
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The 9 of Wands and Learning to Open Up to the World

New Year’s Eve.

After my run to the airport I hit Home Depot to get a few things for my model railroad layout and then stopped off at the RV in the hopes of building the layout table.  Lo and behold I didn’t do that as I did not have any small drill bits with which to build pilot holes for the screws and avoid splitting the wood.  So I simply cut the wood to size as I let the RV run for awhile.  Every visit to my RV makes me want to drive away with her.

I peeled myself away from my RV and headed home where I quickly ate lunch before head off to the hobby shop.  I picked up almost everything I need except the right-hand switches I need.  Apparently, no one has them and they are out of stock everywhere.  I’ll have to try my luck ordering them directly from Atlas Model Railroad Company.  I took transit to the hobby store and enjoyed the ride.

Once I got back home I started the process of re-organizing my crafting supplies.  I definitely have enough space I just have to figure out how to utilize it is all.  I need to pick up a few totes and what not to store things in and maybe organize myself a little better.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Wands: Don’t mess me.  Defensiveness.  Putting up barriers to avoid intimacy.

I need to guard against putting up walls in my relationships.  I need to learn to trust and have faith in my partner, family, friends, co-workers and employers.  I need to open myself up to the world around me and learn and appreciate it a little more.  I need to get involved in living and enjoying life in the best way possible.

Happy New Year!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, December 30, 2013

The 5 of Cups and Loss and Change

Yesterday was another fairly quiet day as we did not do very much.  I did go out and pick up some paint in the morning for my new cabinets and we did go out for a walk and a coffee but other than that we stayed in and relaxed, enjoying each other’s company.

Today I will apply a second coat of paint to the cabinets although first things first and that is to add a few screw that I somehow missed in the building process.  I hope to apply the second coat before I drive my partner to the airport so when I return home I can move the cabinet into place and start the clean-up and re-organization process.

On my way back home I’ll make a couple of pit stops where I’ll pick up supplies for my model railroad table and build it at my second stop that is a visit to the RV.  It’s been just over a month since my last visit so I hope she will start as I forgot to disconnect the battery and the couple of spells of cold weather are not kind to batteries.  I’ll let you know tomorrow how it goes.

This will also be a week of quiet solitude and meditation.  My plan is to light incense and candles every day add do my best to meditate and become more spiritual than physical, to change the vibration of my energy and really find the connection to and connect with Spirit, nature, tarot, the cosmos, this great and wonderful universe we live in.

Thank you Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Cups: The Aftermath.  Regret over past actions.”

I’m not sure what to make of this card however, I see myself as being forewarned that loss is on the horizon and should be prepared to accept it and move on.  Suffering will only come from trying to hang onto something that is gone and no more.  It may not be easy but must be done.  Change is likely needed and this loss is necessary to bring about change.

This loss could be minor or major and then again it may be a simple as remembering something and reliving the guilt from that experience.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

XI Strength and Being Smart and Focused

We had another quiet day yesterday.  We did a bit of shopping, picked up the lumber and built my base cabinets for my crafting station and had a bite to eat at Wally’s Burgers at the River Market here I New Westminster.  Since we had a late lunch we had a late and light dinner.  Then the remainder of the evening we watched a movie.

Thank you Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”

So I need to pour my energy into the pursuit of my passions especially as they fit with my current lifestyle and situation.  I will build a solid foundation and strength into my hobbies and then transfer them into my desired RVing lifestyle as soon as I can.  The ability to be mobile and possibly find employment or earn a bit of income along my travels is my desire mode of living. 

I must be smart and focused in order for everything to fall into place.  I do believe that this is the direction my life is meant to take but not as soon as I wanted it due to poor choices I’ve made in the past.  However, today I feel and sense that Spirit is aiding me in finding a good means of living a mobile lifestyle.  I have faith and trust in where my life is headed.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

X The Wheel of Life and Surprises!

We had a great dinner and a great visit with friends last night after a quiet morning and afternoon of relaxing as the rain came down.

This morning I awoke early and jumped out of bed to hit Lowes for my lumber supplies to build my crafting cupboard however, I walked out of the store empty handed.  Their saw is down so I could not get my lumber cut so needless to say I was not pleased so I simply left my potential purchases sitting on the floor.  Their loss of a sale as the saw is never working it would seem.  I’ll try Home Depot and they always have their saws up and running.  But I’ll call Rona first to see if they offer the same service.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “X The Wheel of Life: If life on the rim makes you dizzy, move to the centre. Awareness of the cycles of life. Equanimity. A change in fortunes. Guidance from your future or past self."

