
Monday, October 29, 2012

Repeating Card of the Day???

Sunday, October 28, 2012.  I slept quite well even with awaking a couple of times.  I think I could have slept longer if I just turned over and relaxed but I instead decided to and did get out of bed.  Last night as I was using the bathroom sometime around 8pm I noticed the towels were swaying or swinging back and forth and my immediate thought was Spirit, then perhaps a strong wind, or a small earthquake.  As it turns out an earthquake struck off the northern coast of the province at a magnitude of 7.7.  Were the swinging towels a result of this or Spirit or perhaps even both?

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot card is a repeat visitor and his message is very important, the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”  I must not give up and I really need to muster up the courage to do what is needed of me, of myself in order to push forward with my dreams however foolish or unrealistic they may appear to be.  They are my dreams, they are tangible, real dreams and I’ve wanted to live out these dreams for a very long time so I mustn’t give up on them or myself.  I can do this.  I am doing this.  I did it!

Thank You Spirit.

Monday, October 29, 2012.  I pretty much slept right through the night, only briefly awaking once when my partner got out of bed and another earlier in my sleep cycle.  I never even had to use the bathroom.  I could have probably slept longer but it was almost 7am so I decide to get up and out of bed.

We had a nice visit with a friend yesterday afternoon and evening and dinner was very good.  It’s a recipe out of the “Memories of Cuba” cookbook that is a combination or ham, bacon, garlic, onion, corn, green pepper, cabbage, and tomatoes either whole, diced or in sauce form.  All of these are combined with salt, pepper, and cooking sherry.  We served it over rice instead of cooking the rice with the rest of the ingredients.

Spirit is and today’s visiting Tarot card is again, the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”  I have to commit myself 110% to the pursuit and realization of my dreams and goals.  My solutions to any problems must be well thought out and committed to in a way that the solution is well executed and done to the best of my abilities.  I must strive for dare I say perfection.  Here I am thinking both about my remodel and repairs to the RV as well as when making my cards and other crafts.  I must be fully involved and paying attention to the tasks at hand, no thought of other things when I must and should be working on one thing at a time.

Thank You Spirit.

I hope I am understanding the importance of the "7 of Wands" appearing now three days in a row and 4 out of the last seven days however I'd like to ask for others, your insight into this just in case I'm missing something.  Your advice, suggestions and what not are greatly appreciated and I sincerely thank you for your comments.

Blessed Be.

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