
Friday, May 28, 2010

III of Wands and/or Queen of Cups

Last night I woke up because I was not able to get comfortable enough to sleep as my back has been sore for a couple of days and when I took a look at the time it was 1:11am.  I was immediately filled with a vision of the III of Wands.  So I closed my eyes and tossed and turned for what seemed like forever and eventually fell asleep.  The alarm spoke at the usual time of 6:30am and I was none too excited to hear it or even think about getting out of bed but of course, I eventually did.

I then remembered that last night I shuffled the Thoth Tarot deck in preparation for randomly selecting a card this morning so I sat down, breathed slowly and deeply trying to relax as I shuffled the deck again, cut it several times before flipping over the top card, the Queen of Cups.

III of Wands -- Crowley titled this card Virtue.  Established strength.  Success after struggle.  Pride and arrogance.  Realization of hope.  Nobility.  Ill-dignified:Conceit.

Queen of Cups -- Represents the the watery aspect of water.  A woman who reflects the nature of the observer, dreamy, tranquil, poetic, imaginative, kind yet not willing to take much trouble for another.  She is much affected by surrounding influences, therefore more dependent than most other cards on good or ill dignity.

The descriptions for the cards is taken from the little white book included with the deck.

III of Wands -- taken from the Gay Tarot -- Leaving the nest.  Seeing progress.  Something or someone you have nurtured must now strike out on their own.

Guide -- taken from the Gay Tarot --  Messages from your heart.  Altruism.

And finally from Tarot by Running Press:

III of Wands -- You are very good at putting talents and skills of others to their best use.  Be specific about what you want and don't be misled by well-meaning friends.  This is not a lonely time.  Use the strength of those around you--teamwork brings luck.  When reversed: Stop struggling!  Stay focused and don't be intimidated by know-it-all's.  Ask questions.  Take time to clearly define what you want.

Queen of Cups -- Remember that life is about more than your day-to-day job and worries.  Take time to examine spiritual beliefs.  Don't get bogged down by trivial details or the demands of others.  When reversed: Those around you are acting stuffier than normal.  Pay no attention.  Take time to rethink matters, especially your eating habits.

I accept both of these as being applicable to my day.  Yesterday, I was having some doubts about my goals and hence my future but instead of dwelling on these negative images I kindly asked for guidance and to have a clearer and more decisive idea about my goals and the future I am planning for myself.  I believe I woke up with answers and am pleased to feel the support, energy, and guidance of the cosmos and energy that I am an integral part of and I give my sincerest thanks!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Birth Card, Card of the Year, and More. . .

Yesterday while I was reading Tarot Journaling written by Corrine Kenner I came across on Page 17 this:

"You might like to focus on a single card at a time, such as your birth card. . ." and when I turned to the page she referenced in the rest of that entry she provides information for finding ones birth card and also makes reference to a card of the year so I calculated my Card of the Year for 2010 to be:

X Wheel of Fortune or Wheel of Life or Simply Fortune.

Using that same formula my birth card also referred to as my personality card and in some cases and additional card can also be calculated and it is referred to as the soul card.  This happens when the result is a two digit number that can be reduced twice.  For example when I calculate my birth/personality card I come up with 29, that number is too high so I add 2+9 and get 11 or XI Strength.  As you can see I can then add 1+1 and get 2 or II The High Priestess or The Intuitive.  Only the Major Arcana cards are used alongside these numbers.

So if I remember correctly my personality card is XI Strength and my soul card is II The High Priestess or The Intuitive.  I will cross reference what XI is in my other two decks and edit this entry to provide that information as well.

So for 2010 I am looking at the Wheel of Fortune/Life.  If I listen to the cosmos, my intuition, and also make the right decisions this should be a year of cyclic change and good fortune for me.  And considering that 2010 is now five months along I can say that so far the year has been good and is getting better all of the time and I give my most humble and sincerest thanks to everyone and all that is involved in providing me with this blessed year.

Tarot Journaling and Crystal Ball Gazing

I'm currently reading these two books and how wonderful they are.  I have learned so much about life in general and more specifically about my own.  Corrine Kenner and Uma Silbey have crafted their words and books very well and I have been moved by what I have read.  Although, I am still new and inexperienced in the worlds of Tarot and Crystal Balls I find that I have not only been moved but changed as well.

In "Tarot Journaling, Corrine Kenner on page xxxiii under the title of "The Benefits of Tarot Journaling" she writes:

"Journaling will help you live a better life.  Believe it or not, the simple act of keeping a journal has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, tension, anxiety, and depression---and researchers have shown that people who keep journals are better able to fight off opportunistic infections, so they get sick less often.  A research psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, James Pennebaker, found that regular journaling strengthens immune cells, called T lymphocytes.  Joshua M. Smyth, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at North Dakota State University, found that journaling decreases the symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis."

