot but I usually want nothing more than to simply lay there tossing and turning.  I’m not sure what this about as I had no problems doing this when I worked at other jobs.  I guess it’s just too early of a wake-up and I never crawl into bed early enough to get a decent night’s rest.

This is okay though as I’m on a mission to pay off my debt.  I’ll simply say that my debt is paid off.  I should speak in the present tense to generate more positive energy regarding this and this goes as well for me being self-employed too!
Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XII The Hanged Man: Living in the moment.  Being fully absorbed in the present.  Nonattachment to goals.  Seeing things from a new angle.”

I’ve still got a few changes and repairs to make to and in my life so I can rid myself of bad habits and negative thought patterns.  I’m kind of feeling like I’m in a holding pattern right now where my forward momentum has slowed down almost to a stall.  I need to come clean with myself in a few areas before the forward motion picks up delvers me to where I want to be in life.  I’ve also got to leave my goals alone so-to-speak so they can sprout and grow with the energy that the universe is putting toward them instead of replanting the seeds all of the time.

Plant your goals in the fertile soil of the universe with plenty of love and happiness then leave them alone so that the universal life force can nourish them and bring them to life.  Allow the universe to water and fertilize your goals so they sprout and grow and produce the fruit for you to harvest.  This is non-attachment.  Faith founded in experience and knowledge that what you desire is your already.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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