
Monday, January 27, 2014

Guide of Wands, Creativity and Subtly Helping Others

Monday, January 27, 2014.  I awoke a few times throughout the night awoke somewhere around 40 minutes before the alarm so my sleep was not restful to say the least.  Comforting dreams though made up for that.  Indeed for what seemed to be the longest time I was dreaming about driving my RV to a place with spectacular scenery and throngs of people.  My RV completely finished as I envision it to be, the barely adequate exterior wood trim and all and I was not embarrassed the least bit driving her through the crowds of people.  I was quite proud of my little RV.  I think I had a few people traveling with me too!

As I dozed on and off I communed with Spirit and the elements to the best of my sleepy ability so when I awoke and got up to start my day I could more quickly get in tune with my cards and work with Tarot.  I’m getting a little more comfortable with my quick morning routine as I make up for it on the weekends.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Wands: Feeling possessed by a creative project or inspiration.  Being inspired to help others.  Doing what’s right.”

Working with the “Guide of Wands” today did not bring about much opportunity to help others except in subtle ways or ways I’m unaware of.  Perhaps, tidbits of conversations I had with co-workers or people on the telephone helped them in ways I may never get to know.  Oh, I also avoided an accident by reacting quickly and safely when another driver tried to pull into my lane when I was coming up beside him or her—shoulder checking is very important!

My creativity is itching to get to work on one of my hobbies and even to a degree on most of them even so far as to dabble with ideas while I’m at work.  Naughty, naughty…I know but a few minutes of such activities are likely to also benefit my employer.  I think one night this week will be spent on making handcrafted cards and another on cutting out templates for my other hobby, model railroading.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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