
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ace of Wands

New beginnings, creativity, and inventiveness but warns against false starts, motivational problems, and frustration.  If I have done my homework and planned well I should expect to see that my creativity, enthusiasm, innovation, and ambition will help me in achieving what I desire. 

However, the opposite can also be said if my timing is wrong or my initiative and commitment wain.  If I have planned poorly and have over inflated expectations I will be overcome with disappointment and frustration.  Tarot, Collins gem, Stuart, Rowenna (2005, 129)

And also today can be seen as a good day to start new enterprises or beginning a journey and that I could also be frustrated by not having answers to the questions others ask.  Tarot, Running Press, Dennis Fairchild (2002, 78)

The more I meditate and communicate with the eternal cosmos the stronger the feeling is that I should quit my day job and instead focus on my own little business desires such as making cards, Tarot, Divination through Scrying, and Ventriloquism.  I need to take a chance and risk on myself and see whether or not I can survive on my own.  As I mentioned before where I work pays the bills and there is no arguing with that but it is unfullfilling and really holding me back from finding the success I desire.  I would rather be laid off and have a chance at getting a small severance package and being able to collect Employment Insurance but that does not seem likely at this point.  Quitting the job is something that is in my control and I can easily do it but then I have nothing to fall back on and then must work feverishly to get my own little business enterprise off the ground so I can at least try and earn a few dollars from it.  When I think about doing this I see myself working from my RV and having good results from doing so.

Meditation is a great way to start the day and I have sat down two or three days this week doing it 10 -15 minutes is all I get through but surprisingly I can clear my mind out rather well in this short amount of time so I look forward to entering longer meditational periods to see what can happen.  Even with doing such a short meditation I do find subtle changes in myself such as being a little bit my positive about my life and day to day living.  I a becoming more patient and tolerant with other drivers on the road and I am listening to and trusting my intuition a little bit more and finding good results from doing so.

So for now that is what I have to say for this 13th day of May, so long for now. . .

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