
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fireworks in the Wee Hours

I was slept quite well last night although I awoke several times, one time being when some yahoo or yahoos decided to let a few fireworks off.  At least I thought they were fireworks as I heard the booms and saw the flashes of light.

I awoke again around 7am and decided to get out of bed.  Spirit is strong today and today's visiting Tarot card is the "Guide of Swords".  Over night I sensed a growing knowledge of how my future will impact others and what I need to do so I benefit others during my transition into making crafts for a living as well as transitioning into a mobile, working lifestyle.

Spirit is.

Blessed Be.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Repeating Card of the Day???

Sunday, October 28, 2012.  I slept quite well even with awaking a couple of times.  I think I could have slept longer if I just turned over and relaxed but I instead decided to and did get out of bed.  Last night as I was using the bathroom sometime around 8pm I noticed the towels were swaying or swinging back and forth and my immediate thought was Spirit, then perhaps a strong wind, or a small earthquake.  As it turns out an earthquake struck off the northern coast of the province at a magnitude of 7.7.  Were the swinging towels a result of this or Spirit or perhaps even both?

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot card is a repeat visitor and his message is very important, the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”  I must not give up and I really need to muster up the courage to do what is needed of me, of myself in order to push forward with my dreams however foolish or unrealistic they may appear to be.  They are my dreams, they are tangible, real dreams and I’ve wanted to live out these dreams for a very long time so I mustn’t give up on them or myself.  I can do this.  I am doing this.  I did it!

Thank You Spirit.

Monday, October 29, 2012.  I pretty much slept right through the night, only briefly awaking once when my partner got out of bed and another earlier in my sleep cycle.  I never even had to use the bathroom.  I could have probably slept longer but it was almost 7am so I decide to get up and out of bed.

We had a nice visit with a friend yesterday afternoon and evening and dinner was very good.  It’s a recipe out of the “Memories of Cuba” cookbook that is a combination or ham, bacon, garlic, onion, corn, green pepper, cabbage, and tomatoes either whole, diced or in sauce form.  All of these are combined with salt, pepper, and cooking sherry.  We served it over rice instead of cooking the rice with the rest of the ingredients.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot card is again, the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”  I have to commit myself 110% to the pursuit and realization of my dreams and goals.  My solutions to any problems must be well thought out and committed to in a way that the solution is well executed and done to the best of my abilities.  I must strive for dare I say perfection.  Here I am thinking both about my remodel and repairs to the RV as well as when making my cards and other crafts.  I must be fully involved and paying attention to the tasks at hand, no thought of other things when I must and should be working on one thing at a time.

Thank You Spirit.

I hope I am understanding the importance of the "7 of Wands" appearing now three days in a row and 4 out of the last seven days however I'd like to ask for others, your insight into this just in case I'm missing something.  Your advice, suggestions and what not are greatly appreciated and I sincerely thank you for your comments.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Developing More Courage

I had an odd night of sleep, awaking several times and even staying awake for about an hour or so before communing with Spirit and thus quickly falling back to sleep.

Today's visiting Tarot card is the "7 of Wands".  I must march forward with courage and conviction, that this is what I am meant to do, what I need to do and what I am doing.  I’m an RVing craft’s person and ventriloquist and I blog about my life of being each of these.  Oh and one thing I mustn’t forget is that I’m also a model railroader and. . .

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Enjoying the Highs of My Life

I had a great night's sleep, slept right until the alarm, awoke about two minutes before it sounded.  It felt great to open my eyes that close to 6:30am instead of at 4:45 or 5:30.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot card is “VII The Chariot: Among the highs and lows of life, make sure you enjoy the highs.  At the top of one's game.  Seizing an opportunity.  Having everything under control (barely)".  I’m surprised to see this card however he is very much welcome and a nice reminder that that for the most part I have control of my life and that I have it under control most of the time.  Also though, he is reminding me to enjoy this “high” time in my life so I’ll do my best to do just that.

Thank You Spirit!

