
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The "5 of Wands" and Keeping a Smile on Your Face as You Push Ahead

Another day closer to becoming a self-employed.  Picked up a cable I need to get the printer connected as there is an apparent disconnect between it and our WiFi connection.  I hope I can solve this problem with the cable.  Crossing my fingers.

Since, I didn't want to fuss around too much with getting the printer connected to our computers via WiFi I simply connected the printer to my laptop with the cable and printed the documents I needed.  My next step will be scanning the printed documents once I've filled them out but I'll leave that for another day.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “5 of Wands: The Hockey Game.  The project meets resistance.  Testing one’s ideas against others.  An enjoyable struggle.  Competition in the marketplace."
"Testing one’s ideas against others" is something I'm exploring these days as I want to create a sleek and professional looking website as I'm seriously moving toward self-employment and a full-fledged spiritual career.  Over the past several days I was reminded of some courses I took and that the degrees I received are now being recognised here in Canada and in particular, here in British Columbia.  I've been negligent in taking this seriously myself as I graduated back in 2009 with a bachelor's degree and received my PhD in 2011.

Not anymore.  I've finally woken up and seen the light!  My, my, my, how I've let myself down.  But enough of that!  I now find myself in the enjoyable struggle of improving my website and getting all of paperwork in order and payments made to the appropriate organisations so I can get the ball rolling.  I want to push myself to my limits by getting out there and advertising myself and my services.  It's high time for me to legitimise myself to myself and be proud of the education I have as well as the services I offer.

Don't be afraid, get out there and start believing in yourself.  You have it within you to push your project through any resistance as well as have it stand up to any competition in the marketplace!

Thank You Spirit.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The "2 of Coins" and Stretching Our Energy Into the Spiritual Realm

Slept a bit better last due to the cooler weather.  We had dinner out with a friend and walked into the restaurant out of the heat of the day but when we left the restaurant we walked out into the unexpected chill of the evening.  Quite the drastic change and bit hard to take.  As it was today, many people were bundled up in heavy jackets.

Dreaming about a re-tooling of my website and my offerings as I work on getting paperwork filled out and payments ready to send in an effort to become part of an organization with members like myself with many resources available to me that will assist me in transitioning from being a paid employee to an independent financially self-supporting individual, and living my dream.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “2 of Coins: Tai Chi.  Flexibility.  “Going with the flow”.  Living in tune with your environment.”
The energy of the “2 of Coins" is encouraging us to attune our energies to that of spirit, of nature, of the cosmos.  We need to reach higher with our spirits to move beyond the limitation of  our humanness.  We need to stretch ourselves beyond our physicalness and peer into the world of spirit, of nature, of the cosmos so that we can see how we can better live in tune with our environment thus creating a better world for all.

Thank You Spirit.

Monday, May 29, 2017

The "2 of Cups" and A Real Understanding of and Love For Our Relationships

A bit of a hot night and tossing and turning because I did not feel cool enough even with the fan blowing coolish air into the bedroom.  But I'll take this summer heat as we had a long cool, wet, gray and snowy winter so a brief spell of heat is fine by me.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “2 of Cups: The Dialogue.  A balanced relationship.  Being able to see things from the other’s perspective.”
The “2 of Cups" is reminding us that relationships are all about love and understanding and that relationships are not a competition or game that we are playing.  Relationships are all about love and respect for one another and doing our best to be open and mindful that the world is full of diversity and diverse opinions and a relationship is no different.  Open, loving and spiritually based communication as in spirit-to-spirit is an important factor in building and strengthening our relationships.  A relationship takes work and effort, an investment of ourselves, of our hearts, minds, bodies and souls but such an investment is worth it and can never be seen as a sacrifice and if you see it as such maybe you need to have a serious conversation with yourself first.

