
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

IX The Hermit and Cherishing Quiet Stillness

The day after calling in sick and the working honeymoon has come to an end as I expected it would.  My co-worker came into sit with me as I made calls.  They work the old fashioned way when it comes to calling on prospects or leads or what is cold calling.  I’ve tried to discuss new more effective techniques of making calls but they will not have any of it.  So for now I’ll just bite my tongue and do it their way so much for the open minds that they said they had.

That was my day at work.

Last night I slept quite well but awoke early again.  I do not mind so much the awaking early but only if I’ve had a nice restful sleep of about six hours.  Awaking early is what I like to do so I can spend time with Spirit and Tarot.  Speaking of which, while I was wrapping up my day at work I came up with the idea of calling the company that handles my website to see if I can add a couple of things to it where the potential for earning a few dollars could be created and advertised.  I’ll give it more thought before going ahead with the idea though.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “IX The Hermit: To fully understand something, sometimes you must escape it.  Gaining perspective.  Solitude.  Study."

Pull back and look at the bigger picture and allow some objectivity come into play.  At times we need to pull back and really give things real thought.  In this day and age where impulse is the norm and we seemingly need stimuli 24 hours a day seven days a week in order keep functioning it is likely a good idea to take break from life for awhile.  We need to book quiet time for ourselves so we can listen to that inner voice, listen to ourselves think and breathe for a moment.  We need to learn, remember, understand that quietness and stillness are good things, things to cherish, nurture, and love.

Get to know our thoughts, our true selves instead of fearing them.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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