
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Spider Full Moon and the Guide of Cups

I was tossing and turning most of the time I laid in bed and I had a hard time finding sleep and seemingly sleep was not washing over me as usual so around 4am I decided to just get up.  I’m glad I did as although I knew it was a Full Moon today I did not realize she would be shining so brightly before me as I glanced out the window this morning.

Seeing the Full Moon filled me with joy, happiness and love and I quickly got into action soaking up the Full Moon rays shining down on me.  I performed an impromptu Full Moon Ritual blessing all of my Tarot Cards, Wands, Pentacle, Crystals, Crystal Ball, Ritual Robe, Smartphone, two tablets, a laptop, and some of my crafting items.  I did this all the while being conscious of the fact that I was sharing not only the Full Moon with a spider but our deck where she took up residence.  Oh, and I also bathed in the rays of the Full Moon soaking up her celestial energy being shared with this morning.

Now I understand why I was having a tough time trying to get back to sleep as the clock ticked away.  I needed to experience the Full Moon and I’m glad I did.  I feel great and as I write this the Moon shines behind me shrouded ever so slightly by the clouds floating across the dark early morning sky.

Thank You Spirit.

Spirit Is and today’s visiting Tarot Card is the “Guide of Cups:  Messages from your heart.  Altruism.”

Spirit has reminded me of the importance of my spirituality and my spiritual pursuits and beliefs.  As my eyes soaked up the Full Moon hanging in the sky before me my mind cleared and I knew then that I’m heading in the right direction with my life.  Spirit has to take more of the centre stage in my life and everything else will fall into place.  And this morning is an example of this.  I heard and heeded the call of the Full Moon and allowed myself to pulled out of my slumber to experience Spirit first hand under the light of this morning’s glowing celestial globe we call the Moon.

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

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