Thank You Spirit.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

"12 the Mirror" and Surrendering Our Wills to Allow Or Souls to Take Flight

We enjoyed a very nice outing yesterday.  We decided to drive up and take a stroll through the Othello Tunnels.  I loved the drive up and could have simply drove all day long as long as there was highway on which we could drive.  The parking lot at the Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park was full and we pulled into one the last official maybe even unofficial parking spots that just happened to be at the trailhead for the Tunnel Loop Trail that is, I think, a 5.3km loop that takes up the side of the mountains and along some amazing vistas where at one point we came upon a bench that I could have sat on for hours to simply soak up the views open before me.  As we neared the end of our hike having passed through the last tunnel or the first tunnel depending on which way you hike we sat on a fallen tree down by the Coquihalla River to yet again soak up the amazing vistas all around us, another place where I could sit for hours simply appreciating the stunning nature that not only surrounds us but that fills every atom of our beings.  Nature is more a part of us than many us realise or appreciate.
And even as we got to the car the amazing views from the parking took hold of me with their spell and I was again mesmerised by the amazing views and feelings that came over me as got ready to leave this magical and mystical place.
And then I was filled with the desire maybe even the need to get out and spend more time in nature somehow and that I also missed my camper van, Serenity or being able to come out and enjoy such experiences in camper van for that matter even the 1992 Ford Okanagan Conversion with over 200,000km that is for sale at dealership out in Maple Ridge...
...Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "12 The Mirror: Patience and prudence are the keywords here, although trust plays a large part in the process of crossing to the island where insights into our own unconscious workings may be revealed.  This process differs from the journey of the Hooded Man, who makes a conscious decision to withdraw and contemplate the universe.  In the Mirror, a surrender of will is required.  Insights may come from dreams and meditations, but now is the time to force the pace or drive on with a plan or desire until you have heard what your soul has to say, and your bruised and wounded spirit has been healed.  Be patient.  Let the journey commence and awaken afresh and full of energy, ready to deal with the world and the challenges it raises."

We wrap ourselves in a cocoon to let a metamorphosis to occur where we surrender ourselves, our wills over, so that our souls, the very nature of who we is revealed, filled with fresh insights, ancient knowledge and wisdom that is as is timeless as is Spirit that will give us the energy needed as we re-awaken to the world with fresh eyes and a new way to see and deal with this world.

Thank You Spirit.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

The "Six of Bows" and Freely Sharing the Abundance the Universe Bestows on Us with Others

A night of odd sleep.  For a spell, I was wide awake, around 3:30, I think it was.  I was a bit nervous about being so wide awake so early however, I shifted my thoughts to the new possibilities in my life and the next thing I know it's pushing onto 7:00am so I slipped out of bed and here I am.  Fully embraced by the morning, the new day and a Wildwood Tarot Card to have a conversation with.

Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is the "Six of Bows, Abundance: The Wheel turns and the time to enjoy the fruits and rewards of the summer season has arrived.  Patience acknowledges the plentiful bounty which delivers gifts and rewards for your efforts.  Now is the time to allow this generous feeling of well-being to flow freely through and around you, and to enjoy the pleasures and sustenance these healing and revitalising gifts can offer.  Sometimes, after a period of stress and hard struggle, the process of healthy relaxation is vital to re-arm and re-energise the spirit in preparation for the challenges of the coming winter.  The joy of sharing and gifting your own abundance with others is also a natural part of the process and brings its own inner peace and satisfaction.  Your gifts to others will bring solace during the coming seasons and remind everyone that the Wheel continues to turn on its inevitable and stoical journey.  Give thanks and accept the blessings of the changes that occur in life at this time.  We share the bounty of the forest and commune with the Wildwood denizens in our everyday life."
I accept and am more the willing to share with others the plentiful bounty and generous feelings of well-being that are flowing into and out of my life during this time.  My gratitude to the universe is overflowing and a thousand and one and more "Thank You's" flow from my lips, heart, soul and spirit.  I hope others feel my gifts of love and good-will and that their lives are forever changed for the better because of what I freely and unconditionally share with them as the universe has shared with me.

Thank You Spirit.

Friday, May 26, 2017

"VIII Justice" and Being Aware of How Judgemental I Am

The work week has come to an end.  Whew!  Did not want to be at work at all this week.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “VIII Justice: Even today, gays can be the victims of “justice”.  An unfair judgment.  Being too judgemental or righteous.  Feeling restricted by others’ expectations.”
Traffic congestion is my nemesis and was it ever wreaking havoc on my sanity and good mood today.  Then I started to become judgemental about people's driving...did it several times luckily, however, I caught myself.  Caught myself in time to pull myself back from a maelstrom of anger and angry unnecessary words.  Most days I'm fairly relaxed but every once in awhile I get caught in a bout of angry driving.  Thankfully, I regain my composure quickly and apologise as best I can by sending out loving and positive energy...Spirit at work within me.

I need to spend more time meditating and being one with all that is, was and always ever will be.  I need to do a better job of letting my spirit be in control and lead the way.

