
Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Youth of Wands and Accepting One's Goals, Dreams, and Desires

Sunday, May 11th, 2014.  We had a great day yesterday.  I had the car serviced and we cleaned and prepped the house and got dinner for a visit from our friends.  Dinner was fantastic and seeing the friends again and conversing with them made the hours fly by quickly and before we all knew it the clock was hitting the midnight hour.  We departed with hugs an “see ya laters” and then the quick clean-up was on before we slipped into bed as the clock was approaching 1:00am.

I slept well and awoke with a new sense of confidence in life and in myself.  I accept my dreams, goals and desires as being valid and achievable and that there is nothing wrong in my wanting to attain them and live my life in the way I most desire to live it.  I accept and know that not only are my goals, dreams, and desires valid they are mine to achieve as the cosmos is right here with me providing me with all of the love and support I need to make them happen.

This morning I’ve already put pen to paper to start mapping out how I can move forward and build a solid foundation on which I can base my goals, dreams, and desires so they are on solid ground on which to build my new Spiritual and Intuitive Career.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Wands: Focusing attention on something.  Reaching for a goal from a possibly unsteady foundation.”

I have what it takes to realize my dreams I simply need to build a solid foundation on which to base them.  I have the drive, determination, optimism, and knowledge to live and work a very spiritual and intuitive life but I need to work on and develop a solid plan to follow and realize my dreams that are valid and real and worthy of pursuing.  I accept them and having nothing to be ashamed about in wanting to realize them in this lifetime and in the most immediate way possible.  I ask for the assistance of Spirit and know that help is what I’m getting as I write this.  The wheels are turning and my dreams, goals, and desires are realized.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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