
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Review of the last several days. . .

Saturday, May 8, 2010

As my partner was getting a haircut I was waiting for him in the Food Court of the Aberdeen Mall.  I was reading and meditating as best I could in the busy mall.  My concentration was quite superb considering all the people milling about the mall.  I finished reading the book about Mediumship and started to read Crystal Ball Gazing.  Both great books for those who have an interest in either of these subjects such as I do.

At 12:03PM I was flipping through the Collins gem Tarot book when the Queen of Cups revealed herself to me: sensitive, mature woman, intuition; unreliable woman, unstable character.  Capricious.

Also, strong thoughts and overpowering sensation: Quit my job!  Quit your job!  Quit the job!  Quit, quit, quit. . .move on. . .the time to move on is now. . .the time to move on has come. . .

Monday, May 10, 2010

Spiritualism, Mediumship, Tarot, and Divination/Scrying

I've been fussing over how to earn money without working a regular day job so-to-speak and each time I glance at "Help Wanted" ads nothing jumps out at me.  And as I was looking at one last ad in the tv/film/video section a thought came to mind that I just need to focus on improving my skills set of writing a blog as well as in the area of spiritualism, mediumship, tarot, and divination/scrying and I will well established in my skills so that I can easily quit my current day job and go to work in the metaphysical world using my skills and passions to pave the way for me to financial freedom.  No the road will not be easy but I will be doing what I love most and that will be my greatest asset.

Each time I see an RV of any type on the road I know I am on the right path in my desire to be doing the same.  A truck towing a large fifth wheel just drove by the office and immediately my mind was filled with great feelings of joy and love.  Even coming to work today as the train was traveling along the Lougheed Highway I glanced out the window only to see a small Class C motorhome cruising down the highway, well it was in a line of traffic stopped at a light but hey to me it was cruising down the highway none-the-less.  Awesome and so sweet to see.

I've been thinking about purchasing a crystal scrying ball for some time now and I think I am close to making a purchase but I first want to visit Dragon Space on Granville Island to see what they have in that area as I do vaguely recall that they had what I believe to be a crystal ball on the shelf many months ago.  So a crystal ball is definitely in my future.

11:00am Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I was looking out the door at work watching a robin and a crow looking for food when out of the corner of my right eye I could swear I saw a little faerie standing  no more than a couple of feet away from me. She had long golden hair and a beautiful full length dress/gown.  Crazy?  Probably not, just a sure sign that my journey is progressing as it should.

Yesterday, I was contemplating all day about the possibility of renting some retail space across the street from where we live but as I go about the day today that thought has been blown away by the wind.  Today, my thoughts are on focusing my attention on my passions and pursuing them with a vengeance for lack of a better word at the moment.  I think my energies are best spent on the things I love to do and that is all about the paranormal and RVing with the hobbies of handcrafted cards and ventriloquism coming along for the ride.

As I sit here in the office I call my prison cell (my day job) my deepest thoughts and feelings and best guess at what my intuition is telling me revolve around quitting my job so I can focus my energies elsewhere.  When I allow this thought to proceed and evolve I see a great abundance of positive energy surrounding me and my life situation vastly improving.  My writing improves, my blogs are read and I actually earn an income from my blogs as well as my spiritualist pursuits.  The RV is my home and the highway is my destination for it leads to all places and the blacktop never ends so my journey is one that is in constant motion and surrounded by much positive energy and the white light of knowledge, wisdom, and protection.

 Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The day is starting out pretty okay and although I have a bit of a headache I am feeling pretty darned good today.  The sun is shining, the air is warm, and life is good.

The Ace of Cups revealed itself to me: happiness, deep relationships, creativity; watch out for: emotional upsets, insecurity, and anxiety.  Sensitivity, self-awareness, and intuition, creative outpourings or spiritual experiences are also indicated.

As I am looking to purchase a crystal ball I have searched the internet to see what I could find and so far if I cannot source one locally that is I may purchase a crystal ball from Allegheny Candles and New Age Shop.  Vancouver is unfortunately not kind to new age stores of any kind and most stores that may carry just a few items of interest to any one interested in New Age products always seem to close down.  So I may need to purchase any stuff of interest to me online or go without.

Tonight the International Spiritualist Alliance is meeting in New Westminster and I must decide whether or not I will go and check this group out.  They are having an Open Circle-an evening of self-awareness with a relaxing guided meditation followed by a fun exercise to try your mediumistic abilities.  The also meet on Sundays.  So I will allow the day to decide for me and I shall know by this evening whether or not I am going.  Next Wednesday, May 19th they have a demonstration of Mediumship so I need to think long and hard about my desires to learn about this subject on my own or through joining a group such as this.

Off I go to get on with my day. . .thanks for stopping by. . .

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