
Friday, May 21, 2010

Out of Body Experience

This morning when the alarm went off I had a very jarring waking experience as if I had been slammed back into my body, if you will.  I am quite certain that I had an out of body experience (OBE) just before waking this morning.  I had thought I could not remember my dreams or experiences but as the day moves forward I see a picture of myself in what would appear to be a meeting of sorts.  The clearest picture is one where I am in a conversation with someone (perhaps, my partner) about having to move along with my writing projects and that is where it ends as the dream was cut off by the alarm.  I also get a sense that several dreams and/or experiences involved my RV or RV's in general.

As I work with Tarot I am getting a repetition of cards appearing in my mind.  The 8, Queen, and Ace of Pentacles and two new cards, the 5 and 10 of Swords.  I intuitively feel that I need to move forward and quickly so with moving into the RV.  I get a sense that I will be on a more solid and stable footing once I move into the RV and depart the lower mainland.   My mind is often filled with images of me making cards in the RV and not only making the cards but selling them as well.  On a couple of occasions now I have also seen images of myself discussing the prices of my cards with several different individuals.  We are looking at the contact sheets I printed that contain scan and photos of a variety of different cards I have made and ready to sell.  I am quite pleased and humbled by these images.

I discovered another store in Vancouver where I may be able to purchase a crystal ball and perhaps a few spheres and/or stones such as amethyst, rose quartz, and smoky quartz just to name a few.  The store is called the Crystal Ark Cottage and is located on Granville Island.

So tonight being a Friday night I may perhaps stay up a little later and pull out a deck of my Tarot cards and do a simple spread with nothing in mind when doing so to see what the Tarot wants to show me.

One of my favourite shows is also on tonight - Medium, the 7th season finale airs tonight.  Another related show airs before Medium but I not watched more than a few minutes of it but perhaps I will try to take a look at it during the off season.  The show is called the Ghost Whisperer.

Beginner's Guide to Mediumship: How to Contact Loved Ones Who Have Crossed overI think I mentioned that I finished reading the book Mediumship a few entries back and just to maybe mention it again that I enjoyed the book and have put a few exercises into practice and am very pleased with the experiences I am having as a result. 

Crystal Ball Gazing: The Complete Guide to Choosing and Reading Your Crystal BallI am now reading Crystal Ball Gazing.  I am finding this book very informative and find it to be a great addition to my library of new age books.  As I read this book as with Mediumship I have discovered that I need to delve ever deeper into the world of spirits and energy that other dimension that is just out of eyesight so I can. . .the words escape me but it is just something I know I have to do. . .

I just hope I can find a crystal ball locally or locally as can be done and avoid having to buy one online, sight unseen.  I like the Uma Silbey, the author of Crystal Ball Gazing feel a need to look at, hold, feel, communicate with, and know the crystal before buying it.  I look forward to visiting the Crystal Ark Cottage very soon to see what I can discover.

Until next time. . .

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