
Friday, February 1, 2013

Back in 1999

I've written about this before but felt I should revisit my introduction to Wicca and Witchcraft back in 1999 when I started a new job that became a short0lived career in 2005/6 when the the company I worked closed it's office in Vancouver.

The company I worked for only had three employees in the Vancouver office of which I was one however we were responsible a large volume of sales in the emerging phone card market.  One of the employees and I had many chances to converse about things other than work and eventually the subject of Wicca and Witchcraft came up.  We talked on and off about it until she departed the company a few years later.  She lent me a book about Wicca that I devoured and read from cover to cover, Wicca: The Old Religion in the New Millennium written by Vivianne Crowley and published by Thorsons, An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers in 1996.

I also researched the internet and printed off a huge volume of all things related to Wicca and Witchcraft (it's 3 inches thick):

During the early 2000's I got a bit sidetracked for a few years but luckily met my current partner who I thank for rescuing me from pursuing and trying to live a false life and identity.  Unfortunately, I allowed myself to get involved in and attend an evangelical church that so disconnected me from Spirit that it took me a long time to recover the closed mindedness it set upon me.  However, each to their own, it did not work for me and I did not fit into it's mold.

Today is St. Brigid's Day and tomorrow Imbolc and how wonderful it is to observe these two days and honour the Goddess and God and lay out my plans and goals for the year and to celebrate the lengthening days and increasing light of the year.

I take this time to renew and rededicate myself to the Goddess and God and Wiccan path.  I am Wicca, I am a Witch and I give thanks for this.

Blessed Be.

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