
Friday, April 23, 2010

XII The Hanged Man

Today's card, XII The Hanged Man is well-suited for today as it reflects my mindset today and the fact that I am at a cross-roads so-to-speak.  I am deciding to embark on a new path although, realistically speaking it is not so new but more of truer following of the path I'm already on.

Transition, sacrifice leading to fulfillment.  But for me it is more about being a wake up call to get off my butt and truly practice what I preach.  I'm talking the talk if you will but not going that one step further and walking that talk as this card also warns about personal stagnation and resistance to change.

I must truly put my priorities in order and begin to truly pursue this path I set out on so many, many years ago.  I need to dive in head first and allow myself the joy and pleasure of experiencing life for what it truly is.  I will let you know how I make out as I will do my best to post daily the happenings of my metaphysical/spiritual pursuits.

Last night I was awoken several times by movement about the condo.  Although, I saw no physical presence to be alarmed about there was definitely activity going on about the condo while we slept.  I am certain now that I have reflected on this that we had immense spiritual activity taking place in our condo last night.  After getting out of bed this morning I could definitely feel some residual energy about the place that was not there the night before.  Nothing to be alarmed about but rather something to take notice of and pay attention to when it happens again and happen it will.

As I think I mentioned before I own four tarot decks and have only opened and used one deck - the Thoth Tarot Deck: Ordo Templi Orientis deck by Aleister Crowley so my mission moving forward is to use each and every deck.  I love the history and symbolism of the Tarot as well as feel a strong connection to it so I need to do these decks justice and crack open the three remaining decks and let them communicate and work with me as they want and I want them to.

For some time I felt reluctant to use the decks at home but this feeling has subsided and has since been replaced with the energy and knowledge that the time to use them is right and is now rather than later.  I am ready to start and tonight may be just the time to open up one of those decks and allow the cards and the energy they offer make their presence felt in our home. . .

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