
Friday, January 31, 2014

IX The Hermit and Shutting the World Out For a Few Moments a Day

Friday, January 31st, 2014.  Gung Hay Fat Choy!  May the Year of the Horse bring blessings to all.

I awoke early, earlier than planned as I wanted to get up a bit earlier this morning but not an hour before that time.  However, I still feel good as the day felt somewhat productive and I enjoyed the early uplifting start to the day as well.
The extra time I had was spent relaxing a little bit before heading out the door and just appreciating the time and life I have.  I also really appreciate the work of Spirit and Tarot in my life.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “IX The Hermit: To fully understand something, sometimes you must escape it.  Gaining perspective.  Solitude.  Study.”

I’m doing my best to use the time I have to myself whether it’s at home, in the car, or a few moments at work to be humble and thankful for all the I have in life and the many blessing that have come my way especially those that have gone unnoticed.  I’m doing my best to free my mind of distracting thoughts so I can listen to that quiet little voice that is full of guidance and wisdom, that little voice we seldom get to hear in this crazy, noisy, and busy world of ours. 

At one time the idea of being a hermit was left to the very eccentric and odd individuals however I think in this hectic world of ours I value the idea and the chance to be a hermit if only for a few seconds or minutes a day.  How wonderful it’d be if I could, if we all could close ourselves off from the world and all of its distractions so we could spend time getting to know ourselves and just allow ourselves to be.  Let Spirit In and open our minds, hearts and spirits to the world of endless wonder that is always waiting to be discovered.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Youth of Swords and Facing Challenges With Openness

Thursday, January 30, 2014.  I did awake I thought this morning not long before the alarm sounded but when it did sound I seemed to awake from a fairly deep sleep.  Felt kind of weird because I thought I looked at the time and the numbers shining on ceiling read 6:09.  But I’m okay with sleeping up to the time the alarm sounds, feels really good to do that.  Of course, if I could just awake on my own schedule I’d be much happier but alas most of us are in the same boat—awaking to an alarm and heading off to work five or more days a week—no need to complain; is there?

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Swords: Curiosity.  Research.  Computers, e-mail.  Immature communication.  Spying (or "hacking").”

Here is another card about facing challenges and doing so with a great deal of maturity, curiosity, and research.  It’s in or with how we deal with challenges that define us, defines our character, personality, principles, morals, and ethics.  If we are honest, use reason, fortitude and deal with such challenges also with integrity they are more manageable and become great learning experiences and stepping stones as well as give us the know-how when the next challenge or challenges come along.

Don’t rush into it, take a step back, take a deep breath and then tackle what is in front of you.  Ask for help or meditate if you can, use the power of crystals, of Spirit, of the Divine energy in and all around us as a guide, as the strength needed to work through, around or to transcend the difficulty.  Then be humble, thankful and give thanks where its do.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

XVI Revelation and Thinking About Shaking Up My Life a Bit

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014.  Another somewhat sleepless night.  I did a lot of tossing and turning.  The night seemed to drag on forever, not a bad thing if I sleep through but awaking every what, hour upon the hour is a tad tiring.  But I stayed awake throughout the day thanks to the presence and guidance of Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XVI Revelation: “While it is usually best to tell the truth about yourself to those who are close to you, it can be a painful experience.  A necessary destruction of the status quo.  Having to tell someone an unwelcome truth.  A new idea which upsets others.”

This day has not been so bad and I was expecting a bit of a mixed bag of activities good, bad, or indifferent but the work day was like any other just what it is supposed to be like.  However, with that being said I do understand that my life does indeed need a bit of a drastic shake-up so I get doing what I’ve been wanting to do for the past dozen years or more.  I need to shake it up do what I want to do and do my best to earn my keep from it.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The 4 of Wands and Seeing Progress

Tuesday, January 28, 2014.  Another morning where I awoke some time before the alarm and simply spent the 40 or so minutes dozing as I waited for the alarm to sound.  Then as always I get going with my morning routine and working with Spirit and Tarot.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Wands: Setting the Stage.  Opening night finally arrives.  A venture has been established.  Celebrating initial achievements.”

Things progressed quite well today at work in terms of my selling my desire to network through a variety of groups and organizations in an attempt to grow the company, more specifically gain new customers.  This has been on my list of things to do since I started as cold calls are more miss than hit these days and it is all about making connections through networking and referrals.  I’ll be joining what sounds like a very successful networking group in Richmond so I look forward to getting involved and receiving as many if not more referrals than I give.

On a personal front I’m gain more confidence in my abilities as a sales person as well as spiritual conduit.  I’m feeling quite comfortable with my spirituality these days especially considering that I only spend mere minutes working consciously with Spirit and Tarot each weekday morning.  However, this is offset by my falling asleep communing with Spirit and awaking and turning my mind to Spirit and Tarot as I tend to feel better doing this than trying to rush it between getting out of bed and going to work.