She goes on with:

"When you keep a tarot journal, your mind, body, and spirit will benefit.  A tarot journal will help you sharpen your intuition, discover a new rapport with ancient symbols, and expand your worldview. . Before long, you will see growth and progress, both in your tarot readings and in your everyday life."

Although, I do write I am not specifically writing a journal but this is not my point of why change has taken place in my life.  I rather attribute the change in my life to what I have read in the two books that make up the title of this blog.  I am changed by the mere reading of these books and for that I am thankful.

On page 17 Corrine Kenner talks about personalizing your journal and one suggestion she makes is "to create a mandala---a circular design, like a stained glass window or a snowflake---that symbolizes spiritual wholeness."

I bring this up because a few years ago at Christmas my partner gave me a gift certificate to a tattoo parlor and was I ever excited about the gift but I thought long and hard and meditated on what kind of tattoo I should get before coming up with a "Daisy".  But before rushing out to get this tattooed on my body I gave it a lot of thought and maybe 6, 7, 8, maybe 9 months after Christmas I finally got my tattoo and it was the "Daisy".  The reason I chose a Daisy was because it represented my connection with the Divine, the Spirit, or the Energy of life that not only holds us all together but it also links us to everything on this planet thus representing the "spiritual wholeness that Corrine Kenner writes about in her book.

On Page 125 and 126 of her book Crystal Ball Gazing, Uma Silbey writes:

"So much of the time we find ourselves doing things we don't want to do.  We may be working in jobs that we had to take, behaving in ways that don't bring us happiness, being buffeted around by the needs of those around us rather than responding to our own needs.  Many of us, for one reason or another, are not doing what we want to do but what other people want us to do.  Circumstances may have forced us into situations that we dislike, but we stay in them to survive.  Sometimes we don't even trust our own perceptions and feelings, especially if they seem to be different from everyone else's.  Our behavior, sometimes even our thoughts, are so dictated by cultural, religious, familial, and other forms of conditioning, that it's not surprising so many of us don't know what we want.  For one reason or another, we have stilled our own voice so long that we don't even hear it anymore.  It hasn't disappeared, though.  It's there waiting for us if we can identify it."

Also in the next paragraph she writes:

"This crystal ball meditation can very quickly bring your own voice to the forefront."

I cannot wait to find and hear my own voice again.

May we all break free of the conditioning that closes most of off from life and our roles and purposes in it.

Take a peek at these books here.

Until next time. . .

Friday, May 21, 2010

Out of Body Experience

This morning when the alarm went off I had a very jarring waking experience as if I had been slammed back into my body, if you will.  I am quite certain that I had an out of body experience (OBE) just before waking this morning.  I had thought I could not remember my dreams or experiences but as the day moves forward I see a picture of myself in what would appear to be a meeting of sorts.  The clearest picture is one where I am in a conversation with someone (perhaps, my partner) about having to move along with my writing projects and that is where it ends as the dream was cut off by the alarm.  I also get a sense that several dreams and/or experiences involved my RV or RV's in general.

As I work with Tarot I am getting a repetition of cards appearing in my mind.  The 8, Queen, and Ace of Pentacles and two new cards, the 5 and 10 of Swords.  I intuitively feel that I need to move forward and quickly so with moving into the RV.  I get a sense that I will be on a more solid and stable footing once I move into the RV and depart the lower mainland.   My mind is often filled with images of me making cards in the RV and not only making the cards but selling them as well.  On a couple of occasions now I have also seen images of myself discussing the prices of my cards with several different individuals.  We are looking at the contact sheets I printed that contain scan and photos of a variety of different cards I have made and ready to sell.  I am quite pleased and humbled by these images.

I discovered another store in Vancouver where I may be able to purchase a crystal ball and perhaps a few spheres and/or stones such as amethyst, rose quartz, and smoky quartz just to name a few.  The store is called the Crystal Ark Cottage and is located on Granville Island.

So tonight being a Friday night I may perhaps stay up a little later and pull out a deck of my Tarot cards and do a simple spread with nothing in mind when doing so to see what the Tarot wants to show me.

One of my favourite shows is also on tonight - Medium, the 7th season finale airs tonight.  Another related show airs before Medium but I not watched more than a few minutes of it but perhaps I will try to take a look at it during the off season.  The show is called the Ghost Whisperer.