Blessed Be.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Spirit is and today’s (October 24th) visiting Tarot card is the “6 of Swords: Peaceful Recovery.  Serenity and the passage of time help to heal wounds.  Stormy emotions are given time to subside, allowing a plan for a solution to emerge.”  I have stormy emotions quite often and really need to focus on getting my emotions under control.  I also believe that I need to give more time to Spirit through meditation and contemplation.  I need to simply “BE”.

Today’s (October 25th) visiting Tarot card fell away from the deck as they all seem to do these days and today’s card is the “10 of Wands: The Burden.  Responsibilities.  Obligations.  Overcommitting yourself.  Realizing that burdens are a part of life.”  I’m surprised by this card today and when I look at the image on the card I see travel, not easy travel but travel none-the-less.  I have much I want to do but I’m trying to organize myself in some way so I am working on my cards more than anything else while at the same trying to get my RV home up and running so she is ready to go when I feel the urge to strike out on my own which is always with me in one way or another. 

Thank You Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ideals and Success

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot card is a repeat visitor from just a few days ago, the “7 of Wands.

The appearance of this card three times in the last few days gives me pause for thought.  Am I being too idealistic and unrealistic in my pursuit of an RVing and independent lifestyle (making handcrafted greeting cards and selling them on the road)?  Is this idea of mine to set off on the road unachievable?  Or is it that even though I’m more of an idealist than a realist that I will succeed in my pursuit of life, travel, and work in and from an RV?  The card features a struggle but also winning against the odds but not without confrontation.  This confrontation may only be within myself or it may be with family and friends or just a confrontation with societal pressures and my desires.

Either way I feel it is important for me to forward with the pursuit of my dreams and aspirations with this reminder that I need to be realistic about the struggles ahead and that the road may not be easy but at the same time the road is passable and continues on well into the future.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot card is “XXI The World: Life can be a heavy burden or a joyful one, it is mostly up to you.  Transcending your circumstances by changing them, or accepting what can’t be changed.”  Wow, this is a pretty darned direct reply to the concerns I’ve been having about my future plans and goals.  I need to get more spiritual for one and move forward.  I can, will, am transcending and changing my circumstances as well as accepting that that which cannot be changed.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

La Bohème

I slept very well last night.  We got into bed around 11:45pm after getting home from enjoying a wonderful performance of La Bohème that was put on by the Vancouver Opera.  As the performers set their voices free and serenaded us with their songs that were fueled by the orchestra we were whisked away, back in time to 19th century Paris, France.  As each song gave way to another, the stage, the theatre gave way to the streets, sounds and life of Paris and Puccini who wrote the opera.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot card is “VIII Justice: Even today, gays can be the victims of "justice".  An unfair judgement.  Being too judgemental or righteous.  Feeling restricted by others' expectations.”    This morning the last statement is what stands out most for me; “feeling restricted by others’ expectations” as I really want to try and pursue my own way of earning a living without having to resort getting a job and working for someone else.  I want to work for me and cease working for others and at the same time trying to fit into that mold that I just do not want to squeeze myself into.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

Grace and Peace to You.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Getting Better At This

I'm learning the ropes around blogging and increasing the frequency of my posts. This medium is a wonderful way for me to grow Spiritually and to share my thoughts with those who find this my blog. Thank you to all of you who stop by and read. I really appreciate it.

Yesterday's visiting Tarot card is "XIX The Sun; ordinary moments in life are the best because they just are, they come to be and are more satisfying than anything else in the world because they come without expectations and end up being so wonderful. Ordinariness breeds optimism and doing the best you can and doing the best you can often leads to a job well done. And there is nothing wrong with things being familiar either. Familiarity is comforting and stress relieving.

Today's visiting Tarot card is "IX The Hermit; thank you “Hermit” for visiting me again to remind me that I need to escape “things” that are too close to me in order for me to fully understand them.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Two Cards Two Messages

Had a great night's sleep.  After two nights of awaking to worry it was night to just sleep and not even realize that I was sleeping.