Today is a day of surprises but one was not exactly unexpected and that is the saw being out of service at Lowes.  No surprise there as I’ve want to use that service a few times before and it’s never been in operation.

Life is full of twists and turns and our actions and reactions can be a big part of the direction our life takes us in at any particular time so we should try our best to keep this in mind as events unfold.  I’m in a place where I understand why I am where I am and why I’m working at the particular job I find myself at.  However, I’m also aware that change is on the way.

Change is always happening in our lives and in my case because of my desire to be living life in an RV change or changes will come about to make this happen.  I am grateful and thankful for this as it’s my longstanding dream and desire!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Sage of Wands and Creating My Masterpiece

Happy Boar’s Head Supper!

The Boar’s Head Supper is an English tradition.

We had brunch at our friend’s place; they whipped up some waffles with fruit, maple syrup, and sausage.  Then we headed home for a quiet evening to ourselves as tonight we are headed out again to have dinner with friends.  But before that I hope to construct some shelving for underneath my crafting table in an effort to expand and provide better storage for my crafting supplies.  I hope this works out as I see it my mind.

Thank you Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “sage of Wands: Wanting to change the world.  Changing your environment by winning others over to your viewpoint.  Critical acclaim.  Politics.”

I need to find the inspiration to be more creative, original, and take action toward creating my masterpiece whether it be cards, ventriloquism, writing, or building my model railroad empire or all of the above.  Action is required in order for me to find fulfillment in my life and maybe even steer myself toward success I never imagine possible.

The key is to draw inspiration from and heed the message of tarot, often messages in tune with my inner voice.  I’m being urged to take a bold, new direction on my life.  I need to take a risk and have no fear!

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The 4 of Cups and Finding Fulfillment

Our desire to have a quiet week to ourselves has been anything but.  We’ve been visiting and hosting and engaging in more social activities than we anticipated ourselves doing.  We are making the choice to be social as it is the season of joy and goodwill after all however we’d rather forego all of the festivities of food, drink, and gift exchanges.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Cups: The Audition.  A new opportunity or choice presents itself.  Everything hangs in the balance.  Nervousness, excitement.”

Although life is a precious gift I do cherish, it can seemingly become stale and boring at times.  When this happens it’s time to spend a little time reflecting and then finding a way to focus and engage my heart and mind on something that excites me and pulls me out of this rut.  And the thing is I don’t my life or life in general is really all that boring either.  I think what I’m suffering from is what I’ll refer to as “buyer’s remorse” in the sense that the job I thought was the best choice for me is likely the exact opposite.  Time away from the job and more quiet time to myself have given me time to think and reflect on my first month on the job.  Additionally, we ran into a friend who mentioned that her husband had a life changing event on a recent trip they took to Cambodia and changed jobs as a result.  This caught my attention and that is when I decided that I too, perhaps need a much more fulfilling job than I have now.

I’ll do my best to engage my current employment with an open mind and do my best to make it work for everyone however, I likely need to move on at the same time too!  It’s great to be working again and I definitely need to build up my finances so I need to make the most of this well paying job while it lasts.  I have faith that things will work out the way they should.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas and The 3 of Coins

Merry Christmas to all!

May this day be filled with holiday good cheer and peace ring throughout the world.

We spent last night having a quick Christmas Eve visit with my brother and an uncle.  It was a great visit, quiet and filled with good cheer!

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Coins: A Child's Room. Creating a positive environment for someone. Work done for the pleasure of it."

This is a nice card for today.  Using our skills and talents to create a positive environment for those we love as well as ourselves, doing our small part to bring peace to this crazy world.  Sometimes planning, preparation and our own skills and talents are enough but once in awhile it is great to bring in the experts or at least work as part of a team of dedicated individuals who want to give back and make someone else's life just a little better.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Sage of Wands and the Time to Take a Risk

Wishing everyone a great Christmas Eve.  May we all send out smiles and greetings to all we cross paths with so the season is filled with peace and goodwill to all.

