
Sunday, December 1, 2013

The 4 of Swrods and Enriching Our Lives with Stillness

A new year is just around the corner and busy and hectic season is upon us.  With just weeks under my belt, we joined my fellow employees and all of their partners for the company’s annual Christmas Dinner Party.  We had dinner at a very small steakhouse that had a difficult time accommodating the 30 or so people that took part so we were all sitting at about four different tables.  The food was good and the conversations were interesting and it was good to see all of my fellow employees in a different setting.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “4 of Swords: Napping Between Rehearsals.  Resting and gathering strength for the next phase.  A vacation or “time out”.”

This is all about stillness, peace, and relaxation.  I love having my quiet time in the morning but unfortunately with the new job I cannot do it as much as then I’d have to awake even earlier to do it and then again it is not as relaxing as it is when I have nowhere to go.  Perhaps, this will change as my job becomes second nature and a bit easier to handle but for now I find it hard to relax during the week as my new position is very “results oriented” and I need to “show my stuff” so-to-speak.  Like to the owner told us last night “all you can do is do your best”.

I like to spend a lot of my time in quiet contemplation, in doing nothing and then writing about things, anything really, no particular subject or genre of writing.  Jus the simple act of writing is what makes me feel alive.  And this likely comes from the inner stillness and peace I try to keep about me.  I’m almost like a hermit but not so extreme as I do need to see or at least observe people, be in the crowd for a bit then escape back to my sanctuary, my oasis.

Inner stillness brings amazing rewards and we should all do our best to seek out quiet in our lives.  It’s simply amazing what this can do for us.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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