Beginner's Guide to Mediumship: How to Contact Loved Ones Who Have Crossed overI think I mentioned that I finished reading the book Mediumship a few entries back and just to maybe mention it again that I enjoyed the book and have put a few exercises into practice and am very pleased with the experiences I am having as a result. 

Crystal Ball Gazing: The Complete Guide to Choosing and Reading Your Crystal BallI am now reading Crystal Ball Gazing.  I am finding this book very informative and find it to be a great addition to my library of new age books.  As I read this book as with Mediumship I have discovered that I need to delve ever deeper into the world of spirits and energy that other dimension that is just out of eyesight so I can. . .the words escape me but it is just something I know I have to do. . .

I just hope I can find a crystal ball locally or locally as can be done and avoid having to buy one online, sight unseen.  I like the Uma Silbey, the author of Crystal Ball Gazing feel a need to look at, hold, feel, communicate with, and know the crystal before buying it.  I look forward to visiting the Crystal Ark Cottage very soon to see what I can discover.

Until next time. . .

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tarot Cards Revealed

Monday, May 17, 2010

As I hold my smallest deck of Tarot cards I usually pick up several cards with one hand and let them drop back onto the rest of the deck being held with my other hand.  As I do this I notice that the deck appears to split at a certain card several times in the process as I do this several times.  Today, two cards appeared:

Queen of Pentacles

8 of Pentacles

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

As I mentioned in the previous entry above I play with my smallest deck of tarot cards almost every day and in the process one or more cards appear to reveal themselves to me and this morning was no different and three cards kept appearing as I went through the deck today.

Ace of Wands

10 of Swords

8 of Swords

My hunt to source out a crystal ball locally is not going very well but I am not dismayed as the the crystal ball that is right for me will come along when the time is right.  As I read, study, and meditate the stronger I feel the need to actually hold and feel the crystal before I decide to buy it as the ball and I must be able to feel and communicate with each other before I leave the store with one.  This can not be done if I order one online.  I thought it would be okay to do so but after reading about how to choose a ball and meditating upon it I know that this cannot be be done online so I must be patient and allow the crystal ball and I to come together at the appropriate time.

I appear to be having visions if you will about the spiritual world and/or another dimension.  Last night after closing my eyes briefly in order to just "be" weird images came into my mind that were beyond human understanding as they were quite surreal and fantastical but enjoyable enough to see.

Friday, May 14, 2010

XI Strength

Confronting problems, strength of will.  Urged to control negative impulses such as jealousy, anger, and spite, and instead to direct this emotional energy into more positive expressions in order to overcome obstacles to happiness and fulfillment.

This is a very fitting card for me not only for today but each and every day as I am sometimes overcome with and overflow with negativity.  Thank you to the eternal cosmos.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ace of Wands

New beginnings, creativity, and inventiveness but warns against false starts, motivational problems, and frustration.  If I have done my homework and planned well I should expect to see that my creativity, enthusiasm, innovation, and ambition will help me in achieving what I desire. 

However, the opposite can also be said if my timing is wrong or my initiative and commitment wain.  If I have planned poorly and have over inflated expectations I will be overcome with disappointment and frustration.  Tarot, Collins gem, Stuart, Rowenna (2005, 129)

And also today can be seen as a good day to start new enterprises or beginning a journey and that I could also be frustrated by not having answers to the questions others ask.  Tarot, Running Press, Dennis Fairchild (2002, 78)

The more I meditate and communicate with the eternal cosmos the stronger the feeling is that I should quit my day job and instead focus on my own little business desires such as making cards, Tarot, Divination through Scrying, and Ventriloquism.  I need to take a chance and risk on myself and see whether or not I can survive on my own.  As I mentioned before where I work pays the bills and there is no arguing with that but it is unfullfilling and really holding me back from finding the success I desire.  I would rather be laid off and have a chance at getting a small severance package and being able to collect Employment Insurance but that does not seem likely at this point.  Quitting the job is something that is in my control and I can easily do it but then I have nothing to fall back on and then must work feverishly to get my own little business enterprise off the ground so I can at least try and earn a few dollars from it.  When I think about doing this I see myself working from my RV and having good results from doing so.

Meditation is a great way to start the day and I have sat down two or three days this week doing it 10 -15 minutes is all I get through but surprisingly I can clear my mind out rather well in this short amount of time so I look forward to entering longer meditational periods to see what can happen.  Even with doing such a short meditation I do find subtle changes in myself such as being a little bit my positive about my life and day to day living.  I a becoming more patient and tolerant with other drivers on the road and I am listening to and trusting my intuition a little bit more and finding good results from doing so.

