
Monday, July 28, 2014

IX The Hermit and Creating Solitude to Welcome the Divine

Monday, July 28th, 2014.  It seemed to be quite the long night and I found myself more awake than asleep.  I didn’t think much of it until the work day was under full swing and I was having a hard time staying focused and aware.  I found myself to be quite sleepy, my eyes were heavy and as the end of the work day fast approached I was yawning and yearning for a bed to fall into and drift off to sleep on.  I felt a little better after lunch long enough to double check my work to ensure I was not making any more mistakes.  Although one slipped through, but it was a quick and easy fix.

My eyes were heavy all the way home and in hindsight I should have not sat behind the wheel as I struggling to fend off the desire to sleep and my eyes closed on me several times.

However, once I arrived home I had a quick boost of energy and was able to sit for a few minutes to meditate on today’s visiting Tarot Card.  I had some insight into the card at lunch but the desire to meditate on it was strong enough for me to have the necessary energy to sit down and reflect on “IX The Hermit: To fully understand something, sometimes you must escape it.  Gaining perspective.  Solitude.  Study.”

Finding solitude and time to close out the external noise in order to hear the divine voice from within is a perfect way to meditate and reflect on “IX The Hermit”.  After a few minutes of winding down I sat in front of my altar, grabbed my small amethyst sphere and did my best to meditate.  It took some time before my own thoughts ran their course and I was able to clear my mind but I was happy to see my own image sitting at a table in a darkened room laying out Tarot Cards on my altar cloth.  A sure sign that I need to get on with it and do Tarot readings for others, starting with myself.  I need to live Tarot.

It’s nice to come home to silence as well.  My partner was at the gym and I had the place to myself for about 30 minutes.  No distraction, a perfect time for utter silence.  And when my own thoughts gave way to spirit, I simply was.

In these busy hectic and noisy times we live in silence can be hard to come by however it is worth the effort and struggle it takes to find a quiet solitude where we can simply be, clear out our thoughts so we can make space for the divine to dwell within us, within our space and time so we can better improve our lives and be testaments to leading a spirit infused life.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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