
Friday, May 16, 2014

The 10 of Cups and Opening Ourselves to Positive Energy

Friday, May 16th, 2014.  I awoke about twenty minutes before the alarm but fell asleep for a few minutes more.  I wanted to stay in bed and sleep longer but alas it’s a work day.  I also awoke with more of a sore throat than I had going to bed so I knew a cold is trying to find a home in me for a few days.  I took some over the counter medication to relieve the symptoms however it’s only temporary relief.

I quickly worked and communed with Spirit and Tarot and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Cups: The Ideal.  Your secret dreams.  Attainment. Unrealistic, wishful thinking.”

A more positive energy has come into my life and permeates every atom of my being.  This week started off a bit rough but has ended with it being an error free week as far as I can tell.  And I’m feeling more comfortable with the job and with the company.  As a result I’m sleeping better and I am finding more time both waking and sleeping to live a spiritual life and adopt a more spiritual career as I take baby steps at becoming a self-employed Spiritualist.  Spiritualist covers a wide range of spiritual endeavors on my part-Tarot, metaphysics, mystical research, candle magic, etc.

The “10 of Cups” evokes images of living comfortably with your dreams and aspirations as you celebrate the present and look toward the future life you envision for yourself.  A positive energy is always there but we must adapt, change, adjust, and discover it as it always is and always has been.   And when we open ourselves to working cooperatively and in harmony with the world around us and with Spirit and welcome change and keep ourselves flexible positive energy comes our way and makes its presence known.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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