Yesterday was another quiet day where not much happened until the afternoon and evening where we hit downtown Vancouver to joins for drinks and dinner.  We ate at the Pink Elephant.  The service was great, our server has a great sense of humour and fantastic customer service skills, the food was decent, good enough I suppose but I’ve had better.  Then we all parted company with wishes of good cheer for the holidays!

 Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Wands: Wanting to change the world.  Changing your environment by winning others over to your viewpoint.  Critical acclaim.  Politics.”

This card is a card of boldness, originality, risk, flair, and action.  A card where we are encouraged to use our Divine gifts to lead and change the world in our own little ways, change for the better.  Small, seemingly insignificant steps can sometimes lead to the most significant and greatest changes taking place.  So we must never underestimate the power of our actions, especially in this age of social media and global reach.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Guide of Coins and Living as Spirit

Yesterday was a relatively quiet day.  We didn’t do much of anything at all.  We took a stroll around downtown New Westminster then returned home for a quiet afternoon of relaxation before heading out to celebrate a friend’s 40th birthday with about a dozen other people.  It was very nice.

Actually, a part of my day yesterday was spent re-organizing my crafting space as I’ve decided to build a set of shelves under the table to offer better storage solutions for what I’ve got.  I don’t actually have as much as it looks like I have.  When I took things out of boxes and drawers it adds up to quite a bit but not as much as I was fearing.  The set of drawers I picked up from IKEA a few years back actually takes up more space than what has been stored inside the drawers.  So open concept shelving that is 48 inches wide, 24 inches deep and 28 inches high divided into two will be much better suited to store and hide my “junk” than the drawers.  I’ll pick up few storage containers in order to contain some things more neatly and then put it all away in a far more organized and neat fashion.  In fact I may uses some containers I already have as the paper in them will come out and go the shelves in order to be readily available for use.  So for now I’m good to go, just need to get some plywood cut down to size is all.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfillment from nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.”

The ordinariness of life and immersing myself into nature by walking through forests and meadows and other trails is one of the most satisfying parts of my life.  I need no extra sensory stimulation to excite me or help to pass the time.  I like to be “boring” and truthfully it’s not boring to me at all, quite the opposite.  Life is quite fascinating really as is the human condition.  Especially when we experience life beyond our ordinary senses.

This morning as I sat with Spirit and Tarot I realized and likely for the first time that I as a spiritual being I do not exist because of the physical being I dwell in as it’s more my physical being existing because of my spiritual being.  Try this on for size-experience life through Spirit and prepare to be amazed.  Become a part of what and who you really are instead of remaining separate from it, join nature, rejoin life as it really is and start living again.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

XIV Temperance and Bringing Calm to Our Lives

I hope everyone had safe and joyous Yule celebrations and peace and love fill the air wherever you are.

We spent a brief part of the day hopping, a bit more of the day having coffee at the quay here in New Westminster and then the rest of day enjoying our day of quiet solitude at home.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XIV Temperance: Mix things up a little.  Combining separate elements to create something new.  Moderation (not too much of each flavor).

The image of this card from my deck is that of a chef, mixing different and separate ingredients to create something new.  Something that is a combination of possibly many different ingredients, a combination of flavours that combine and become a new flavour with hints of all the separate ingredients but where they complement instead of compete with each other.  Beautiful!

Compromise and cooperation, finding your inner calm amidst a whirlwind of the world around us.  Calm but not necessarily boring, just able to sail along the waves of live with a good sense of equilibrium.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

VII The Chariot and Believing In Myself

Merry Yule!  Have great Yule and Winter Solstice Celebrations Everybody.

Vancouver welcome this day in with a day of snow yesterday.  Luckily, my commute was only affected by the amount of time it took me to get to work, a whole extra six minutes.  Not too bad at all compared to what else happened around the Metro Vancouver region.  As I waited in my car for others to arrive at work I soaked up and enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the day brought on by the light covering of snow.

I had a slow, very slow work day as once lunch approached I helped prepare the table for our Christmas lunch party and the day was pretty much done at that point.  I dilly dallied until about 4:00pm before it was suggested to me that I could go home and so I did.  Although, I did my best to keep aware of the yesterday’s tarot card throughout the day.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VII The Chariot: Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one’s. Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely).”