Spirit is and today I'm being visited again by two cards, the first being the 2 of Cups and the second being the 7 of Wands.  I need to have a conversation with myself and look at my options more realistically than I have been.  I will then be able to make a more well informed decision about my plans, my future plans, goals, and desires and overcome the odds that are against me, that is if there are any other than those I impose upon myself.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Winning Against the Odds

Awaking in the middle of the night and then keeping myself awake fretting and worrying over little things that should not really matter all that much.  I'm working on a "project" and I go to thinking about how to proceed with it today.  There is nothing there to worry about but the wheels kept turning in my head.  Going through different scenarios and approaches when again there is nothing for me to worry about as the project is moving along quite well.

Worry gets me nowhere.

However, Spirit always is and today's visiting Tarot card is the "7 of Wands"

Thanks for stopping by.

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tarot Cards Reflections of Life

The wind has died down and the rain will hold off for another day.  Fall weather has finally arrived.  I quite enjoy the weather really no matter if it is rainy, windy, snowy, cold, warm, hot, or sunny as the weather is what it should be and we should appreciate it no matter what.

Spirit is.  Thank You Spirit.

Yesterday's visiting Tarot card was "XIX The Sun" and what a great card for the day as I enjoyed the ordinariness of the day, was content with what I was doing, full of optimism and satisfied by the work I was doing.  Life is good.

Today's visiting Tarot card is the "9 of Swords" and is quite the reflection of my poor night's sleep of worry, anxiety and self-imposed stress.  However, this morning as I got on with my day, working with Spirit and Tarot, gathering a few of the handcrafted cards I made, and getting ready to go out this morning confidence and optimism returned to me.

I walked out the door feeling quite good and returned home feeling even better.  I was happy with myself as the walk in the cool fall air cleansed my mind and soul.

Thanks for reading.

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Regrets Over Past Actions

The rains and winds are in full force today.  The skies are gray and the windows are being pelted by the wind driven rain.  It is cool yet warm.

Today's visiting Tarot card is the 5 of Cups, hence the title of the post.  This card likely came as a result of my feelings that came out as we watched "Closer".  The movie provided me with a lot of food for thought and turned my mind toward my past actions and inactions and the regrets I have because of them.  

However, I am not saddened by this as I understand that such experiences and our reflections on our experiences help to move us forward in a more positive and enduring light.  I feel enlightened by having watched this movie and slept on my feelings it brought to the surface.  My mind is clear and my path forward is now in the light and much easier to see and follow.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Seeing Two Sides

The rain has returned to Vancouver and oddly enough it is nice to see.  Traffic was a bit horrendous yesterday but other than that the day was a positive one.

Spirit is and today's visiting Tarot card is "VI The Lovers" and relationship is prominent as is a desire to travel, work and play from the comfort of an RV.

Energy is healthy and positive and all is going well in our world.

Blessed Be.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Skipped A Day

Although, I am currently in-between jobs I seem to be too busy to blog these days just as I was while working and so skipped a day of posting yet again.  I will not beat myself up over this as things are what they are and I move along.

Spirit is and Energy abounds.

Yesterday, I was visited by "XX Beyond Judgement" as it flipped out the deck during my process of shuffling.

Today's visiting card flipped within the deck and is "I The Magician".  I am trying to create the life I want, the life I see for myself and as I do this I am sometimes going in many different directions all at the same time.  So I need to step back and focus on one goal at a time so I can live my life, my way, to the beat of my own drummer, to the beat of my own drum.  Using my creativity, I think is key.  Also, all the while, I know without a doubt this is the best approach as it will benefit others as much if not more than it benefits me.

Grace and Peace to you.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Slowly But Surely

I'm still lagging behind in my attempts to make daily posts but I will continue to strive toward this goal of mine.

Spirit is.  Energy abounds.  Life is.

