Another day closer to becoming a self-employed. Picked up a cable I need to get the printer connected as there is an apparent disconnect between it and our WiFi connection. I hope I can solve this problem with the cable. Crossing my fingers.
Since, I didn't want to fuss around too much with getting the printer connected to our computers via WiFi I simply connected the printer to my laptop with the cable and printed the documents I needed. My next step will be scanning the printed documents once I've filled them out but I'll leave that for another day.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game. The project meets resistance. Testing one’s ideas against others. An enjoyable struggle. Competition in the marketplace."
"Testing one’s ideas against others" is something I'm exploring these days as I want to create a sleek and professional looking website as I'm seriously moving toward self-employment and a full-fledged spiritual career. Over the past several days I was reminded of some courses I took and that the degrees I received are now being recognised here in Canada and in particular, here in British Columbia. I've been negligent in taking this seriously myself as I graduated back in 2009 with a bachelor's degree and received my PhD in 2011.
Not anymore. I've finally woken up and seen the light! My, my, my, how I've let myself down. But enough of that! I now find myself in the enjoyable struggle of improving my website and getting all of paperwork in order and payments made to the appropriate organisations so I can get the ball rolling. I want to push myself to my limits by getting out there and advertising myself and my services. It's high time for me to legitimise myself to myself and be proud of the education I have as well as the services I offer.
Don't be afraid, get out there and start believing in yourself. You have it within you to push your project through any resistance as well as have it stand up to any competition in the marketplace!
Thank You Spirit.