Today is a feel good kind of day even in terms of my personal goals and hobbies.  I’m comfortable enough with my plans and am in the initial thoughts of putting more concreteness to them all.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Guide of Wands, Creativity and Subtly Helping Others

Monday, January 27, 2014.  I awoke a few times throughout the night awoke somewhere around 40 minutes before the alarm so my sleep was not restful to say the least.  Comforting dreams though made up for that.  Indeed for what seemed to be the longest time I was dreaming about driving my RV to a place with spectacular scenery and throngs of people.  My RV completely finished as I envision it to be, the barely adequate exterior wood trim and all and I was not embarrassed the least bit driving her through the crowds of people.  I was quite proud of my little RV.  I think I had a few people traveling with me too!

As I dozed on and off I communed with Spirit and the elements to the best of my sleepy ability so when I awoke and got up to start my day I could more quickly get in tune with my cards and work with Tarot.  I’m getting a little more comfortable with my quick morning routine as I make up for it on the weekends.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Wands: Feeling possessed by a creative project or inspiration.  Being inspired to help others.  Doing what’s right.”

Working with the “Guide of Wands” today did not bring about much opportunity to help others except in subtle ways or ways I’m unaware of.  Perhaps, tidbits of conversations I had with co-workers or people on the telephone helped them in ways I may never get to know.  Oh, I also avoided an accident by reacting quickly and safely when another driver tried to pull into my lane when I was coming up beside him or her—shoulder checking is very important!

My creativity is itching to get to work on one of my hobbies and even to a degree on most of them even so far as to dabble with ideas while I’m at work.  Naughty, naughty…I know but a few minutes of such activities are likely to also benefit my employer.  I think one night this week will be spent on making handcrafted cards and another on cutting out templates for my other hobby, model railroading.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Ace of Cups, Love, Attunement, and Spirituality

Sunday, January 26th, 2014.  We had a success day yesterday.  We cleaned house, prepped, dinner and hosted a couple of friends who thoroughly enjoyed, dinner, dessert, and a game of “THEORIES it’s a game”.    THEORIES it’s a game” is scored over thirteen rounds and can be quite fun to play.  It's a mix of strategy and knowledge.  We made Turkey Chili, custard filled white and dark chocolate dessert cups, topped with fresh blueberries.  And we ended the evening early as one of our friends starts work early in the morning as in a 4:30am alarm.  We were cleaned up and relaxing on the sofa by about 10pm.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Cups: A gift of love.  The beginning of a love affair, friendship, or partnership.”

Love, attunement, and spirituality lead the way today.  The “Ace of Cups” is all about the heart, feeling, intuition, and love.  Events today have possibilities to fill to overwhelming with synchronicity, love, joy, happiness and direct knowing.  Knowing without thought or reason, a knowing that comes from within, comes from Spirit, from the web of cosmic energy that connect us all.  Today follow your heart, trust your feelings, give your intuition a chance to guide your way.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Youth of Coins and Going Out to Meet Success

Saturday, January 25th, 2014.  This morning as I started moving about the house I glanced out the window and caught a glimpse of light in the sky brightening sky.  As I focused my attention out the window and looked at the source of light to my glee it’s the Moon.  Yesterday morning as I was driving to my early morning breakfast meeting I caught glimpses of her through the fog-filled skies but could not enjoy her presence and beauty as I could today.  Her waning whiteness is a joy to see as more often than not as of light I seldom get to see her.  Although last week we caught sight of her brightly lighting the sky just above the horizon a few days after the Full Moon.

I love seeing the Moon fill the sky.  Nothing is more comforting and fascinating than capturing her presence on a clear evening.  Her energy, her voice, her bright beauty and comforting presence are a great tonic for sleep for me.  I feel connected, a part of this cosmos, an integral part of the universe and Gaia as we remember each other, connect, and do our best to live in harmony.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical.  Beginning a regimen.  Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”

Another “Coin”, first the “3” and now the “Youth”.  The last couple of days sure have been positive, enlightening and productive in my work, my work ethic, and my personal goals, dreams, and ambitions.  I understand my function at work better than ever and I also know that even though I desired to live and work in my RV much sooner than I will be this is a better route for me to take in order to get there.  My RV might be old and sitting idle for years but she is my home and she will bring me to where both I want to go and where I need to be.  Bumps and glitches will happen, frustration and anxiety will creep in however it is a lifestyle worth dreaming about, pursuing, and living for me.

I’m going out to meet success and success is coming to meet me.  I’m enjoying the many possessions I have as the sun brightens and warms the day and as we prepare for tonight’s dinner with friends.  It feels like a bit of a carefree day and this is all thanks to the “Youth of Coins”.  Oh, and catching sight of the Moon.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, January 24, 2014

3 of Coins and Netwrkring to Creative a Positive Work Environment

Friday, January 24, 2014.  I was up 30 minutes earlier today to go to a business network breakfast meeting I was invited to as a guest of someone I met through another networking a couple of weeks ago.  The breakfast was decent and the meeting was quite extraordinary.  This a group of about 25 individuals who meet weekly and offer each cross business referrals and wow do they produce a lot of revenue for one another.

