
Monday, May 30, 2016

The '8 of Coins' and Finally Mastering an Understanding of My Chakras

Monday, May 30, 2016.  We had quiet and relatively pleasant day, staying in until mid-afternoon where we went out for a quick stroll and to pick up a baguette to go along with our home-made stew.  The stew was quite delicious and the baguette very fresh and pairing nicely with a dab or two of butter.  Yummy!

I read a few more pages of "Chakras For Beginners" and took many pages of notes.  I've been putting into practice pretty much everything I've read so far especially while working out at the gym and now here at home.  I quickly fell asleep and had a soothing night of dreams and spiritual activity.  I felt well rested, peaceful and very much at ease--not a single thought about dreading to go to work.  Although, I must admit that while eating breakfast at catching a bit of news I was contemplating ideas about what I do if I stayed home and my thoughts were quite exciting.

Spirit Is and today's Tarot Energy is the “8 of Coins: The Factory.  Skill and mastery.  Tedious, repetitive labour.  Slow and methodical progress."

I'm enjoying the “8 of Coins" visit because I know that I'm making progress on balancing and keeping my chakras balanced and that this requires much focus and attention--and surprisingly I'm doing just that.  I'm quite proud of myself but know very well that my focus and attention are more to do with being immersed in the universal consciousness and mindset than anything personal that I'm doing.  Universal energy flows through my life.

Through the "consciousness of love" (Chakra For Beginners, David Pond) I'm able gain skill, mastery, and knowledge of my chakras thus bringing them into balance where I am now more in harmony with the universal mindset and bringing much needed change into my life.  Spirit has my back!

Thank You Spirit.


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