Thank You Spirit.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The "2 of Coins" and Riding the Wave of Good Vibes

The short work week is close to coming to an end and I so happy that it is.  I look forward to thoroughly reading an email I received yesterday as it may be provide me with the resources and means to finally and fully transition from the job to my spiritual career as a Tarot Intuitive albeit in a step-by-step process.  I think this might have been on my mind last night as well as I vaguely recall dreaming about a few things that are related to what I gleaned from briefly reading the email last night.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “2 of Coins: Tai Chi.  Flexibility.  “Going with the flow”.  Living in tune with your environment.”
“Going with the flow” and "Living in tune with your environment” are messages I've been hearing a lot over the last twenty odd days since about the evening of the 1st of the month.  So with that I'm "going with the flow" in terms of doing things that feel right, that give that good "gut" feeling, that make me envision the bright, sunny and lazy days of summer, and those long summer evenings...

...May 1st was a day full of commingling, well-balanced energy, and love so it seems.

Thank You Spirit.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The "10 of Cups" and Living My "Ideal" Life

Identifying more and more as a Tarot Intuitive and am getting a bit antsy and  I'm leaning toward jumping into this line of work as soon as I can.  "Big Magic" is flowing through my veins and every atom of my being.  "Big Magic" is the book I'm reading.  Thank you Elizabeth Gilbert for writing this book.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “10 of Cups: The Ideal.  Your secret dreams.  Attainment. Unrealistic, wishful thinking."
My "Ideal" is waking up in the morning, giving thanks for the gift of life, the gift of living, for all that I have; grabbing a Tarot deck; a cup of coffee and then simply "Being" for as many minutes or as much time passes by before Spirit gives me a nudge to start working with Tarot.  After conversing with Tarot for a spell the Tarot Energy of the Day is revealed, then I sit with the card and allow its energy flow through me and fill me with the knowledge, wisdom and information I need for the day.  After contemplating and absorbing this energy I write about it just before receiving the first client of the day around 9:00am.  What a beautiful start to the day!

And what a life!  Reading cards, interacting with someone eager to see what the cards will reveal to them, interacting with Tarot, interacting with Spirit, being a witness to enlightenment and spiritual fulfilment...what a gift and special experience to share with someone.

My secret, yet not-so-secret dreams are coming true!

Thank You Spirit!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017.  

Another weekend, a long weekend at that come and gone.  At least we enjoyed ourselves and the beautiful that has finally arrived.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “XIV Temperance: Mix things up a little.  Combining separate elements to create something new.  Moderation (not too much of each flavour).  Flexibility.”

Monday, May 22, 2017

The "Novice of Wands", Dedicated to the Task at Hand

Many lakes and forests, a whole lot of nature in my dreams last night.  I awoke with the idea or feeling or that I was camping in a tent in a heavily wooded and serene campground.  I had my tent for sleeping and relaxing in as well as one where I had my own private bathroom so I didn't have to resort to using the public washrooms or outhouses for my personal business.  In lieu of using water to shower with I used shower wipes to keep clean while camping for a few days.  And likely since I was thinking about this before slipping into bed the idea of visiting fairs and exhibitions throughout the province also poked around in my mind once in awhile.  As did Edith and Eugene Tokalot, my vent friends.

Also, upon awaking and getting into my morning ritual mode the notion of taking myself and my ideas, dreams, goals and desires seriously also filled my mind.  If I don't these seriously how can I expect others to.  I'm serious about being a Tarot Intuitive.  I know that I have the talent, skills as well as the spirit to slip into this role and be successful at it because I genuinely want to help others better their lives.  Especially for those who see Tarot as a legitimate source of guidance and advice in their lives.

Spirit Is and today's Pagan Tarot Energy is "Novice of Wands: The suit of Wands and its corresponding element, Fire, is passionate and dedicated to the task at hand, so a young man with red hair represents this Novice.  He wears a long orange robe and necklace.  He intently examines a ritual wand.  A small fire burns nearby.  This Novice can be someone of great focus and enthusiasm.  He is ready to take on any endeavour and give one hundred percent.  He runs the risk of recklessness if he doesn't temper his excitement with a  balanced approach."
This morning I find myself full of "great focus and enthusiasm", "ready to take on any endeavour and give one hundred percent" but knowing that I have to temper his (my) excitement with a  balanced approach.  Balance is needed so that I, we do not get into wishful thinking, pie in the sky scenarios.  I need to stay focused and be willing to take the slow and steady approach instead of trying to rush things through to the end so-to-speak.  One step at a time, okay!

