
Friday, May 28, 2010

III of Wands and/or Queen of Cups

Last night I woke up because I was not able to get comfortable enough to sleep as my back has been sore for a couple of days and when I took a look at the time it was 1:11am.  I was immediately filled with a vision of the III of Wands.  So I closed my eyes and tossed and turned for what seemed like forever and eventually fell asleep.  The alarm spoke at the usual time of 6:30am and I was none too excited to hear it or even think about getting out of bed but of course, I eventually did.

I then remembered that last night I shuffled the Thoth Tarot deck in preparation for randomly selecting a card this morning so I sat down, breathed slowly and deeply trying to relax as I shuffled the deck again, cut it several times before flipping over the top card, the Queen of Cups.

III of Wands -- Crowley titled this card Virtue.  Established strength.  Success after struggle.  Pride and arrogance.  Realization of hope.  Nobility.  Ill-dignified:Conceit.

Queen of Cups -- Represents the the watery aspect of water.  A woman who reflects the nature of the observer, dreamy, tranquil, poetic, imaginative, kind yet not willing to take much trouble for another.  She is much affected by surrounding influences, therefore more dependent than most other cards on good or ill dignity.

The descriptions for the cards is taken from the little white book included with the deck.

III of Wands -- taken from the Gay Tarot -- Leaving the nest.  Seeing progress.  Something or someone you have nurtured must now strike out on their own.

Guide -- taken from the Gay Tarot --  Messages from your heart.  Altruism.

And finally from Tarot by Running Press:

III of Wands -- You are very good at putting talents and skills of others to their best use.  Be specific about what you want and don't be misled by well-meaning friends.  This is not a lonely time.  Use the strength of those around you--teamwork brings luck.  When reversed: Stop struggling!  Stay focused and don't be intimidated by know-it-all's.  Ask questions.  Take time to clearly define what you want.

Queen of Cups -- Remember that life is about more than your day-to-day job and worries.  Take time to examine spiritual beliefs.  Don't get bogged down by trivial details or the demands of others.  When reversed: Those around you are acting stuffier than normal.  Pay no attention.  Take time to rethink matters, especially your eating habits.

I accept both of these as being applicable to my day.  Yesterday, I was having some doubts about my goals and hence my future but instead of dwelling on these negative images I kindly asked for guidance and to have a clearer and more decisive idea about my goals and the future I am planning for myself.  I believe I woke up with answers and am pleased to feel the support, energy, and guidance of the cosmos and energy that I am an integral part of and I give my sincerest thanks!

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