
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Queen of Pentacles

The last few days I have been working with Tarot but not through reading cards or by randomly selecting a card for the day but rather through holding the smallest deck of Tarot cards in my hands.  I read the description for the Fool and have a pretty good understanding of that card for now.

The other card that has made its self known to me is the Queen of Pentacles.  This card has been on my mind for a few days now so I feel no choice but to mention and write about this card since it has taken a firm hold of my mind as of late.

The Queen of Pentacles refers to me perhaps doubting that I can live up to my responsibilities but also asserts that I need to believe in myself without looking for approval from others.  I should realize benefits from this if I work independently in my own way.  I must also be persistent and stay focused by not letting others scatter my energies or sway me off course.

This is a very accurate card as of late as I have lost my focus and it is not because of any one else and is solely the result of my multiple personalities trying to take me in ten different directions.  I need to focus on the goal at hand and that is to get into an RV and live life the way I most desire.  Crafts are a means of achieving independence on the road.  I need such tangible items such as my handcrafted cards and perhaps the spool-knit toques to succeed in the RVing lifestyle and way of life.

In addition, I need to polish up my resume and post it on my blogs and website so that I open myself up to opportunities that are out there waiting for me to make myself known to those who could use my talents to improve their situation.

I will not give up on ventriloquism, Tarot cards, or mediumship but I do need to focus on building products that practically sell themselves if I expect to survive on the road.

I also need to fine tune my writing skills and learn more about blogging so that I can improve my blogs and website and attract a loyal readership and possibly earn a little income in the process as I would like to continue working on a book I have been writing over the past decade or so and possibly publish it through whatever means make most sense come the time to publish my work.

As I read blogs related to RVing I often serendipitously come across an entry that really appeals to me in some way such as this one : Life on the Open Road.  The entry is titled "Sacred Dirt" and is dated May 28, 2007.

I now have another destination in my mind for my not too far RVing excursion.

So as I continue on my journey I must bid you a so long for now and lets get together soon. . .

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