
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Mud Bay Park Bike Ride, the Eight of Arrows and What A Life I Have

Sunday, May 1, 2016.

Mud Bay Park-after a morning of working on my model railroad and tuning up my life as Wizard Oron yesterday morning we decided to take our bikes out and go for a ride.  As in putting the bike rack on the car, loading the bikes onto the bike rack and then driving somewhere as in a more natural setting so we can enjoy the ride.

The only hiccup  being the volume of traffic on the roads as one bridge crossing over the Fraser River is closed for repairs.  Other than that and having to backtrack a little bit to get to Mud Bay Park the ride was an enjoyable one.  Oh, after stopping at our turn-around point I realized I forgot my backpack at our first stop--OOPS!  There goes my wallet, phone, car keys, house keys, money, Tarot Cards, water back on my bicycle I got and rode back the way we came as fast as I could...where's my bag...where did we stop?  Then a certain landmark jumped out at me, something I took notice of during our stop...Thank You Spirit!  There's my bag...YAY!  And everything is still in it...Yippee!  Maybe with my bag being green it blended in with the surroundings more and nobody took notice of it...WHEW!  Disaster averted.

Our ride was about a 15KM return trip although the trail is much longer (Boundary Bay Dyke Trail) than that so we might have to go back and ride from the other end.  It's a great little bike ride to take as you have somewhat of an ocean view on one side and mountains on the other and since it is a hard packed gravel trail more it lends itself to a more casual and relaxed ride that is, if you don't forget you bag on a rock somewhere along the way.

We then had ourselves a late lunch.  I headed off to the bank after to change my US currency back into Canadian and then made a pit stop at the local liquor establishment to pick up a case of beer for someone who likes to have a beer once in awhile...where a case of beer can last months.  Then back home I came to again work on my model railroad and do more Wizard Orony stuff...enjoyable activities where time disappears on you and you suddenly find yourself almost having to get ready for bed but you need to eat dinner first...where did the time go?

It's now Sunday morning, 7:51am, the beautiful morning beckoned me out of bed around 6:00am...a quick couple of coffees and a bit of cleaning later and working with Tarot I now find myself sitting contemplating today's Wildwood Tarot Energy, the "Eight of Arrows: However much we wish that divisive and conflicting issues and moral dilemmas didn't exist in our lives, sometimes they are an unavoidable part of the journey.  If we are lucky, we have the support  and sympathy of friends and loved ones to help us del with the struggle, but not always.  Sometimes, because of the very personal nature of the problem, we are alone, dealing with a thorny dilemma that only the individual at the centre of the issue can negotiate.  The choices can be painful and stark.  The path may appear fraught with unfamiliar obstacles and pitfalls, and with no obvious remedy.  All these elements may strain our core beliefs, causing us to doubt the validity of previous choices.  Such profound personal struggles require calm, decisive and resolute action.  Reach down into the very core of your being and summon all the reserves of your courage and wisdom.  See honestly what the issue will require for you to resolve it and present those who might be a part to the problem with an implacable and unyielding dedication.  View this necessary sojourn with clear eyes and a resolute heart, for to overcome these tests of life makes us stronger."

I know what I want and I know more or less what I have to do but it is actually making the decision to move forward that is holding me up, or holding me back.  I might not be able to have exactly the kind of mobile lifestyle I need but I can get close to it especially now that I have a nice camper van in which to travel and evidence that blogging does reach people, more people than I imagine and I am hopefully making a positive difference in people's lives through my blogs.  After all, I am here to help others as best as I can.

Proper debt management and good use of social media, my van, and my talents will have me on the road here and there and will lead me to exciting experiences well beyond what I can imagine as well as lead to new, powerful and enduring relationships that will lead to ever more unique, inspiring and enriching spiritual experiences.

Boy, do I ever have it good!

What a lucky guy I am to have such a life as this!

Thank You Spirit.


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