I had my time to introduce myself and instead of being nervous I was quite comfortable standing up in front of this crowd and introducing myself and the company I work for.  The event was a great success for both members and invited guests.  I walked away with a couple of good connections as well as membership application.  When I arrived at work to my surprise I was encouraged to attend again and join the group.  I was not expecting such openness and receptivity to the idea but wow, the sales manager was quite pleased with what I told him.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Coins: A child’s room.  Creating a positive environment for someone.  Work done for the pleasure of it.”

This card is quite reflective of how the day turned out.  In fact I arrived at the office feeling quite positive and eager to get on with my job.  My work has become more pleasurable than I imagined it would.  Today’s meeting was just the turning point I needed to find something that I could not only like about the job but gave me the desire to take ownership of it as well.  I want to be an integral part of the company I work for and do what I can to generate revenue for us.  My workplace has become a much more positive environment for me.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The 2 of Swords and Balance and Perspective

Thursday, January 23, 2014.  Awoke a little bit but still dozing 10 or fifteen minutes before the alarm sounded and the new day’s activities got under way.  The usual daily routine of getting things going for breakfast, cleaning up and laying out clothes for the day and most importantly spending time with Spirit and Tarot was then followed by getting ready for work and heading out the door.  I can never have enough time with Spirit and Tarot.  This is such an important part of me that I’d like to do as my full-time job but only if I could accept earning a living from it, I do just that.  But perhaps the mere pursuit of full time Spirit and Tarot activities could lead to a source of money coming in from where I’d least expect it.


Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “2 of Swords: Meditation.  Closing your eyes to outer circumstances in order to gain perspective or to avoid a decision.  Refusing to act.”

This for me is about balance, balance and perspective.  Contemplation, though, and reasoning are all good but only if they lead one to a decision, a choice, or a way to act.  Decisions do have consequences but so does not making one and either can be good or bad.  I was waffling about a decision but when I awoke I made up my mind and acted.  Anxiety and worry disappeared and I felt better about the outlook of my day.  The day was ho-hum but hey that is what happens sometimes.  Tomorrow is another day and each and every day I try to learn and adjust.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

VI The Lovers and Respecting and Valuing Differences to Create Strength

Wednesday, January 22, 2014.  The work week is shorter than it is longer and the weekend is just around the corner.  Today was a weird day in some ways.  When the alarm sounded for us to get out of bed it startled me.  I for some reason was not expecting to be awakened by an alarm this morning.  Then as the work day progressed I made a few calls but they soon gave way to a lot of useless paper shuffling.  I kind of lost direction with my goals and plans for the day—very odd!

As if this were not enough I started to contemplate ways to get back into working from home and earning my keep from handcrafted cards, ventriloquism and model railroading.  I’ve actually pulled out some stuff out of crafting storage so I can get back to making cards.  Valentine’s Day is closer than close and Easter is not far behind and I have stamps I can use to make cards for both of these fine occasions.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility.”

How do I see “VI The Lovers” this day?

I see this as a balancing of differences, of taking something from both sides as diverse as they may be and creating a loving compromise out of them.  Where the differences are not as important as what can come of or be created by them.  This is the flexibility needed in order to build a solid and strong relationship where both sides are respected and recognized as being equals and where differences can possibly remain, be built into compromise or even transcended for that matter through the love and energy of Spirit!

The power comes from this mutual respect and understanding of the differences where the differences matter not and are less of a focus than the strength that can come from compromise, understanding, respect, and love.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Guide of Cups and a Poisitve Loving Energy for the Day

Tuesday, January 21st, 2014.  Last evening was quiet as I felt too tired to do much of anything except sit on the sofa and let time tick on by and although it did tick on by it took its own darned time to do it.  However, I’m also thankful for this because my sleep lasted a lot longer than I’ve felt in quite a while.  This morning was not too rushed and I thoroughly enjoyed my quick conscious visit with Spirit and Tarot.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Cups: Messages from your heart.  Altruism.”

Feelings, emotions, and intuition should rule this day.  Such as these today are ruled by the positive loving energy of Spirit.  Intuitively, I knew this work day would not be as positive or as productive yesterday yet at the same time a good exercise to undertake so I can train myself, if you or create the habit of putting in an honest day’s work.

I am also loved and love.  No negative emotions filled my heart today.  No ill thoughts of family, friends or loved ones crept into my mind.  Today is a day of goodwill toward all.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, January 20, 2014

"I" the Magician and Actively Living Life,

January 20th, 2014.  Another work week has begun and the first work day of the week was a decent one.  I had a meeting for an hour or so before hitting the road in car and on foot to see if I can drum up some new business for the company.  I introduced myself and the company to about 16 businesses but tried for 20 however locked doors kept me from entering their premises.  This is an experiment as I see it and hopefully it bears some fruit so I can back up my words that it’d be a good way to do it.  The business moved to a new business park are three months ago and never took advantage of being new to the area as of way of networking in an effort to drum up some business for themselves and this is where I come in.
I’ll just have to wait and see how it goes.

