
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trust and Faith in One's Self

I realize that it has been some while since I posted here and I do apologize for that but it is not because I have forgotten about this blog but rather life getting in the way.  Not that life really gets in the way but rather that I have too many things on my plate to be able to manage them all well.  I have had experiences with the Tarot between my last entry and this one but I do believe that I failed to record the cards chosen on any of the days where I may have in fact been in communications with the Tarot.

Today though, the Ten of Cups came out of my mouth as I was coming to sit down and do an entry so today's card then is the Ten of Cups.  Having this card come to mind feels very good and upon reading the brief description of the card I do indeed confirm my good feelings about the day.  Yes, I still read the descriptions as I am still learning to feel, live, and know the cards as a part of me.

The Ten of Cups represents achievement, commitment, and good marriage with just a hint of tenseness in relationships and disruption thrown in to spice things up a bit.  I cannot relate to the unhappiness that can also be represented by this card because overall I am not a truly unhappy kind of guy, not today at least.

I am not sure what to make of the idea that has come to mind lately about quitting my job but I somehow feel that this is related to the direction my life is supposed to be taking these days.  Back when I was younger doing such a thing would be an easy undertaking but today however, I feel a bit uneasy about taking such a risk.  But when I think about the risk I would be taking I hear a little voice in the back of mind telling me to trust myself and to have faith in my abilities to support myself with or through my own resources.  I look at myself and I see that yes I do have things going for me but it is the fear of taking that first step that is holding me back from up and quitting a secure job.

Trust and faith are what I need to believe in myself and my abilities. . . I can do this. . .

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