
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tarot Decks Under the Full Moon (Wind Moon)

Last night during the Full Moon, the Wind Moon, I took three of my decks of tarot cards outside to be energized by the Full Moon.  The night was windy and cool but not uncomfortable.  I held each of the decks individually in my hands and said a small blessing as well as give thanks for having the cards in my life as well as to the divine conscious for blessing them with the energy of the cosmos.

It felt great holding the unwrapped decks in my hands and the night was electrifying.  Each deck will have its own purpose and place and I will do my best to work with them and Tarot so that my knowledge and interpretation of the cards only grows stronger and more intuitive as well as being beneficial for all of humankind.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Crystal Ball Gazing, Beginner's Guide to Mediumship, and Tarot for Writers

The other day I ordered a few books from  I am increasingly finding myself on a path that I was avoiding in some respects because I never thought it to be feasible path for me to take but these past few days more like weeks have seen this path take on more importance and prominence in my day to day activities so I am going to dabble in it to see where it leads.  The books I purchased are: Crystal Ball Gazing, Beginner's Guide to Mediumship, and Tarot for Writers.

Some time last year I visited a store called Millennium at a local mall and I was drawn to a crystal ball and stand on display.  I resisted the urge to buy it on the spot vowing to think about it and return should I feel it was a wise purchase.  A couple of weeks ago, my partner and I were at the mall so I decided to take another look at the crystal ball only to discover that the store was closed and out of business.  I have searched online since then looking for a similar crystal ball and stand but cannot find it anywhere.  Sacred Mists has similar items but nothing that speaks to me.  The crystal ball stand was I think made from a resin.  The crystal ball was cradled by hands and the energy emanating from this ball and stand was very powerful.  But, alas I no longer know where to look for or find this exact crystal ball and stand.  I am at a loss as where to look, what to do, or how I should proceed as I really believe that this particular ball and stand are the best fit for me and I do not want second best so-to-speak.

I've had dreams where I was reading tarot cards and gazing into my crystal ball while traveling around the continent in my trust RV, Ms. Lucille/Esmeralda.  I feel a strong connection to the divine cosmos and myself through working with the Tarot and eventually crystal ball gazing.  I have been fascinated with these areas since I was a child and so I will continue gaining knowledge and wisdom in these areas as they are one of my biggest passions.  Making handcrafted greeting cards is somewhat of a passion as well but not nearly as strong as the occult so making cards will be my job, an enjoyable one at least and tarot, crystal ball gazing, and mediumship will remain my passions.

Tonight is a full moon so I will unpackage all of my Tarot decks and connect with each of the decks for short time throughout the evening.  The 2010 Witches' Calendar calls tonight's full moon, the Wind Moon and according to that website:

"This is a good time to work on magic related to new beginnings. Looking to bring new love into your life, or conceive or adopt a child? This is the time to do those workings. It's the time to stop planning, and start doing. Take all those ideas you've had brewing for the past couple of months, and make them come to fruition. "

So I will stop planning and start doing.  I will finally consummate my relationship with the Tarot.

Friday, April 23, 2010

XII The Hanged Man

Today's card, XII The Hanged Man is well-suited for today as it reflects my mindset today and the fact that I am at a cross-roads so-to-speak.  I am deciding to embark on a new path although, realistically speaking it is not so new but more of truer following of the path I'm already on.

Transition, sacrifice leading to fulfillment.  But for me it is more about being a wake up call to get off my butt and truly practice what I preach.  I'm talking the talk if you will but not going that one step further and walking that talk as this card also warns about personal stagnation and resistance to change.

I must truly put my priorities in order and begin to truly pursue this path I set out on so many, many years ago.  I need to dive in head first and allow myself the joy and pleasure of experiencing life for what it truly is.  I will let you know how I make out as I will do my best to post daily the happenings of my metaphysical/spiritual pursuits.

Last night I was awoken several times by movement about the condo.  Although, I saw no physical presence to be alarmed about there was definitely activity going on about the condo while we slept.  I am certain now that I have reflected on this that we had immense spiritual activity taking place in our condo last night.  After getting out of bed this morning I could definitely feel some residual energy about the place that was not there the night before.  Nothing to be alarmed about but rather something to take notice of and pay attention to when it happens again and happen it will.

As I think I mentioned before I own four tarot decks and have only opened and used one deck - the Thoth Tarot Deck: Ordo Templi Orientis deck by Aleister Crowley so my mission moving forward is to use each and every deck.  I love the history and symbolism of the Tarot as well as feel a strong connection to it so I need to do these decks justice and crack open the three remaining decks and let them communicate and work with me as they want and I want them to.

For some time I felt reluctant to use the decks at home but this feeling has subsided and has since been replaced with the energy and knowledge that the time to use them is right and is now rather than later.  I am ready to start and tonight may be just the time to open up one of those decks and allow the cards and the energy they offer make their presence felt in our home. . .

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands - I must keep my feet planted firmly on the ground.  I need to ensure that my goals, ideas, and dreams are solid and achievable and not just pie-in-the-sky pipe dreams or I will surely encounter disappointment and depression if I pursue an unrealistic dream or goal.  I must also make sure that I do not take any unnecessary risks.  From the book I see that I need to believe in myself and be not afraid to take the lead.  Also, I can expect to receive answers when I discuss things out with friends/lovers.  I am also encouraged to write letters, make calls, and send faxes.  Dare to dream. . .