This is a great approach, the right approach as I am very open and receptive to an abundance of ideas and creative inspirations so taking things slow and steady will allow me to better evaluate things such as the pros and cons of any new ideas that come my way as well as with my progress in becoming more intimate and knowledgeable about and with Tarot.  A deepening of my connection with and living in the world of spirit is also taking place but again taking things slowly is the best approach where I allow things to happen at their own pace without trying to force them or move them along at the speed I want them to be moving.

Yes, I do have the power of will and Spirit however I also need to recognise and understand when to use my will and when it needs to take a backseat and let the cosmic forces do their thing in my life.

Thank You Spirit.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

"2 The Seer", Becoming One with Nature and Fully Ground by Gaia

We decided to go for a hike this weekend since sunny warm and hot weather has finally arrived so we made a decision of where to go on Friday and executed our plan yesterday morning.  The hike has become a popular one and since we have a fairly casual pace we had to give way to many individuals and groups also taking advantage of the great weather, weather that we haven't seen since the fall.  And after hours of trying to enjoy nature without human sounds and or loud music we arrived at the most popular viewpoint and rest area that everyone stops at, the goal of the hike for many.

Although the views from Dies Vista 10 (see photo below) are great we felt like we were in a busy restaurant or food court and only stopped to regain a bit of energy and enjoy the view before heading off to complete this sometimes gruelling yet enjoyable hike.  Luckily, we found ourselves alone several times and could simply soak up the beauty and energy of nature for awhile before someone came along and broke the spell.  It's an awesome experience to hear not only the silence of nature but also the intimate voices of her as well.  Whether it be from the plants, trees, dirt, birds, insects or the Spirit of Nature herself our time alone and along this trail is an experience we will never forget.  We've got this trail in our sights for a future hike perhaps during a weekday to ensure a better opportunity to be alone on this trail more often than not.
We hiked the Sendero Dies Vistas Trail out at Buntzen Lake.  We've always talked about it but never managed to ever do it for some reason but thankfully yesterday was the day and what an energising and uplifting hike it was.  We were physically tired, exhausted even but spiritually energised and full of life.

Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "2 The Seer: The time has come to focus your power and let it flow through you.  Many dreams or desires related to the creative emotional process are ready to be applied in your day-to-day life and you must give vent to those hidden or suppressed longings.  This may also relate to healing, sexual relationships or partnerships.  Now the manifestation of inner spiritual or esoteric insights into your practical and physical daily life will bring profound rewards and results.  It is a sign of maturity.  The Seer also relates to creative impulses such as art, mechanical skills and crafts, and the joy of bringing pleasure and knowledge to others."
As happened yesterday with "3 The Green Woman", today, "2 The Seer" is again filling me with the energy and desires of nature, of my purpose and the success of pursuing and manifesting my purpose here in the physical realms.  "2 The Seer" is here to help me focus my power and let it flow through me.  Our hike yesterday grounded me with the Earth, cleared my mind and spirit and lifted me to new levels of spiritual understanding and a renewed sense of spiritual belonging and living.

Thank You Spirit.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Let my mind fill with directed thoughts however this ended up being a cause of much interrupted sleep.  I'm okay with this as it is a long weekend after all so I have two more nights to get a better night's rest.

After coming home from the gym yesterday I had some excess energy so instead of simply walking up the stairs to the 5th floor I jogged/ran up the stairs and can say that it felt really good doing that.

Our cat sitting came to end on Thursday night and as much as we miss the cat we do not miss the cat hair that blanketed the apartment during her stay.  What a constant battle it would be to keep the cat hair at bay.  We even brushed the cat.  Of course she is likely shedding more as her winter coat sheds off but much hair.  She brought a great energy to the place that I'm happy to say is still here and helping me to really connect with Spirit and the spiritual realms on a much deeper level.