The weekend was busy in a good way but I don’t feel like I had a day off.   Perhaps, next weekend will be quieter.  I doubt it!

The best part of the weekend for me is the time I get to have for myself, Spirit, and Tarot in the mornings before someone else crawls out of bed.  I feel so good when I can get an hour like that and work properly with such great and loving energy.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it.  Creativity.   Ability.  Making something happen.”

This is a great card as the Magician reminds me, reminds us that we need to do our parts in living our lives our way to the best of our abilities.  We cannot shrug off responsibility over our lives onto anyone else.  We need to do our best to remain in “control” of our lives and live them, really them because they are our very own and we should cherish our lives and be active in living them.  Let’s put our personal touch(es) on the world and see where it takes us.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Ace of Swords and Making Opportunities Happen!

Sunday, January 19, 2014.  Although yesterday was a fairly quiet day and I enjoyed it for the most part, dinner and drinks with friends in downtown Vancouver I much prefer at least part of the weekend to myself or to us.  I’m adjusting to my new job, my new career I suppose but I still value a quality of life that seems missing to me.  I actually felt this lack of quality of life quite intensely this past Thursday as I remembered a magazine I once subscribed to and thoroughly enjoyed, “Countryside”.

This magazine is about living off the grid and in more rural areas of primarily the United States but could apply to anywhere quite frankly.  It’s about living a self-sufficient lifestyle separate from the rambunctious and almost over the top lives we sometimes try to live in the cities.  This magazine evokes a lifestyle where one is thoroughly and intricately connected to Nature doing their best to live in harmony with the land around them.

Although this is very appealing I’m also honest enough to know that I’d have a hard time adjusting to and living such a lifestyle.  I like the quiet solitude that it has to offer but I also like to experience the vibes of the city on occasion so I need to find balance and do both from the current situation I find myself in.  Hence, I guess my desire to live in an RV.  An RV offers the best of both worlds as I’d be mobile and able to enjoy both the solitude of the country and the hectic pace of city life in a single day if I desired.  All I’d need to do is drive from one to the other and back again.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Swords: An idea.  Starting to develop a plan or strategy.”

This card is about creating opportunities whether the time is right to spread your wings and take advantage of the positive Divine energy that is about you or turning challenges into opportunities.  I have ideas that are swirling about my mind and how I can work them into my current work situation or use them to become self-employed and self-sufficient.  Opportunities can be had from many a challenge where the only difficulty lies in our ability to not allow ourselves be blinded by the challenge thus missing the opportunity that awaits us beyond it.

I have the means, abilities, and talents to be my own boss I simply need to pick up the reins and make it happen!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

XII The Hanged Man and Understanding Contradiction

Saturday, January 18th, 2014. 

A nice foggy Saturday morning greets me as I stumble my way out of bed and into his brand new day.  I’ve had the last hour to myself, time alone with Spirit And Tarot as I reflect on journey through life, my many journeys through life that have garnered me a new, maybe simply a renewed faith and trust in life and connection with Spirit, with the real me.  Reflecting on life as Tarot leads me on a daily journey of further self-discovery and self-exploration where images give way to feelings, intuition, inner knowledge, and deep wisdom and understanding.  All of this gained through the unfolding Tarot Card of this wonderful day.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XII The Hanged Man: Living in the moment.  Being fully absorbed in the present.  Non-attachment to goals.  Seeing things from a new angle.”

This card is about contradiction.  With this card we are being asked to do the opposite of what at least on the surface appears to be natural to us yet in most instances hinders our ability to live our dreams and find success in all that we try to do.

In order to gain control we need to learn how to let go, in order to win we need to sacrifice, in order to move forward we need to stand still and remove that sense of urgency from our lives.  The best way to achieve is to be non-attached to all that we cherish and desire and then comes a better chance for us to realize them all.  Have what you want by giving it up.  Move forward by stepping backward, win by putting others first.

Today is a time to simply “Be”, to be nothing!

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, January 17, 2014

XI Strength and Positive Direction and Healthy Outlets

Friday, January 17th, 2014.  I had more time this morning but still rushed my time with Spirit and Tarot I don’t have any real alone time when two of us are getting up at the same time.  I do my best work with both Spirit and Tarot as I get on with the day however really miss the 30-45 minutes I used to spend meditating and contemplating Spirit and Tarot in the mornings past.  But the day was good to me, a bit slow and quiet, not very productive and a lot of sales doors closed on me this morning but Monday will be a new day.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”

I have many passions and interests as likely we all do and likely we all have good and bad in there as well.  The key though to igniting our passions is to fin healthy direction and outlets for them.  I’m doing my best to do just that and hopefully I have some time to spend with one or two of many hobbies so I can fulfill my creative energy that is needing a bit of release these days.  Cards and trains will be my hobbies of choice this weekend starting this evening if I’m lucky.  As part of my work day we drove around Annacis Island so I could drive a truck back to our office and seeing all of the other side of the island and the numerous railroad spurs peeked my desire to get my model railroad moving along and this is the weekend to do it!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The 5 of Cups and Let Loss and Guilt Go

Thursday, January 16th, 2014.  Not a bad morning this morning as I was able to work and commune with Spirit and Tarot in a much more relaxed manner than the last several weeks, actually the last two months.  Well during the work week, mostly.  Glad I could take things at a slower pace this morning.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Cups: The Aftermath.  Regret over past actions.”

