
Monday, March 18, 2013

3 of Cups - Let Love and Compassion Fill the Day

A rainy Monday is welcoming us to the coming work week.  For some reason I thought I saw a sunny day forecasted for today however the clouds are dark and rain is pelting the windows.  Rain too, is lovely to see.

We spent the day out and about visiting with a friend, having dim sum and then taking in a small production live theatre play.  The food was good and the play was well acted however seeming very similar to another play we saw from this same production company last year.  We had a bonus for the day though as they did a run through of another play, a monologue.  We sat through it but it was very similar to the one we just watched.  But for entertainment it was priced right, $10 per person.

My dreams were quite vivid last night and the only one that stands out was about a low flying playing that was circling around a few times before lifting up and then nose diving into a parking lot.  The parking lot was in Quesnel, I said Pizza Hut however it’s now a sushi restaurant.  I called 911 and then I walked over with people I didn’t know yet seemed to know and as we were walking over to the crash site an old looking fire truck, looked more like an RV drove up to the scene.  As we walked by to find my car that appeared to be a plane but a car, that was hovering above ground, silver in colour and the shape of a plane yet car—very confusing.  But as we walked by the burning wreckage of the plane, my sister noticed that I became invisible as I walked through the shadow of the wrecked plane.  We tested out her idea and sure enough as I walked into the shadow of the burning plane, my body disappeared.  Weird!

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “3 of Cups: A Good Time.  Happy, comfortable times together.  Quiet enjoyment. Celebration.”

I’ll just let this day be and not think too much about how I expect it to unfold.  I’m going to do my best to allow this day to simply “be”.  Yes, I have and schedule to follow however I want the day to be just as it should be.  The day feels like it is already full of love and compassion and the happiness that goes along with them.  And looking outside, the clouds are drifting away and the Sun is attempting to make an appearance as the gray clouds give way to blue sky.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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