Spirit Is and today's Wildwood Tarot Energy is "3 The Green Woman: Appearing at a time of rich nurturing and protection, of learning and initiation, when loving and fertile relationships, both human and universal, abound, the Green Woman mediates the sacred sovereignty of the Earth's soul and can show the path to understanding and communion with nature.  But with this blessing comes responsibility.  Remember that this glorious, magnanimous and generous spirit can live through you, radiated by the sacred breath of life and given to others who need guidance and healing.  Learn from the abundant and joyous spirit of the Earth and be at one with the world and your true self."
I'm feeling a real strong and intimate connection and oneness and being one with the Earth and the world.  I feel a real kinship with life, with the flora and fauna, the birds that fly about wherever I may be traveling or even the ants darting about a trail I find myself walking on during a lunch break.  I have a real appreciation for life and for nature, a real sense of belonging and understanding.  I sense internal and subconscious conversations taking place between me and the world, the spirit of life converses with my spirit and fills me with a deep sense of caring and desire to fight for the protection of nature.

I accept my connection with "3 The Green Woman" and all that she represents and offers.  I accept the responsibilities that come from such a connection and relationship and take them as seriously as she does.

Thank You Spirit.

Friday, May 19, 2017

"I The Magician" and Creating Our Own Lives

More spiritually infused dreams and awaking with thoughts of spirit, tarot, and helping others through tarot on my mind.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is "I The Magician: To live fully, one must create a life, not merely react to it.  Creativity.   Ability.  Making something happen.”
"I The Magician" is providing us with energy and direction to really make something happen our lives.  We have at our fingertips the energy to more than create a life, we have the energy to create a life beyond our wildest dreams.  We have within us the power and energy of Spirit, of our spirit to more than create a life, we have the power to create something special for ourselves.  We need to stay focused, with our eyes on the prize, never wavering no matter the detours, difficulties or storms brewing in our lives or around us.  Our lives our own to create so we better get creating instead of allowing others to do it for us.

Thank You Spirit.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"X The Wheel of Life"

Did awake once last night but fell right back into a deep sleep and didn't stir again until the alarm serenaded us from our slumber.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “X The Wheel of Life: If life on the rim makes you dizzy, move to the centre. Awareness of the cycles of life. Equanimity. A change in fortunes. Guidance from your future or past self.”
"Guidance from your future or past self” jumps out at me and my thoughts then turned to my dreams, none of which I can remember but I feel that they do revolve around receiving guidance from some part of myself.  A simple knowing that I have and have to believe.  Not sure of the messaging however it fills me with a sense of optimism.  I awoke feeling good especially since "Tarot Intuitive" was floating through my mind.

So I'm moving closer to the world of spirit and living more spiritually so I have a more purposeful and meaningful life.

Thank You Spirit.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

"VI The Lovers", A Relationship that Truly Defies Description

Another day gone by and another day closer to leaving a job and diving into a passionate career of helping others through Intuitive Tarot.  The job I have is acceptable but it no longer suits me so I'm changing direction.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is "VI The Lovers: A relationship is always a mingling of differences.  A powerful relationship.  Seeing both sides of an issue.  Flexibility.”
Light and dark come to mind as does balance, partnership, communication without words, knowing each other beyond the human level, union while maintaining individuality, a deep sense of understanding each other, sexuality and sensuality beyond the physical.  "VI The Lovers" is like putting the pieces of a puzzle together or adding layer upon layer of paint and creating the perfect painting.  A relationship that is nurturing, satisfying, deep, meaningful that simply cannot be defined, described or labelled with words, it's an experience unto itself, an experience that has to be experienced to be truly understood.  And is really something that only works for the people involved in it for no two relationships are alike and what works in one might not and likely will not work in another.

Thank You Spirit.

Monday, May 15, 2017

The "7 of Wands" and Winning Against the Odds

A new week but a week with new thoughts and feelings about where Spirit is taking me as revealed with the appearance of "XIX The Sun" yesterday.  Just let Spirit be and lead the way as Spirit has good things in store for me is what I'm hearing again today.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “7 of Wands: Fighting the wind.  A Quixotic struggle.  Winning against the odds.  Confrontation.”
Now even though Spirit has good things in store for me I have to prepare and be ready at any time, on a moments notice as Spirit does not work on human time and could want me to drop everything and follow its lead.  Spirit is my source of courage, strength, perseverance, endurance, ideas, thoughts, and desires.

However, when we let our human selves get in the way we are often faced with confrontation and struggle.  This is why it is so important to let our natural selves, our spiritual selves go out and deal with the world we live in.  When we live in the world of spirit we more often than not live a life of wonderful coincidences and much serendipity.

I'll finally take the leap and go for it.  I really need to be me and the “7 of Wands" is letting me know that I'm "Winning against the odds".

