So yesterday was a bit of a damp day and although the paperwork I was carrying from door-to-door did get wet it survived, the many downpours we walked through. The days are long as we split the day in two with a three hour gap between the shifts. By the time I get home, eat, and shower, it’s pretty much bedtime. Only a few more shifts to go and we should be done with enumeration.
Just before awaking I was dreaming about towing a trailer with my RV, or at least thinking about whether or not the RV could handle the extra load. In the end it looks like I got good advice about the RVs engine and ended up towing a small trailer for some reason. Why I’d want to tow a trailer is unknown to me but hey it was only a dream after all. Or was it?
Thank You Spirit.
Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is “XI Strength: Directing your passions, rather than suppressing them, is the key. Finding healthy outlets for powerful energies.”
I must search for and find the key to using the energies I have in very positive ways. I need to find out how to access and use wisely this vast powerhouse of energy in the most uplifting, loving, and constructive ways possible so that I become a better person as well as bring about love, peace, and compassion to my surroundings and the people in my life.
Thank You Spirit.
Blessed Be.
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