So for now that is what I have to say for this 13th day of May, so long for now. . .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Review of the last several days. . .

Saturday, May 8, 2010

As my partner was getting a haircut I was waiting for him in the Food Court of the Aberdeen Mall.  I was reading and meditating as best I could in the busy mall.  My concentration was quite superb considering all the people milling about the mall.  I finished reading the book about Mediumship and started to read Crystal Ball Gazing.  Both great books for those who have an interest in either of these subjects such as I do.

At 12:03PM I was flipping through the Collins gem Tarot book when the Queen of Cups revealed herself to me: sensitive, mature woman, intuition; unreliable woman, unstable character.  Capricious.

Also, strong thoughts and overpowering sensation: Quit my job!  Quit your job!  Quit the job!  Quit, quit, quit. . .move on. . .the time to move on is now. . .the time to move on has come. . .

Monday, May 10, 2010

Spiritualism, Mediumship, Tarot, and Divination/Scrying

I've been fussing over how to earn money without working a regular day job so-to-speak and each time I glance at "Help Wanted" ads nothing jumps out at me.  And as I was looking at one last ad in the tv/film/video section a thought came to mind that I just need to focus on improving my skills set of writing a blog as well as in the area of spiritualism, mediumship, tarot, and divination/scrying and I will well established in my skills so that I can easily quit my current day job and go to work in the metaphysical world using my skills and passions to pave the way for me to financial freedom.  No the road will not be easy but I will be doing what I love most and that will be my greatest asset.

Each time I see an RV of any type on the road I know I am on the right path in my desire to be doing the same.  A truck towing a large fifth wheel just drove by the office and immediately my mind was filled with great feelings of joy and love.  Even coming to work today as the train was traveling along the Lougheed Highway I glanced out the window only to see a small Class C motorhome cruising down the highway, well it was in a line of traffic stopped at a light but hey to me it was cruising down the highway none-the-less.  Awesome and so sweet to see.

I've been thinking about purchasing a crystal scrying ball for some time now and I think I am close to making a purchase but I first want to visit Dragon Space on Granville Island to see what they have in that area as I do vaguely recall that they had what I believe to be a crystal ball on the shelf many months ago.  So a crystal ball is definitely in my future.

11:00am Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I was looking out the door at work watching a robin and a crow looking for food when out of the corner of my right eye I could swear I saw a little faerie standing  no more than a couple of feet away from me. She had long golden hair and a beautiful full length dress/gown.  Crazy?  Probably not, just a sure sign that my journey is progressing as it should.

Yesterday, I was contemplating all day about the possibility of renting some retail space across the street from where we live but as I go about the day today that thought has been blown away by the wind.  Today, my thoughts are on focusing my attention on my passions and pursuing them with a vengeance for lack of a better word at the moment.  I think my energies are best spent on the things I love to do and that is all about the paranormal and RVing with the hobbies of handcrafted cards and ventriloquism coming along for the ride.

As I sit here in the office I call my prison cell (my day job) my deepest thoughts and feelings and best guess at what my intuition is telling me revolve around quitting my job so I can focus my energies elsewhere.  When I allow this thought to proceed and evolve I see a great abundance of positive energy surrounding me and my life situation vastly improving.  My writing improves, my blogs are read and I actually earn an income from my blogs as well as my spiritualist pursuits.  The RV is my home and the highway is my destination for it leads to all places and the blacktop never ends so my journey is one that is in constant motion and surrounded by much positive energy and the white light of knowledge, wisdom, and protection.

 Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The day is starting out pretty okay and although I have a bit of a headache I am feeling pretty darned good today.  The sun is shining, the air is warm, and life is good.

The Ace of Cups revealed itself to me: happiness, deep relationships, creativity; watch out for: emotional upsets, insecurity, and anxiety.  Sensitivity, self-awareness, and intuition, creative outpourings or spiritual experiences are also indicated.

As I am looking to purchase a crystal ball I have searched the internet to see what I could find and so far if I cannot source one locally that is I may purchase a crystal ball from Allegheny Candles and New Age Shop.  Vancouver is unfortunately not kind to new age stores of any kind and most stores that may carry just a few items of interest to any one interested in New Age products always seem to close down.  So I may need to purchase any stuff of interest to me online or go without.

Tonight the International Spiritualist Alliance is meeting in New Westminster and I must decide whether or not I will go and check this group out.  They are having an Open Circle-an evening of self-awareness with a relaxing guided meditation followed by a fun exercise to try your mediumistic abilities.  The also meet on Sundays.  So I will allow the day to decide for me and I shall know by this evening whether or not I am going.  Next Wednesday, May 19th they have a demonstration of Mediumship so I need to think long and hard about my desires to learn about this subject on my own or through joining a group such as this.