Loss is a very real part of our lives and sometimes we can shrug it off, others it may sting us for a bit while at others it downright hurts and almost seems like we’ll never survive it.  Although, loss is real and can mild to painful we should do our best to remain strong in Spirit and transcend it to the best of our abilities and allow Spirit to do the rest.

Guilt is a form of loss also but we should always do away with guilt because actions in the past must be let go save for the lessons learned and what we do to make up for the actions or lack thereof that cause our guilt in the first place.  I have feelings of guilt that come and go however they are becoming less and less as I recognize my bad deeds and poor choices as a part of learning and always look to Spirit and Tarot to help me take that guilty energy and send it out to the cosmos so it can be cleansed and purified and become pure energy once again.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Youth of Wands and Letting your Hair Down

Wednesday, January 15th, 2014.  Another hump day has come and almost gone the work week is nearing its end.  How wonderful!

This work week has been a bit weird and I’ll likely be hearing about my lack of making any significant calls but I’ll roll with and besides tomorrow is a new day.  Work is getting a little easier as I try to connect with and commune with Spirit throughout the day as well as reflect on the Tarot Card of the Day.  Also, my sleep is not being affected as much by thoughts of work these days either and in fact I slept through the night last evening and wanted to roll over and continue sleeping after shutting off the alarm.  Crazy…

I’m rolling with the new job and how it impacts my personal and spiritual life however I still have my goals and dreams in sight, never giving up on what I most desire to do in life and start doing before it is time to retire.  Gotta get moving on this!

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Wands: Focusing attention on something.  Reaching for a goal from a possibly unsteady foundation.”

Risks, creativity, expressing one’s self; all worth the while if one has faith and trust in life, in Spirit, and in his or her self.  Once in awhile it’s great to throw caution to the wind and just be and do what you want even if for a single moment, just let yourself go and express your individuality and uniqueness all courtesy of the Divine.  Don’t be afraid, no one’s looking so dance like a crazy fool, colour outside of the lines, take a bubble bath, just do something outside of the ordinary for yourself.  Just keep it safe and within reason, don’t injure yourself.  Have a little fun with it.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The 5 of Wands and Adopting a Competitve Spirit

Tuesday, January 14, 2014.  I awoke with the alarm this morning and disappointingly rushed my time with Spirit and Tarot.  I have a bit of extra time now though since I’m taking off for work about ten minutes later than a few weeks ago.  Surprisingly, I arrive to work at the same time as I did then.  My morning commute is about 15 minutes long.  So Far, that is.  But it is hard to use this time to spend working with Spirit and Tarot when someone else is up and about too!  I’ll find a solution that works soon enough, I’m sure of it.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle.  Competition in the marketplace.”

This card I think is a bit of a reflection of what it takes for me to succeed at my job.  I need to show my competitive spirit and react to resistance in a tougher manner.  The Sales Manager seems to like a bit of feistiness from his co-workers.  He likes the banter.  Also, I think it helped that I received compliments from the networking I did last night.  I guess I proved myself to him in that regard as well is in my ability to book him meetings in my own way.  As it is I’m more successful at it than he predicted I’d be.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, January 13, 2014

8 of Cups and Leaving Behind Shyness and Fear

Monday, January 13, 2014.  I did awake early today around 6:09am however, I simply used this time to get the coffee ready and spend a little time with Spirit before working with Tarot.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Cups: Farewell.  Moving on.  Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself.”

This card is quite representative of my two hours of overtime I did at a Chamber of Commerce After 5 Business Social.  I left behind my shy self and dove right into a business mode I never thought I had and conversed and sold the business I work for to a dozen or more people.  I was expecting to struggle and slip out of there during the first twenty minutes but I spent over two hours conversing with people that were intrigued by the business model I represented.

On a more personal side I believe that I need to doubt and fear behind and move full speed ahead with the confidence and courage I are more a part of me than I realize.  I have much more talent and many more abilities than I give myself credit for.  I have what it takes and need to take the courage and confidence I’m discovering about myself and make my personal situation more successful and self-sufficient than it is and bring it to the level where it deserves to be.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Sage of Coins and Growing My Talents

Sunday, January 12th, 2014.  We hosted friends something I do not mind doing and besides it was a birthday but it has been so hectic since December and I really feel a need for some down time.  I’ve made the choice to be busy but now I need to slow down and smell the roses.  A slow pace of life in an RV really feels like a good fit for me and it has been 8 years since I’ve tried to seriously pursue such a lifestyle but life is life and wow can it go sideways and take you in totally different directions than what you have planned.