I really need to keep my mind clear and focused on using my best strengths and strongest abilities to make my life at work and my job there a success.  This goes hand-in-hand with turning that into personal success in fulfilling my dreams, goals, and wishes/  I’ve got what it takes and must have an unshakeable faith in my abilities to get the job done for both me and my employer.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The 10 of Cups, Harmony, Peace, and Love

An odd work day that involved work, a Christmas lunch and a supposed early end to the work day that didn’t really end until a little after 4pm, an hour before our normal end time.  However, we are no off until the New Year, January 2nd, 2014 is my return to work.  Hooray!

This morning after working all evening trying to whip up a lasagna and Christmas cards for my co-workers that didn’t see me get into bed until after 11:00pm, I awoke a little after 4.  I tossed and turned a little then decided to get out of bed somewhere between 4:30 and 5:00pm.  This felt like the right thing to do so I was happy to be awake and have time to myself.

I worked with Tarot, connected with Spirit and got the espresso ready to go and a cup of instant to get me going before shuffling the deck and turning over today’s visiting Tarot Card, the 10 of Cups: The Ideal.  Your secret dreams.  Attainment. Unrealistic, wishful thinking.”

The more I read and research Tarot I come to a better understanding of the cards that then allows me to better understand the appearance of a card on a particular day.  Today and today’s Tarot Card are no different.  My life and attitude can make my ideal life not only possible but very real too!  The more I find harmony in life, peace in my soul, and love in my heart the better my life becomes.  My dreams are real and very close to being attained.  Just a few more things to work out, a few more lessons to learn, and a bit more debt to get rid of and my dreams will be mine and be mine beyond my wildest dreams and expectations.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Man of Wands and the 8 of Cups

Yesterday was crappy yet a good day.  Work was lackluster however a holiday dinner with a friend provided a great ending to my day.  I’m in sales so-to-speak, making cold calls in an attempt to book appointments for the sales manager.  Thankless work because they are bit old fashioned in their approach to expanding their business.  I’m trying to work within the constraints of my role and how they want it to be done but it is difficult.  Thankfully, most people I call are friendly and take my call or politely say no.  Also, I’ve pretty much burned through the leads they have for me…so where do I go from here?

Thankfully today is a new day however I mustn’t forget about yesterday’s visiting Tarot Card, the “Man of Wands: Someone who likes problems, and/or thrives on unstable or dangerous situations. “The Establishment”.  Keeping the peace.”

And today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Cups: Farewell.  Moving on.  Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself.”

I need to rediscover that risk-taking, confident side of me that existed when I was younger.  I need to find that can-do attitude and forge ahead in areas that I’m passionate about and fiercely believe in.  I need to find that confidence needed to forge ahead, forge it alone if need be in working for me, myself, and I.  Life is good and worthy of trust and I am g odd person and very capable of supporting myself my own way.  I need to leave doubt and anger, and the old stale parts of me in the past where they belong.  I need to embrace the love and goodwill of the season and move on in life, the way I want to move on...

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

0 The Fool and Embracing Life

I’m doing my best communing and being with Spirit and working with Tarot on a daily basis but it is taking more effort than I thought.  My new job is having a greater impact on this area than what I guessed it would.  Pleasantly though, I reminded myself of today’s visiting Tarot Card while pacing around my office and I gave pause for a moment thanking Spirit for being with me.  And as I write this as my day is coming to a close I am again giving thanks.  I’ll need to make a more solid effort of giving thanks daily for meals, driving, working out at the gym, etc.
Thank you Spirit.
Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “0 The Fool: Accepting and exploring one's sexual identity is a journey of self-discovery.  Beginning a new and exciting venture.  Going beyond the limits of social convention.  A nonconformist."
I reminded to recapture the innocence of childhood, to believe in myself, to follow my heart’s desires, to have “faith that life is good and worthy of trust”.  And this is what I shall try to keep in mind and a part of every atom of being.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The 8 of Cups and Leaving Behind Things No Longer Needed

I slept in until the alarm albeit the last few hours I seemed to be half awake and aware that I was sleeping but not sleeping at the same time.  So after a few minutes out of bed we were and on with our day.  As I slept I communed with Spirit and the elements so I quickly worked with Tarot.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “8 of Cups: Farewell.  Moving on.  Leaving behind a person, a situation, or a part of yourself.”

