
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Faith, Trust, and Courage

I was feeling kind of blue again upon awaking but meditating for a few moments with crystals in my hands and thinking about and talking with the Goddess and God soon dispelled the blues from my mind.  I was soon reminded of the comforting motherly figure who visited me in my thoughts and dreams last night and how I need not worry and cause myself stress about my present situation of being unemployed and under a small burden of debt. 

All is right in my world and I am in a good place is what I now feel with my heart and soul.  I am on the right path.  Three words that kept repeating over and over in my mind were faith, trust, and courage.  Faith, trust, and courage.  Faith, trust, and courage in myself.

Thank You Gracious Goddess and God.

And good luck to everyone on the east coast having to dig out of all that snow.  Be careful and keep safe and warm.  Blessings.

Spirit Is and Today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfillment from nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.”

As I shuffled the cards outside on the deck birds were singing and nature was full of life.  No sounds of the city to be heard. . .for a quick moment in time nature was all that I knew and felt—the river flowing to meet the ocean, the birds greeting the morning in song, and Mother Earth wrapping her arms around me in a loving embrace.

Trust, faith, and courage. . .

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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