
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Spiritual Fulfillment - The Guide of Coins

I had a decent enough day yesterday.  I had a cleaning and check-up at the dentist.  I made Oatmeal Raisin Cookies from a new recipe and I made Hamburger Pie for dinner, also a new recipe.

I did a bit of reading after dinner and then some research later in the evening just before hopping into bed.  I thought it would be a good idea for me to do some research and find out a few things about the animals that have made their presence known to me either out in the real world, through Spirit or through my dreams.  Oh, and I mustn’t forget through a plush toy, my rat.

So in addition to the rat, I’ve seen a turtle and a German Shepherd through Spirit, a Sparrow and a Crow in real life.  I’ll read through what I discovered and write about all of it in very short order.

I do not remember much dream activity last night other than trying to ride what appeared to be a stationary bike outside on a dark rainy afternoon.  Oh, a man also appeared in my dreams, kind of in the shadows and now I also remember a dream about food, a magick circle, and maybe a few family members, it’s a bit vague at the moment about who the people in my dream may have been but family members seems right to me.

Thank You Spirit .

Working with Tarot this morning out on the deck as a cool but warm wind gently caressed me.  Today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfillment from nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.”

Yes, I must admit that seeing the Moon, Stars, Sun or feeling the falling rain, or the wind upon my face bring me much Spiritual pleasure.  This is the same for the pigeons, seagulls, and crows that dot the sky out the window every now and then or the Sparrows that flit about down around the corner as they seek out food and then retreat back to their homes in the shrubs that dot the street and bring a bit nature to the city.

It’s good to feel so alive.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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