I’m okay right at the moment and am not losing sleep over it however it is something I need to work on as I can with the resources I have, RVing that is.  I’m gaining a much better understanding of and appreciation for the talents I have and know full well that I can responsibly apply them for my own benefit just the same as I do for a employer and this is the theme of 2014.  Discovering, paying attention to and growing my talents to a point where I can use them to be self-sufficient, self-reliant, and truly self-employed without worry.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Coins: Working with resources rather than trying to control them. A mature appreciation of the natural world.  Patience.”

I have resources to use and will use them as best as I can without manipulating them beyond how they should be used.  My talents are decent enough however have room to grow and this what I plan to do.  Grow my talents; learn how to use the resources to their fullest and work in harmony with nature and the energy nature brings into my life.  I work with my Divine gifts and talents, am humble of the gifts I’ve been given and am always thankful for the work the Divine is always doing in my life.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

XI Strength and Good Hobbies and Creativity

Saturday, January 11th, 2014.  A blustery day welcomed me out of bed however when I headed out to the gym the day was as calm as could be and quite warm too!  I had a bit of quiet time and quick coffee before doing my early morning workout.  I love these kinds of days.  My favourite!  Really do need to find a good way of working at home and making a living doing it.  Something is coming along, I’m sure of it.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”

I need to keep up with my hobbies as this will only help to live a healthy life and keep me sane as well.  I have a variety of hobbies that should keep me occupied and unleash all of my creative potential that is such a wonderful gift of the divine.  Cards, ventriloquism, learning Spanish, writing, and model railroading.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, January 10, 2014

The 4 of Coins Again and Blocked Change

Friday, January 10th, 2014.  Awaking early is going to be tough however I really do miss my early morning moments of silence and solitude where all there is, is me and Spirit working with Tarot.  Today was not too bad as I awoke around 6am and was able to spend a little time by myself in the presence of Spirit and Tarot and allow a conversation to unfold.  As today’s visiting Tarot Card came to light my mind also awakened to the blockages that hinder my movement forward and expansion of life and living.  A little tweaking here and there of attitude and approach to the job and change tiptoes in.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card, third time since Sunday, is the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director.  A position of power.  Wanting to control how others perceive things.”

A new approach and new way of thinking and a more relaxed demeanor evokes change and opens the doors to infinite possibilities and opportunities.  Lights come on and doors open and a little bit of renewal and freshening up takes place where you least expect.  Tiptoeing in with little baby steps but change none-the-less, change on all sides, a little more respect and understanding and voila there is agreement and a certain sense of your alright and I get you.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

XIV Temperance and Mixing It Up a Little

Thursday, January 9th, 2014.  I got so distracted this evening that I forgot about writing here in my spiritual/tarot journal and blog.  It was a ho-hum day; nothing really stands out other than the weather.  The rain was coming down in sheets when I left work at 5:00pm but luckily light enough where I didn’t get too wet walking over to the gym.  Working out felt really good and the gym was not overly busy.

Spiritually I was getting into a good place and even smiled while working and before making a few calls.  I think this is a good practice as then I’m in a good place before making each call.  It may not result in booking an appointment for the sales manager however I feel good when I do this.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XIV Temperance: Mix things up a little.  Combining separate elements to create something new.  Moderation (not too much of each flavour).  Flexibility.”

What I need to do is juggle things around a little so I’m always focused on one thing at a time, such as my model railroad.  I need to mix things up a little and practice my Spanish, make cards, practice ventriloquism, and try to come up some ventriloquist scripts all the while continuing to write.  Oh, I just thought of something.  I also need to dig out my Wiccan supplies and bring them out into the open.  Almost forgot I had candles, oils, and incense for Sabbats and Full Moon Rituals.  Thank goodness I remembered.  Next on my list of things to do tonight, dig out all things Wicca.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The 10 of Coins and Change, Stability, and Abundance

Wednesday, January 8, 2014.  I slept quite well however I was well aware that I was awake at several points during the night and just fell back to sleep minutes before the alarm sounded.  I awoke groggily but did get out of bed to get on with my day.  I rushed about and quickly got to Tarot and Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “10 of Coins: History.  A knowledge of and appreciation for history.  Seeing your concerns in a larger context.  Seeing your life as a story; who is the author?”

Although change is sometimes necessary stability is also key to living a decent life and creating abundance.  My life is becoming more stable however I think some change is still needed and I’m doing my best to identify where I need to make changes in my life.  One way I’m making changes is to be aware of Spirit while I’m working and thinking about bringing Spirit to the forefront of my mind as I go about making my phone calls—it does make a difference.  I’m doing my best to maintain control of my own story by making smart decisions, real decisions where there is not a maybe but a yes or no answer.  Making real and relevant decisions based on all the information at my disposal as well as gut feelings and guidance from the heart I can feel good about making a yes or no decision and move forward without dwelling on it.

