
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Birth Card, Card of the Year, and More. . .

Yesterday while I was reading Tarot Journaling written by Corrine Kenner I came across on Page 17 this:

"You might like to focus on a single card at a time, such as your birth card. . ." and when I turned to the page she referenced in the rest of that entry she provides information for finding ones birth card and also makes reference to a card of the year so I calculated my Card of the Year for 2010 to be:

X Wheel of Fortune or Wheel of Life or Simply Fortune.

Using that same formula my birth card also referred to as my personality card and in some cases and additional card can also be calculated and it is referred to as the soul card.  This happens when the result is a two digit number that can be reduced twice.  For example when I calculate my birth/personality card I come up with 29, that number is too high so I add 2+9 and get 11 or XI Strength.  As you can see I can then add 1+1 and get 2 or II The High Priestess or The Intuitive.  Only the Major Arcana cards are used alongside these numbers.

So if I remember correctly my personality card is XI Strength and my soul card is II The High Priestess or The Intuitive.  I will cross reference what XI is in my other two decks and edit this entry to provide that information as well.

So for 2010 I am looking at the Wheel of Fortune/Life.  If I listen to the cosmos, my intuition, and also make the right decisions this should be a year of cyclic change and good fortune for me.  And considering that 2010 is now five months along I can say that so far the year has been good and is getting better all of the time and I give my most humble and sincerest thanks to everyone and all that is involved in providing me with this blessed year.

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