Thank You Spirit.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

"XIX The Sun" and Simply Being Ordinary and Content With It

We ran all of our errands yesterday so we have a free day today to relax and do a whole lot of nothing.  But I'm going to do some baking.  I need to get back to using my Stevia sweeteners and reducing my sugar intake as I've been a bit recalcitrant in my efforts over the past year or two.


The software on my laptop has been updating this weekend, including Windows 10 however, it's bee wreaking havoc with the wireless components of my computer.  Specifically with the Realtek WiFi card.  I think I've restored it but some error boxes appear.  I think that Realtek and Windows 10 are having issues with each other because when I looking at the Realtek file folder I noticed that the set-up file is just the icon.  I dug a little deeper into the Realtek folder and found a "restore" feature which for now seems to have re-activated the WiFi card and has since allowed my laptop to connect with our home network.


Since, I've been reading Big Magic as well as getting back to reading Portable Magic, the cobwebs in my mind are clearing out thus giving me more clarity of thought and mind.  My ideal situation that provides me with the most passion and pleasure is to be in constant motion and out in the midst of nature.  I also enjoy talking all matters of Spirit thus a spiritual teaching role is something I wish to explore whether it be through online services or in person is not an issue.  I also enjoy ventriloquism a lot so perhaps I need to get back into having conversations with Edith and Eugene Tokalot the vent figure I got from Axtell Expressions.  And since I thoroughly enjoy being in motion driving in a home on wheels with no destination ever before me, I'd be in 7th Heaven.

So this is and always has been my ideal lifestyle and situation.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “XIX The Sun: The best moments in life are rooted in the ordinary.  Contentment.  Optimism.  Ordinariness.  Satisfaction from a job well done.  Familiarity.”

Doing your own thing is the message I'm receiving today.  Doing my own thing for me is absolutely rooted in the ordinary, at least for me and from my own perspective.  I love to feel content and nothing makes me feel more content than simply driving down the road with all of my possessions in tow and having no place in particular to go.  For me, it's all about the drive and all of the sights and sounds I see along the way.  I don't need and don't want to have a destination I just want to continue driving, driving to see what's around the next bend on the road or over the next crest of the hill.  What splendour will fill my eyes and captivate my soul?

A destination-less journey is my ordinariness and contentment.

What's yours?

Thank You Spirit.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The "2 of Swords", Meditation and Finding Buried Treasures

Slept so very well last night that I awoke earlier than I was expecting to.  Happy to be awake early though as I have more time to myself and time to immerse myself, my spirit into the spiritual realms, our natural spiritual world.  All of this renewed focus and energy I attribute to the Big Magic, the book I purchased at Reflections Books.  I've found the courage and have said "yes" to unburying the treasures buried deep within me.  If I were to hazard a guess as to what they might be as in my truest dreams and passions, my deepest held purpose in life, teaching and writing come to mind as does working and travelling from town to town, city to city.  How do I make this happen?

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “2 of Swords: Meditation.  Closing your eyes to outer circumstances in order to gain perspective or to avoid a decision.  Refusing to act.”
Meditation is the key to unburying those hidden treasures found within.  As I thought about unburying my hidden treasures, the “2 of Swords" floated ever so softly from the deck as I was shuffling it all the way down to the floor.  Meditation is something I can do while sitting out on the deck in the mornings.  I find it very relaxing to sit out in the fresh air as my physical presence seemingly disappears and I feel as though I just "am", if this makes any sense at all.  For me it does, as it's all about the experience and no need to define or label what I'm experiencing with words.

So for me meditation will reveal the hidden treasures I have within me.  What of the “2 of Swords" speaks to you as your today unfolds?

Thank You Spirit.

Friday, May 12, 2017

"XVII The Star" and Living as Spirit

Another night of good sleep with a little bit of sleeplessness.  Today, the last day of a two week period where I was doing the jobs of two people, myself and another service technician.  So as a thank you to myself for surviving these two busy and somewhat stressful weeks I made a stop at Reflections Books during my late lunch break.  I walked out of Reflections with a book, a new deck of tarot cards, and two more crow collectables.  The book, Big Magic was written by Elizabeth Gilbert and the tarot deck, Tarot of the Spirit was created by Pamela and Joyce Eakins.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “XVII The Star: Spirit is Real.  Hope. Serenity.  Clarity.  Having faith in an underlying or overlying spirit.  A dream becomes real.”
Spirit is Real and this includes my spirit, your spirit, everyone's spirit.  Spirit is undeniably real!  Firsthand experience on a daily basis is what I can say whether I'm aware of it or not.  Let your spirit out and give it free reign.  Clarity and faith again based on my experiences of and with Spirit, with my spiritual self and the spiritual world of which we are all a part.