Then I am balanced, stable, writing my own story and creating abundance in my life.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The 4 of Coins and Change, Change, Change!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014.  I’m again writing this in the evening as I ran out of time this morning.  Awaking early is a possibility but then I should rethink going to bed earlier.  I miss my alone time in the morning as this time really helps me prepare for the day.  I am working with Tarot and communing with Spirit however it is all too rushed.  I’m thankful to be working so I need to find a way to make this work for me.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director.  A position of power.  Wanting to control how others perceive things.”

This card is emblematic of blocked change and I think that this is a reflection of my own stubbornness hampering much needed personal change as well as work related blockage by the sales manager.  I am doing my best to be open to change as well as welcome change into my life.  However, maybe this change is more drastic than what I want to allow taking place in my life.  Maybe it’s a change of residence, a change of job, a change of thinking…whatever the change is I should allow it to take over my life and change me.  I welcome change.  I want to be changed.  I am changed.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Ace of Cups and Trusting my Feelings, Emotions, and Heart

Monday, January 6, 2014.  I awoke at the usual time however I did not sleep well in anticipation of a work meeting and as suspected the meeting did not result in anything changing.  Also, I’d like to awake a little earlier so I can better focus on Spirit and Tarot in the morning as this is a very important way for me to start my day, even more important than my first cup of coffee.

My job is okay overall but not the approach of the old fashioned sales manager who wants to do things the hard way rather than the smart way.  I’m essentially making cold calls to everyone and anyone without the businesses I’m calling having being qualified into a legitimate lead.  So I need to make a whack load of calls if I have any hopes of hitting sales targets.  Not the best way to spend my time.  In two previous jobs I’ve always worked with pre-qualified leads where as now I’ have to qualify these businesses into leads or not and then turn them into sales prospects before handing them over to the sales manager.

I guess that’s enough complaining on my part.  Besides, I’ll survive.  I’m stubborn enough to make it work for now and I am very thankful to be working.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Ace of Cups: A gift of love.  The beginning of a love affair, friendship, or partnership.”

Feelings, emotions, the heart all worthy of my attention and trust as synchronicity is in the air and following my heart and emotions just might bring me in a new direction where my dreams and desires literally fall into my lap.  I feel very connected with Spirit at the moment and this is leading me to believe in myself and my abilities t make my own success and create my own success story.  Not necessarily of material abundance but living a life where money is not my focus nor my worry it simple flows into my life so I can make some good in this world by creating and sharing the beauty of my talents.  I’ll work for love’s sake.  Love of Spirit, love of this world and love for my fellow earth dwelling beings.  Work done for the benefit of all kind.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

4 of Coins, Learning, Evolving, and Allowing Change

Sunday, January 5, 2014.  We’ve a quiet and comfortable weekend thus far and today should be no different.  Even our late afternoon shopping trip was not all that bad so today shall be a nice quiet stay at home kind of day.  I slept in this morning.  In bed around 11:00pm and awaking at 8:30am.  What a great night’s sleep.  I really relaxed overnight.  Impressive!

Thank You Spirit.

The sun is shining brightly this morning and we are having ourselves a fine day so we will enjoy it as much as possible as the week is going to become wet, wet, wet!  A couple of days of cooler and cold temperatures for the tropics of Canada then we’re back into the wet and soggy weather we are known for.  Nice!

As I’m writing this I’m also reflecting on today’s visiting Tarot Card as well as the card of the year.  I realized I have not looked at a Tarot Card for the year for some time, not since 2002 or 2003 when I was only dabbling in Tarot and not taking it too seriously but where it did have an impact on my life.  And with this I say thank you again Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Coins: The Lighting Director.  A position of power.  Wanting to control how others perceive things.”

With this card I must realize that I cannot and should not try to exert control over anything other than my own life.  Freedom must be allowed to flow in life and all things that come and go.  I can defend and preserve but never claim control over anyone or anything.  Choice must be allowed to exist.  Additionally, I must be open to change in my own life.  In fact, I welcome change into my life, especially needed change that I might be resisting.  Change come and move me.  Sometimes we must allow ourselves to freely float along the current of lie in order for change to occur and the best things to come into our lives.

In fact, I think this is happening to me now.  2013 has been a year of lessons, learning, and evolving.  Have I learned and evolved?  A little bit but more learning and growth is necessary and as my Tarot Card of the Year suggest I will be growing and evolving as the year progresses and this is a good thing.  I’m actually surprised as ideas I never gave much thought to are coming back into my mind and making themselves known to me yet again.  Hints at where my life should be headed if I am open to change, and I am definitely open to needed change.  Let’s do it!

So as I contemplated life and an whole lot of nothing last night the idea of what I’m all about filled my mind and the idea I had of creating business cards for my crafting business gave way to business cards for my spiritual pursuits and endeavors.