I’m not 100% sure where this card wants me to go with its message however I have a few ideas such as old thought patterns, worries and fears and the lack of self-confidence in myself and my abilities.  Also, in my dreams and desires of living in an RV are realistic and achievable so I should not give up on them.  So I figured out and now completely understand why this car is with me today.  Get rid stale old thought patterns and lack of belief in all that I believe in and can become.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

2 of Wands and Embracing Divine Power

Another day of divine perfection.  Awaking to a new day of life and living thanks to the divine.  You just can’t beat that!

Yes, life is difficult and challenging at times, even downright miserable at others however, I am alive and able to experience the beauty and grandeur of this place that the divine created and for this I am thankful, honoured, and humbled.  I am at many times at odds with the society I live in but it is what we have and is slow to change so we must do our best to live within as well as do our part to try and change it for the better.  Baby steps, if any are all we can most of the time but change does come slowly but surely.  Let’s not give and continue to do our part to express the Divine presence unto this world.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “2 of Wands: Confidence.  Being the king of your castle.  Preparing the ground for a new venture.  The dawn of an adventure.”

I’ve been encouraged and emboldened by some of the people I’m following on twitter and blogs to think about and envision creating and starting up my own Tarot Card reading service on the web and maybe even out of my home or some nook or hole in the wall of this historic city I live in.  Thoughts and ideas for now but they are percolating in my mind and are gaining strength and presence in where I’d like my life to go.

I embrace and trust in the Divine presence and flow of power in my life that is daring me to be bold, creative, and original.  I must follow where the Divine leads me and live a purpose driven life for the benefit of all kind.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The 9 of Wands and Learning to Love

Early on a Saturday morning, my quiet time, time to myself, time for Spirit and Tarot.  I miss the early relaxing mornings I experienced the last twelve or so months.  That was quality living, albeit with financial dependency on another however, it has given me much pause for thought.  I appreciate the need to work and earn a living this day and age but I also understand what living, real living is all about so I need to find a way to do both.

As I get updates and suggestions for who I might wish to follow on Twitter I see many examples of people living quality lives through Spirit—Tarot Readers, Witches, Paranormal experts, and so forth.  I need to find my path and do the same.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Wands: Don’t mess with me.  Defensiveness.  Putting up barriers to avoid intimacy.”

This is a reminder to me that I’m sliding into an old pattern again and need to reconnect with my heart and love and my partner again.  I was faced with the fact that I was not being a very good partner in my relationship over the past while.  I was barely listening or communicating, just going through the motions of being in a relationship, of living life.  What a wake-up call this has been.

This fact came to light just a couple of weeks ago and last night I recognized I was building up another wall so I’m glad Tarot has brought this message to me this day.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, December 13, 2013

2 of Cups and Connecting With Others Through Spirit

What a decent day this was, a little drawn out feeling at times but the day is done and the weekend is here.  Hooray!

I slept in this morning and the alarm rang and awoke us up, I would have slept much longer had the alarm not rang.  Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “2 of Cups: The Dialogue.  A balanced relationship.  Being able to see things from the others perspective.”

This is such an important part of life that it is great to be reminded of this.  We interact with so many people and yet for most of us our only concern is with ourselves and our own perspectives.  How often do we really try to see things from the other side, seldom if ever, I’m betting for a good majority of us?  This is why it is so important for us to interact with people with our Spirit and energy more than our physical senses.  It is better to trust our Spirit and energy than it is our usual senses.  Remember who you are, who we are – spirit, spirit and energy more than anything else and it is with these that we need to connect with family, friends, and loved ones.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

XI Strength Through Peace, Love, and Goodwill

I awoke early again this morning and was happily able to be with Spirit and Tarot for my much loved and desired alone time.  It passes by quickly too although I must admit I likely putter around more than I should but I do like to ease into my day instead of rushing it.

But then the day has to get moving and I’m off to work before I get much time to reflect on my daily Tarot Card and the busy work-a-day life does not allow much time to think about these things.  I’ll get it all worked out eventually and have more time to allow the day’s Tarot Card to soak in.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key.  Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”

Real Strength comes from love, compassion, patience, perseverance, knowing when to be silent, being diplomatic, and the courage to stand up alone for what you believe when no one else is willing to stand up with you.  Strength comes from not giving into impulse, rash decisions, or the easy rise of anger when we are wronged or hurt in some way.  It’s not easy to allow the strength of the Divine be in control when it so much easier to give into our human condition and allow ourselves more often than not rise up and lash out.  And especially so when it comes to those things we are most passionate about.