Off I go to get on with my day. . .thanks for stopping by. . .

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Two of Pentacles/Coins or Page of Pentacles/Coins

Last night as I lay down to bed the clock struck 11:00PM and I was immediately struck with an image of this time representing the card for the coming day - today.  At first I took this two be the Two of Pentacles but the Page of Pentacles has also come to mind so I am in a bit of a quandary as to which card should be my card of the day.  Perhaps, both cards are representative of my day and as I reflect on this and allow what I read about each card permeate my mind the two cards are in fact my card of the day.

Neither card bothers or disturbs me in any way so I accept them both as having importance this day.

The first reading I made of the Two of Coins (Collins gem, Rowenna Stuart, 2005) talks about fluctuating fortunes and prudence where it points to possible problems and setbacks it also points out that these can be overcome by the strength of my character and adaptability.  So I must guard against loss of focus and self-confidence.

Again referring to Collins gem, the Page of Coins points to scholarship, good news, and creativity.  This is quite apt for the focus of my day as it points to creative of psychic arts as this card points out.  I may also be the recipient of good news and or financial improvements.

So all in all I am quite happy with these two cards representing my day today.

When I look at the Running Press' Tarot, The Complete Kit, I read that I need to let go of something old in preparation for new opportunities and I must keep my eyes and ears peeled for opportunities.  I must also act with integrity if I am to find success.

As I was reading "Beginner's Guide to Mediumship" written by Larry Dreller and published by Wesier Books, 1997 I came across the term Spiritualist and was reminded of a business card I had made for myself that described me as a Spiritualist so I did some research on this.  My research has led to an amazing discovery that Metro Vancouver is home to a couple of different Spiritualist churches.  In fact, the International Spiritualist Alliance is only a few blocks from where I live.

In reading information about these churches I am inclined to pay the church near my home a visit either this weekend or the following Wednesday as I do very much like the atmosphere that this institution appears to have.  I believe that matters are progressing just as they should be and I feel pretty darned good about it all.

I slept through the night almost until the alarm so I got out of bed and took the alarm out of the bedroom so my partner who also was stirring could sleep a little bit more.  Although, I thought I slept well because I did not wake up through the night I have since discovered that I was very active with the Spirit World last night.  I do not have any "real" proof that this occurred but I have a hazy feeling that I was not alone if you will and perhaps even experiencing an OBE (out of body experience).  Am I bit crazy?  Perhaps, but this is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thanks fro being here and until next time I bid you peace. . .

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Queen of Pentacles

The last few days I have been working with Tarot but not through reading cards or by randomly selecting a card for the day but rather through holding the smallest deck of Tarot cards in my hands.  I read the description for the Fool and have a pretty good understanding of that card for now.

The other card that has made its self known to me is the Queen of Pentacles.  This card has been on my mind for a few days now so I feel no choice but to mention and write about this card since it has taken a firm hold of my mind as of late.

The Queen of Pentacles refers to me perhaps doubting that I can live up to my responsibilities but also asserts that I need to believe in myself without looking for approval from others.  I should realize benefits from this if I work independently in my own way.  I must also be persistent and stay focused by not letting others scatter my energies or sway me off course.

This is a very accurate card as of late as I have lost my focus and it is not because of any one else and is solely the result of my multiple personalities trying to take me in ten different directions.  I need to focus on the goal at hand and that is to get into an RV and live life the way I most desire.  Crafts are a means of achieving independence on the road.  I need such tangible items such as my handcrafted cards and perhaps the spool-knit toques to succeed in the RVing lifestyle and way of life.

In addition, I need to polish up my resume and post it on my blogs and website so that I open myself up to opportunities that are out there waiting for me to make myself known to those who could use my talents to improve their situation.

I will not give up on ventriloquism, Tarot cards, or mediumship but I do need to focus on building products that practically sell themselves if I expect to survive on the road.

I also need to fine tune my writing skills and learn more about blogging so that I can improve my blogs and website and attract a loyal readership and possibly earn a little income in the process as I would like to continue working on a book I have been writing over the past decade or so and possibly publish it through whatever means make most sense come the time to publish my work.

As I read blogs related to RVing I often serendipitously come across an entry that really appeals to me in some way such as this one : Life on the Open Road.  The entry is titled "Sacred Dirt" and is dated May 28, 2007.

I now have another destination in my mind for my not too far RVing excursion.

So as I continue on my journey I must bid you a so long for now and lets get together soon. . .