
Thursday, January 23, 2014

The 2 of Swords and Balance and Perspective

Thursday, January 23, 2014.  Awoke a little bit but still dozing 10 or fifteen minutes before the alarm sounded and the new day’s activities got under way.  The usual daily routine of getting things going for breakfast, cleaning up and laying out clothes for the day and most importantly spending time with Spirit and Tarot was then followed by getting ready for work and heading out the door.  I can never have enough time with Spirit and Tarot.  This is such an important part of me that I’d like to do as my full-time job but only if I could accept earning a living from it, I do just that.  But perhaps the mere pursuit of full time Spirit and Tarot activities could lead to a source of money coming in from where I’d least expect it.


Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “2 of Swords: Meditation.  Closing your eyes to outer circumstances in order to gain perspective or to avoid a decision.  Refusing to act.”

This for me is about balance, balance and perspective.  Contemplation, though, and reasoning are all good but only if they lead one to a decision, a choice, or a way to act.  Decisions do have consequences but so does not making one and either can be good or bad.  I was waffling about a decision but when I awoke I made up my mind and acted.  Anxiety and worry disappeared and I felt better about the outlook of my day.  The day was ho-hum but hey that is what happens sometimes.  Tomorrow is another day and each and every day I try to learn and adjust.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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