Allow the Divine energy to flow forth through you and to those around you.  Let the cosmic energy be your guide, your source of strength and courage so you, so we all can rise up as symbols of peace, love, and goodwill.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

IX The Hermit and Cherishing Quiet Stillness

The day after calling in sick and the working honeymoon has come to an end as I expected it would.  My co-worker came into sit with me as I made calls.  They work the old fashioned way when it comes to calling on prospects or leads or what is cold calling.  I’ve tried to discuss new more effective techniques of making calls but they will not have any of it.  So for now I’ll just bite my tongue and do it their way so much for the open minds that they said they had.

That was my day at work.

Last night I slept quite well but awoke early again.  I do not mind so much the awaking early but only if I’ve had a nice restful sleep of about six hours.  Awaking early is what I like to do so I can spend time with Spirit and Tarot.  Speaking of which, while I was wrapping up my day at work I came up with the idea of calling the company that handles my website to see if I can add a couple of things to it where the potential for earning a few dollars could be created and advertised.  I’ll give it more thought before going ahead with the idea though.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “IX The Hermit: To fully understand something, sometimes you must escape it.  Gaining perspective.  Solitude.  Study."

Pull back and look at the bigger picture and allow some objectivity come into play.  At times we need to pull back and really give things real thought.  In this day and age where impulse is the norm and we seemingly need stimuli 24 hours a day seven days a week in order keep functioning it is likely a good idea to take break from life for awhile.  We need to book quiet time for ourselves so we can listen to that inner voice, listen to ourselves think and breathe for a moment.  We need to learn, remember, understand that quietness and stillness are good things, things to cherish, nurture, and love.

Get to know our thoughts, our true selves instead of fearing them.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Guide of Wands and Living With Purpose

Today is a sick day, not feeling 100 percent and besides the weather is crappy for Vancouver standards.  Snow, ice, and freezing rain do not make for a nice commute.  I’m used to it as I grew up in snow country but most people in Vancouver do not drive for winter road conditions and seldom have winter tires on their vehicles.

So I awoke at about 4am feeling anxious and dreadful.  The day seemed to be starting as and shaping up to be a gloomy day.  I felt extremely cold and as if I was in dire straits…no idea why so I sat by the fireplace and let it warm me and fill my spirit with its energy.  I communed with Spirit and worked with Tarot and allowed their calm and soothing touch wash away the darkness that was wrapped around me like a blanket.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Wands: Feeling possessed by a creative project or inspiration.  Being inspired to help others.  Doing what’s right.”

For me this card is a reflection of what living a purpose drive life is all about.  When we live our lives, the lives we desire and create for ourselves with purpose we open up a world of possibilities for ourselves where creativity, passion, and a desire to give and help others runs strong.  Our beauty and charm exude from us; instills others with confidence and inspires them to do the same.  Ideas and thoughts become words, which become actions and whereby we live and lead our lives by example.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, December 9, 2013

I The Magician and Creating Life

The work day is done.  I took it easy at work today although I did make a few calls so not a complete write-off of the day.  The snow made for a slow crawl to the office but not so much on the way home as it dry and the roads salted and sanded.

I slept rather well last night although I did awake a few times but felt fairly well rested at 6am when I decided to get out of bed.  I worked with Tarot and communed with Spirit since I had some time.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it.  Creativity. Ability.  Making something happen.”

It’s time for all of us to create our lives through healthier, purpose-driven, and creative living.  Create our lives through living with the Divine, of listening to our inner guides through daily meditation and ritual where we love and respect all that is, was, and ever will be, all life and all that we have and know.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

XIX The Sun and Celebrating Ordinary Living as Something Extraordinary

We had a weird kind of day yesterday.  Well, at least for me, it felt a bit weird or maybe surreal is a better word.  We had a friend over for dinner but preceding that the day had an unreal quality to it.  It really is beyond explanation for me so I’ll just drop the subject altogether and let it be.

I slept quite well even though I had a headache most of the night and awoke with one as well.  I think I have a sinus cold or a touch of the flu.  But awaking and being with Spirit and working with Tarot is just the tonic I need to feel better and better is what I feel.  Maybe it’s also attributable to the cold weather we’re having and working in somewhat of a cold office.  But I’ll survive.