Thank You Spirit.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

"XIV Temperance" and Starting a New Career While Still Working at Another Job

A bit of sleepless night but also a pretty good sleep as I briefly awoke and saw the time a little after 5:00am but the alarm awoke me from my slumber.  A mixture of dreams put me more to sleep or awoke me.  Luckily those nasty job related dreams were brief and quickly booted out of my mind, replaced by dreams of Tarot Cards and sitting in coffee places greeting clients as they sat at my "table".  Imagine that, having a table at a coffee place, well not really but for the time I was there it was certainly my table.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is “XIV Temperance: Mix things up a little.  Combining separate elements to create something new.  Moderation (not too much of each flavour).  Flexibility.”
Go after what you want is the message I'm receiving from “XIV Temperance" today but with a suggestion.  The suggestion being to find a way to transition to a career while keeping a job I  somewhat dislike and quite ambivalent about.  I really do not wish to work there and am now going to aim at leaving the job at the latest in September, giving my notice before my vacation starts.

So how to go about mixing things up a little?  Why, with social media, of course.  And redesigned business cards that are straight to the point and effective in making people take notice of who I am and what I have to offer.  Yes!  Right on!  I ready to go.  I'm taking the leap.

Thank You Spirit.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The "6 of Coins", Discovering and Flexing Our Independence

The 2017 BC Election was much more fun to watch than it was back in 2013.  We stayed up a little past bedtime still not knowing which party was to form government but we had to sleep.  Although, my sleep was quite restless.

Yesterday's Gay Tarot Energy was "XVI Revelation".

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the "6 of Coins: Dependence.  Resentment because of financial dependence on another.  Charity.  An unequal relationship."
To stop being so dependent on others, we must develop a mindset of independence where in no way do we allow our lives to hinge on others in any manner or sort of way.  We must strive to be free and independent in every facet of our lives.  This is not say that we cannot have or be in a relationship but rather that we have to have a certain level of independence and self-reliability so that we can survive on our own if ever faced with such a circumstance.

Thank You Spirit.

Monday, May 8, 2017

The "Guide of Coins"

For about ten days, we'll have a houseguest, her name is Zooey, if I remember correctly, my brother's adopted cat as my brother has taken a vacation.  She's been a bit shy but allowed me to pick her up.  She's not so shy anymore.  She sat on my lap for ten or fifteen minutes after which I was wearing a fur coat, thanks to her.  And so far my allergies are staying in check but I'm going to take some allergy medication before going to bed.

Had some interesting dreams last night.  In one we were parking along a gravel road, that would be my partner, brother, sister and brother-in-law.  My brother's vehicle seemed to be parked there and he may have been having some trouble getting it started.  We were going to park near him but I then parked on the other side of the road near a bridge.  Once parked we exited the vehicle and that's when I noticed that it was parked a bit too close to a small creek running alongside the road so I proceeded to life the car up by the front bumper to move it into a better position.  Somewhere along the way the car was moved somewhere else even though a ditch suddenly appeared by the road so I'm not sure how I had parked the car in the first place.

In the second dream the premier of BC appeared even though she was unwelcome.  She was hoping to convince me that building the Site C dam was okay and was in no way harming the environment/  I was having none of that and was also slightly embarrassed as she showed up even though we were in bed odd!  And besides destroying thousands of hectares of farmland it was wiping out some rare species of flora and fauna found only in BC is going to add likely ten billion dollars to BC's already massive debt that no one seems too concerned about.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Guide of Coins: Seeing the magic in the mundane.  Spiritual fulfillment from nature.  Finding joy in the ordinary.”
Spiritual fulfillment from nature was where it was at for me yesterday.  We walked along the trails and dikes of the Serpentine Wildlife Management Area.  71 hectares of "a mosaic of wetland, riparian, and open field habitats for migratory waterfowl and other wildlife within the Fraser River Delta and Pacific Flyway."  (

What a beautiful area to enjoy a sunny day.  We saw crows, red-winged blackbirds, wrens, geese, mallards, and ducks.  And all of this land sandwiched in triangular form between Highway 99 and the King George Highway.