Visiting Tarot Cards since my last post are:

Monday, October 8th - O The Fool and the Guide of Swords (they both fell away from the deck)
Tuesday, October 9th - V The Priest

and today's visiting Tarot cards are the 8 of Wands and the Guide of Coins; movement and enjoying the ordinariness of life that is all around us.  Spirit, energy, magick are just every day occurrences in the lives who believe. . .

Blessed Be.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I'm doing my best to blog everyday but continue to struggle with doing so however here is another post I hope everyone can appreciate and enjoy.

Being.  I write that as my title as that is exactly what was happening this morning as I awoke and got started with my day,  I plain and simply put just "was".  I do my best to describe my state but dare not go into too much detail as I find describing the experience truly takes away from what it is to me.  I much rather "be".

The last few days have seen the following Tarot card visitors:

Friday, October 5th - Sage of Coins
Saturday, October 6th - 6 of Coins

and today's visiting Tarot card is the Man of Cups.

Blessed Be.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

3 of Coins

Awoke very early this morning.  When I first awoke and thought I was awake enough to get out of bed it was just shortly after 1am, way too early to be getting up.  So I did my best to allow sleep to wash over and tossed and turned and dozed until 5:30 where I decided that it was time to hop out of bed.

Spirit is and today's visiting Tarot card is the 3 of Coins, the third visit over the past what is it, fourteen days, the second visit only being four days ago.  Bu the card is welcome as they all are and yes, a positive environment is shaping up in my life and depending on how I want to interpret the card the work I'm doing such as making cards or remodeling my RV is being done more for the benefit of others rather than my own.

I'm happy with the last couple of weeks and today is more of the same and confirmation for me that I'm on the right track.

Thank you Spirit.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another Repeat Card

Had a so-so night's sleep and awoke too early with the alarm going off at 6:30am, an early shift for my partner.

Today's visiting Tarot card is the 9 of Cups again, not often that I am visited by the same card two days in a row but I always welcome whichever card decides to visit me.  I was surprised though by this card but also feel that the underlying current or energy in life is very much that which the 9 of Cups represents.

Serendipity, Satisfaction, Feeling Good. . .
. . . Thank You Spirit!

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Serendipity and Quite Relaxed

Although, I am now among the ranks of the unemployed I am finding that I'm not as worried as I thought I would be at the prospect of not having a decent paying job.  I'm quite relaxed and in good spirits.  I feel good after my first day of being unemployed as I cleaned up a bit and have my craft table better organized and shape enough for me to get crafting.  But that will not happen for a day or two as I have other projects on my plate that need my attention first.

Today's visiting Tarot card is the 9 of Cups, a fitting card for the day I've awoken to as well as the mood I'm in.  Thank you Spirit.

Monday, October 1, 2012

My Day Job Has Officially Come to an End

After a couple of hours this morning awaiting the final clean-out of the office where I used to work, my job is done.  I officially unemployed yet self-employment is at fingertips.

Spirit is strong and comforting these days and worry is not around me.

Since September 15th, these are the Tarot cards that have paid me a visit.:

Sunday, September 16th -  7 of Cups
Monday, September 17th - Sage of Coins
Tuesday, September 18th - 5 of Cups
Wednesday, September 19th - Youth of Swords and 5 of Cups
Thursday, September 20th - 2 of Wands
Friday, September 21st - Guide of Swords
Saturday, September 22nd - 2 of Coins
Sunday, September 23rd - 4 of Swords
Monday, September 24th - 6 of Coins
Tuesday, September 25th - 3 of Coins
Wednesday, September 26th - XI Strength
Thursday, September 27th - Guide of Swords
Friday, September 28th - IX The Hermit
Saturday, September 29th - 3 of Cups
Sunday, September 30th - 3 of Coins

and today's visiting Tarot card is the 4 of Swords and fittingly, I've been resting and not thinking of a project I've been working on quite frequently through the month of September.  Tomorrow will be my first visit to this project in almost a week.  Fresh eyes should give me a fresh look at this project and help steer the way for me to see it through to completion