My thoughts this morning have been swirling around the image of me living in my RV outside the office where I work and how each morning I move my RV from the parking lot to the street, making sure as to park her across the street.  And each night I do the reverse, rather bizarre as I’m not sure where all of my possessions are as the RV seems quite clean, tidy, roomy and organized.  An odd thought but an interesting one all the same.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XIX The Sun: The best moments in life are rooted in the ordinary.  Contentment.  Optimism.  Ordinariness.  Satisfaction from a job well done.  Familiarity.”

What a great card to have for a “Sun”day where “healing, spirituality, success, strength, and protection” are highlights of the day.  And where the Moon has entered Pisces giving us a couple of days where “dreaming, nostalgia, intuition, and psychic impressions” run strong. Llewellyn’s 2013 Magical Almanac, Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., 2012

Ordnariness is something that is missing from many people’s lives these days as we are constantly trying to be busy and active all the time, find new and creative ways to entertain ourselves.  We never allow ourselves to simply “be” or get to know ourselves as we are constantly running away from that alone time that seems to instill fear in so many people.  We should not be scared of ourselves and if we are we need to find out why?  And why we can’t be alone and silent for too long.

And we should also learn to be satisfied from the simple successes we have and the small and menial tasks we complete.  Let’s learn to be content from the simple and ordinary things in life.  That is worth celebrating.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Sage of Cups and Being a Peacemaker

Well it’s the weekend.  Whoopee!  The mad dash of crazed shoppers continues as the fret over and race from here and there to spend their money on gifts people really don’t need.  The family and friend get togethers and the love and goodwill that are in the air is great and quite amazing however wouldn’t it be netter if we fed and clothed the hungry and the destitute, invested our money making the world a kinder and gentler place?

I’ve never liked making up a Christmas Wish List for myself because I just don’t want anything that money can buy, never have, really.

Anyway, I’ll get off my soapbox now and move on…

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Sage of Cups: Emotional maturity.  A good mediator or counselor.”

This is a time to be understanding, tolerant, compromising, and diplomatic and do our best be mediators to smooth over any ruffled feathers.  Picking sides is not always necessary and often it is better to stay neutral, objective and level-headed and keep the peace.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, December 6, 2013

The 5 of Cups and Recognizing Sorrow and Pain But Transcending

Another week of work behind me and I’m happy that I’ve survived three weeks and will likely be able to last many more.  I’m more comfortable at the job than I thought I’d be and I’m starting to fit in, I suppose.  I like it so I guess I’ll stay there for awhile.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “5 of Cups: The Aftermath.  Regret over past actions.”

Hurt, pain, sorrow, and regret are a part life that is unavoidable for most of us but it is how we deal with them that can make all the difference in the world.  Acknowledge the hurt, pain, and regret but never let it rule our lives or dampen our Spirits.  We must do our best to transcend and overcome and move forward in our lives always keeping the higher ideal in mind.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The 2 of Wands and the Strength of Spirit

The divine serves as inspiration and strength and this shines through this day as it has since I started this new job.  However, day the divine presence was very evident in my days activities and the results of them.  A productive and energetic type of day that started off with lack of sleep and what was wanting to be a major headache for a good portion of my morning.  I eased into work with thanks to Spirit and the elements and the first call I made resulted in me booking another meeting for the sales manager and positive calls followed.  No more meetings mind you but decent calls and then as I’m winding down my day I receive a call back that will likely result in a new account but we’ll have to wait and see.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “2 of Wands: Confidence.  Being the king of your castle.  Preparing the ground for a new venture.  The dawn of an adventure.”

The perfect card for the day I’ve had and how I’m growing into a new job that will likely do more to help me achieve my dreams than I ever imagined.  Confidence and a knowing that my strength comes not from me but the Spirit that is me, that is us, that is the cosmos.  My strength is not my own but rather the strength of all, the divine force(s) that intertwine through everything in the universe tying it eternally together and there for anyone who remembers where they come from and thus tap into the strength, love and courage that has always been there all along.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

VIII Justice and Paying My Dues Joyfully

Hooray!  I survived another day on the job.  No, it’s not that bad and I am somewhat enjoying the experience and besides it makes up for my four lazy years at my previous job.  I’m learning to be a could telephone representative and spokesperson for the company.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “VIII Justice: Even today, gays can be the victims of “justice”.  An unfair judgement.  Being too judgemental or righteous.  Feeling restricted by others’ expectations.”