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trust and Faith in One's Self

I realize that it has been some while since I posted here and I do apologize for that but it is not because I have forgotten about this blog but rather life getting in the way.  Not that life really gets in the way but rather that I have too many things on my plate to be able to manage them all well.  I have had experiences with the Tarot between my last entry and this one but I do believe that I failed to record the cards chosen on any of the days where I may have in fact been in communications with the Tarot.

Today though, the Ten of Cups came out of my mouth as I was coming to sit down and do an entry so today's card then is the Ten of Cups.  Having this card come to mind feels very good and upon reading the brief description of the card I do indeed confirm my good feelings about the day.  Yes, I still read the descriptions as I am still learning to feel, live, and know the cards as a part of me.

The Ten of Cups represents achievement, commitment, and good marriage with just a hint of tenseness in relationships and disruption thrown in to spice things up a bit.  I cannot relate to the unhappiness that can also be represented by this card because overall I am not a truly unhappy kind of guy, not today at least.

I am not sure what to make of the idea that has come to mind lately about quitting my job but I somehow feel that this is related to the direction my life is supposed to be taking these days.  Back when I was younger doing such a thing would be an easy undertaking but today however, I feel a bit uneasy about taking such a risk.  But when I think about the risk I would be taking I hear a little voice in the back of mind telling me to trust myself and to have faith in my abilities to support myself with or through my own resources.  I look at myself and I see that yes I do have things going for me but it is the fear of taking that first step that is holding me back from up and quitting a secure job.

Trust and faith are what I need to believe in myself and my abilities. . . I can do this. . .

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wicca, Tarot, Metaphysics, and even Christianity

Monday, April 6, 2010 Tarot Card of the Day is the Three of Cups – abundance, celebration, creativity and also potential for selfishness and relationship problems.

Wednesday, April 8, 2010 Tarot Card of the Day is XIV Art - unification of opposites, balance; inner change, transformation, alchemy, a quantum leap; creative power.  Also from Rider-Waite XIV Temperance - self assurance, capability, and harmony but also could denote discord and impatience.

As I continue to work with Tarot I am moving forward with fulfilling many of my dreams and goals.  This journey began many years ago and has been a journey of reckoning for me if you will.  I have had to delve into my deepest consciousness and learn my true identity and deal with things that I never thought I would have to deal with but I have survived.

Wicca, Tarot, Metaphysics, and even Christianity for that matter have all played a role in my successful journey to this point in time and I am sure will continue to play a role as I move forward with my life anew.

As I reflect on my journey I gain a better understanding of where I have been, who I was, where I am going, who I am now, where I will go, and who I will be when I get there.  Although, I must admit that the journey is all encompassing and a destination may never come to be.

As I move forward in my life and as I uproot myself from life in a stick and brick home as well as remove myself from stable employment and income I will strive to live and learn and travel the roads of my dreams for as long as the journey will last.  You see I am in the process of transitioning from a "real" home to a home on wheels.  I will be living my life from the comforts of an older but beautiful and trusty little RV I call Ms Lucille or possibly Ms Esmeralda.

For now my destination is unknown.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


As Spring makes its presence known Dandelions are popping up here and there.  Where many see a terrible weed I see a beautiful and under appreciated flower.  I love the bright yellow flower and even the jagged leaves below.  The weather is not perfect for this time of year but I love each day the same whether the sun is shining or the sky is filled with clouds and rain.  Each day is a wonderful blessing.

Today the Tarot card that revealed itself to me is from the Major Arcana and is the number 5 card, the Hierophant in the Crowley deck or The Pope in the Rider-Waite Deck.

Crowley describes the cards as divine wisdom, inspiration, stubborn strength, toil, endurance, persistence, teaching, help from superiors, patience, organization, peace, goodness of heart, and occult force voluntarily invoked.

From the Collins Gem book "Tarot" the key themes are conformity and good counsel.

Last night I was also thinking about my first cautious approach into Wicca.  Not long after I started my job in 1999 one of the people I worked with discovered my interest in it and soon brought a book for me to borrow that really peaked my interest in this alternative spiritual realm.  The book I still have as the person that lent it to me was let go from the company, not her fault I might add so the book sits on my shelf ready for me any time I need it.

It is title "Wicca" and was written Vivianne Crowley and published in 1996, follow the link below for more information on the book:

Wicca by Vivianne Crowley

Soon I purchased another book on Wicca and it was written by Scott Cunningham and what a great find this book was.  It simplified Wicca for me and allowed me to pursue and study it as a Solitary Wiccan:

I then purchased a few more of his books as well:

Great simple books to read and follow.  And of course, you can also go it alone using these as reference guides much the way I did it myself.

Then my spirituality evolved and now I blend many different spiritual paths into my own form of practice and study and my life is much the better for it.

May you be filled with much success in your pursuit of your own spiritual needs.

Until next time I wish you well and may all enjoy the weekend ahead!