
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The 9 of Swords and Awaking to What the Problem Is

Wednesday, May 28th, 2014.  I slept alright but awoke at least an hour before the alarm and tossed and turned until the alarm sounded.  Getting out of bed revealed that I slept in an awkward position as I have a kink in my neck and it is 12 hours later.

I did take time for Spirit as I lay awake the odd time throughout the night and as I tossed and turned.  Realizations were made that I confirmed with further reflection on today’s visiting Tarot card while I ate lunch today.  With that being said, Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Swords: Unquiet Dreams.  Stress.  Worries.  Mental tapes which play over and over.”

Something is amiss and without thinking about it I’m guessing that it has something to do with me not moving forward with my own plans and my own story.  I have yet to truly become the author of my own life.  I need to give serious thought and time to my goals and get things moving as immediately as I can or I’ll be sitting six months from still wishing and wanting to change my life.  I’ve got to make a stand for myself and my life.

I appreciate the job I have and the income I earn but it is unfulfilling and only makes me look forward to the weekends.  I need to feel passion for what I do and there is a career out there that discovered the other day that has my name written all over it.  This is the career I must pursue as it ties in very nicely with my desire to be living life on the road as well as with my other profession that of being a professional Tarot Consultant and Spiritualist.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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