We continued our nature tour with a visit to OWL as they had an open house this past weekend.  OWL rescues many a bird and reptile with the aim of releasing them back into the wild which cannot always happen as the injuries suffered may require amputations or worse.

So with being out in and with nature my spirit is soothed, cleansed, purified and energized.  I feel quite good and intuitively sense that I'm about to, if I have not already, embark upon a new more spiritually rewarding path.

Thank You Spirit.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The "6 of Coins" and Redirecting Our Energies

We had another evening out enjoying yet another great performance.  This time it was Vancouver Opera's production of Verdi's Otello down at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.  Before dinner we chowed down on some fantastic beef brisket, coleslaw and potato salad at Peckinpah, a barbecue restaurant in Gastown.

Spirit Is and today's great Gay Tarot Energy is the "6 of Coins: Dependence.  Resentment because of financial dependence on another.  Charity.  An unequal relationship."
The "6 of Coins" is warning us against being resentful for that which we have full control, especially, if we are lacking the financial resources of others such as our partners, family members or close friends.  We must instead direct and focus our energies on the fact that we have it within us to be as financially independent as they are for we have the very resources we need at our fingertips.  We need to unleash and set free the self-esteem and self-confidence hiding within us so that we too can gain our own solid financial footing that will allow us to stand on our own two feet and pay our own way!

Don't limit yourself and don't hinder the success that is waiting for you and your to have, you just have to reach for it.  Go on, get to it!

Thank You Spirit.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The "Sage of Wands" and Communicating on a Spiritual Level to Change the World

We had a night out last evening.  We were energised and pumped by a fiery flamenco show, "La Tarara" as put on by Kasandra Flamenco.  She is Canadian and then brought in two male flamenco dancers from Spain and musicians from around the world to round out the performance.  A wonderful and well-received show as the audience leapt out of their seats to give a rousing applause and standing ovation at the end of the show.
Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “Sage of Wands: Wanting to change the world.  Changing your environment by winning others over to your viewpoint.  Critical acclaim.  Politics.”
Today's Energy emanating from the “Sage of Wands" is advising us to help people open up their hearts, minds, bodies and souls to thinking outside the box as well as to be open and receptive to viewpoints other than their own and even those that may even vehemently disagree with.  We need to encourage people to open their minds through their spirits so that they move beyond their way of thinking and can see, hear, and especially listen to what others have to say through the more objective non-judgemental world of spirit.

We must empower people to move beyond human logic, judgement, reaction, and way of seeing things so that they are open to the world of possibilities and new and possibly unlimited ways of thinking and seeing the world.   We need to get them to the world through new eyes, to have them connect with others and world, spirit-to-spirit!

This is how we can change the world not for our own benefit but the benefit of all as we are doing this in the spiritual realms.  If we are drawing all of our dreams, desires, ideas, opinions, attitudes, etc through spirit then our energy is rooted and comes from the cosmic realms where are one with the "All" and where our unique and individual expressions in the world are more pure and universally driven.

So go on and change the world for you are doing so from one spirit to another and for the good of all!

Thank You Spirit.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

An Uplifting Visit to Reflections Bookstore and the "7 of Swords"

So many days without writing.  Went through a bit of an argument and battle with myself but I think the issue is resolved.  I say this because I visited Reflections Bookstore, one of, if not my favourite store in the area and had a very uplifting and energising exchange and experience with the woman behind the counter...she told me that my heart is full of cosmic love and always will be and that we are made up of the same stuff as the stars and are universally connected with a force that always resides within us.  It's beyond words to describe how she made me feel.  Oh, and she gave people star and heart stickers as part of the experience.  Being more involved with Reflections Bookstore is looking like it might be in my near future.  And why did I go to Reflections Bookstore, because I was drawn there today.  And the I picked up Morganite, Amethyst, Zebra Jasper, and Celestite, and a Magnetic Ring.

Spirit Is and today's Gay Tarot Energy is the “7 of Swords: The Messenger.  Carrying your plans through obstacles.  Speed is important.  Someone brings news or a message.  Carelessness.”
"Someone brings news or a message" is right on the money for me as I sure did receive a message I needed to hear at Reflections.  What a great store and what a way to make my day better and somewhat compensate for the stressful time I'm having at the job these days.  My dreams are real, they are here, I am living them.  Therefore, I am a Writer, Spiritual Tarot Intuitive and an RVer just as I have been dreaming about for almost thirty years.

Thank You Spirit.