Wizard Oron, Tarot Card Consultant and Mystical Researcher at your service.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The 8 of Cups and Facing Change Head On

Saturday, January 4th, 2014.  Even though my work week was only two days long it felt like an excruciatingly long week.  The job I must say, these past two days just does not seem to be good fit.  Maybe it’s the dreaded cold calling and being stuck in my office for eight hours a day in an attempt to meet the calling target of forty calls per day.  I try to make smart calls but the sales manager simply wants me to hit the elusive forty calls in day to get the one or two bites that he thinks I should be getting.  I`ll tough it out as I`m only making calls and I`ll do my best to get to that magic number of forty calls even though it is likely to bring empty results.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today`s visiting Tarot Card is the ”8 of Cups: Farewell.  Moving on.  Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself. ”

It`s time for me to leave things behind, make a few drastic and needed changes in my life and way of thinking needs to grow up.  I need to grow up perhaps.  I need to be the author of my own life as I am trying to be but maybe I need to take more drastic measures and bigger risks to really live life my way.  I really do need to and likely should take a giant leap of faith and go for it.  Go for what?  I`m not sure but I think this is what is nagging at me each and every day unfulfilled dreams and desires.  And it’s not even really a feeling of being fulfilled as it is the inkling, nagging feeling that I should be doing something else of following a different path and I’ve had this feeling for two years now.  I started to feel this at the beginning of 2012.

I guess I really do need a time of real solitude and meditation where I don’t think, don’t anticipate, don’t think of time, where I clear my mind of the cobwebs that clutter my thoughts and tangle my mind so much so that I’m just going through the motions of life, of living without being alive and living life as I am meant to be.  Time to grow up and face the music!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Youth of Coins and Prosperity Through Healthy Living

I did a little bit more tidying up last night and now have all my crafting and hobby supplies put away.  I’ll still sort through a few things here and there as I want to get into the habit of making cards on a daily basis.  Stamping, embossing, layering, embellishing, and finishing.

As I wiled away my evening I also looked at my Tarot Card records for 2013 and noticed that I pulled a Tarot Card every day last year.  I never missed a day and at one point I was pulling both the Tarot Card of the day and its Foundation Card.  Maybe I should work with this again?

I slept well and then the alarm sounded on time but way too soon for my liking.  I wanted to sleep more, sleep longer.  I’ll try that tomorrow but weekends never seem to be a time when I want to sleep in though.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Youth of Coins: Focusing on the physical.  Beginning a regimen.  Matters relating to nutrition and exercise.”

Although this card is about a focus on the physical and enjoying what our physical bodies have to offer us on this home of ours, Earth I also feel a need to being a healthy being-mind, body, and Spirit as every aspect of who we are, of our beings is so intertwined that all need to healthy if wish to live life with purpose and purpose driven lives.  I am thankful as a Spiritual being to have a healthy body that allows me to enjoy the pleasures of life on Earth.  What a gift!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The 3 of Coins and Being a Conduit for Positive Energy Flow

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014.  The second day of the year and the first day of the job for the new year.  I do not feel like I have had any time off though as I’ve been so busy around home cleaning and re-organizing things that I actually now feel the need for a break.  Too late!  It’s back to work I go.  The weekend is close by so no worries.

Last night was an odd night as I really did not feel like doing much of anything so I occupied my time with some mindless television until bed.  I slept well and here it is barely 7:00am and I almost ready to get on with my day of work.

Thank you Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Coins:  A Child’s Room.  Creating a positive environment for someone.  Work done for the pleasure of it.”

A repeat visitor and an important message to heed and put into practice both at home and in the workplace.  Attitude is a big part of achieving a positive environment and creating positive energy in the home and work environs.  I’ll do my best to create positive energy and be the reason people smile and walk away happy.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year and the 3 of Coins

January 1, 2014.  Happy New Year!  May 2014 usher in a new sense of peace and hope for the world.  May all the positive, peaceful, and loving energy displayed and exhibited by so many envelope this weary world and bring about a new age peace, love, and goodwill toward all!

As I started to think about today’s visiting Tarot Card and what to write today I thought about the birth of a new baby, the first New Year’s baby born and an email news alert arrived in my inbox announcing the first baby of 2014 for British Columbia.  The reason I was thinking about this is because I was thinking about the birth of a new savior for this world, a child that will grow up and bring about a new sense of hope and peace, ushering in a whole new way of thinking that will ignite peace in the hearts of those who now hate one another.

Kind of crazy I know and it plays so well with the idea of Jesus Christ doing the same but it is my thought for the day.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card, the first for 2014, is the “3 of Coins:  A Child’s Room.  Creating a positive environment for someone.  Work done for the pleasure of it.”

I was happy to see this card and this is exactly what I’ve been doing over the past couple of days and will continue to do today and moving forward this fabulous year.  As I thought about this card I thought about a new sense of peace and goodwill in the world but also of the need for me to work with Spirit as a form of employment.  I sensed that I need to move in a more spiritual and uplifting direction than what my current employment situation is giving me.  In a perfect world I could rent the retail space downstairs now occupied by the computer repair dealer.  This takes a leap of faith and trust in the universe and I going to do just that.  I may not move into the space downstairs but something is going to work out in my favour and in my desire to earn a fair and decent income from my spiritual pursuits.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.