This is a great card for today and I completely understand the message I’m receiving from it today, this evening.  I need to learn to work with what I have, accept my position, and work smart more than hard in making my employment with this company a success.  This includes personal success in my own life as well as all of my other personal endeavors.

Paying my dues joyfully.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

VII The Chariot and Having a Healthy Ego

A day of work completed, a workout at the gym finished with a protein shake and a nice meal.  And now I’m here reflecting on my day and the Tarot Card that may have shaped or influenced this day as much as it may have shed some light on the day that now was.

The work day was productive and I even booked a successful appointment for the sales manager.  I made about thirteen calls today but have to double and triple that to make my daily total of expected calls.  Not a bad way to spend the day and today everyone I spoke with was very friendly, kind, and respectful.  I enjoy talking to people as long as I keep in mind that I do enjoy it, I’m doing nothing wrong by it, and it the company and services I represent and offer can make life easier for them.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s Tarot Card is “VII The Chariot: Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one’s. Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely).”

This card is about coming to terms with ourselves and developing a means of having a ego without being ruled by it.  Being strong and self-assured is the healthy side of the ego that can work for us.  At times this card is seen as reflecting a win-lose type of situation but hopefully we can transcend these type of occurrences and minimize these types of outcomes.  I hate to see life as a race so I want everyone to be a winner and the best way to do that is to be caring about all people.

So go ahead seize that opportunity and make it work for you but try not to it by climbing over someone else.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The 9 of Coins and Rewards

Only nineteen more days till Yule and the Winter Solstice.  I hope I can make and dedicate time to honour and celebrate these two wonderful events.

I must say that I do not like missing my time with Spirit and Tarot in the morning and must find a quiet way to awake myself earlier so I can do it then instead of waiting until the evening like I did tonight.  It feels so very wrong to me.  But I’m earning a paycheque and for now this is I guess, what I must do unless Spirit has other plans for me in the area of finding a way for me to earn my keep.  The job is okay and I want to succeed at doing it so I need to try and do my best for the company as well as for myself.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “9 of Coins: Rewards.  Enjoying the fruits of your labor.  Well-deserved enjoyment.”

This card is about working for yourself, of self-control and discipline to build a self-reliant attitude and life for one’s self.  All the while reaching toward the higher ideal and enjoying the fruits of your labour through art, music, nature.  Enjoy the visual gifts of an art gallery or the audio pleasure of your favourite music or catch the glimpses life out of doors as animals of the forest prepare for winter.  Aaahhh…there it is again the beauty of life.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The 4 of Swrods and Enriching Our Lives with Stillness

A new year is just around the corner and busy and hectic season is upon us.  With just weeks under my belt, we joined my fellow employees and all of their partners for the company’s annual Christmas Dinner Party.  We had dinner at a very small steakhouse that had a difficult time accommodating the 30 or so people that took part so we were all sitting at about four different tables.  The food was good and the conversations were interesting and it was good to see all of my fellow employees in a different setting.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Swords: Napping Between Rehearsals.  Resting and gathering strength for the next phase.  A vacation or “time out”.”

This is all about stillness, peace, and relaxation.  I love having my quiet time in the morning but unfortunately with the new job I cannot do it as much as then I’d have to awake even earlier to do it and then again it is not as relaxing as it is when I have nowhere to go.  Perhaps, this will change as my job becomes second nature and a bit easier to handle but for now I find it hard to relax during the week as my new position is very “results oriented” and I need to “show my stuff” so-to-speak.  Like to the owner told us last night “all you can do is do your best”.

I like to spend a lot of my time in quiet contemplation, in doing nothing and then writing about things, anything really, no particular subject or genre of writing.  Jus the simple act of writing is what makes me feel alive.  And this likely comes from the inner stillness and peace I try to keep about me.  I’m almost like a hermit but not so extreme as I do need to see or at least observe people, be in the crowd for a bit then escape back to my sanctuary, my oasis.

Inner stillness brings amazing rewards and we should all do our best to seek out quiet in our lives.  It’s simply amazing what this can do for us.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.